Anxiety Toolbox: The Complete Fear-Free Plan. Gloria Thomas
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Название: Anxiety Toolbox: The Complete Fear-Free Plan

Автор: Gloria Thomas

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9780007372270


СКАЧАТЬ = no depression, 2–3 = slight depression, 4–6 = moderate depression, 7–8 = marked depression, 9–10 = extremely depressed)

      Different Types of Depression

      There are a number of different types of depression, and a number of causes. Reactive depression can occur in response to a stressful or traumatic event, such as bereavement, a stressful job or a relationship problem. An endogenous depression, in contrast, appears to come on for no apparent reason, which can create a great deal of anxiety to the individual, as he or she never quite knows when it will come on again. Bi-polar depression is another name for manic depression, which appears in the form of extreme mood swings between mania and its opposite, severe depression. Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a seasonal depression that is caused by lack of daylight in the winter, especially around January and February. Another common depressive illness is postnatal depression, which is caused by imbalanced hormones. However, postnatal depression can be psychological as well as clinical, as the mother has to adapt to lifestyle changes as well as the physical changes brought about by motherhood.

      As I mentioned before, a large number of people who experience depression also experience symptoms of anxiety. Anxious feelings make you more alert and jittery, whereas if you suffer from depression you are likely to feel that it is an effort to do anything. Anxiety usually precedes depression. However, when anxiety and depression combine, the symptoms overlap.

      Symptoms of Anxiety/Depression


Feelings of helplessness


Feelings of hopelessness


Up and down feelings – one moment anxious the next low and depressed


Loss of interest in things that you enjoy


Low energy and motivation


Worry about the future


Feeling of being stuck in the present, unable to focus on the future




Difficulty sleeping


Inability to concentrate


      – How often have you experienced anxiety/depression?

      – Not at all/a little/some of the time/a lot of the time/all of the time.

      – Go through the above symptoms and on a level of one to 10 how strongly do you experience these symptoms today?

      CASE STUDY for Anxiety/Depression

       Viviane was a beautiful 19-year-old who moved to London to make her mark on the modelling industry. She had won all manner of beauty competitions in her home county and it was expected that she would have no problem finding an agent. However, when she got to London, she discovered that life was much harder than she’d imagined it would be. The agency that had been recommended to her turned her down and she found it very hard to get accepted anywhere. After each rejection she found her self-esteem becoming lower and lower. Viviane also had never lived away from home, and she began making do with fast food rather than home-cooked food. The worry about being rejected by agencies was taking its toll on her health. She slept badly and quickly slipped into an anxious depression.

       To counter this, I used the anxiety algorithm and the algorithm for depression (see chapter five), both of which worked very well. Viviane and I also worked on her beliefs about herself and she began to learn not to take agency rejections personally and instead see them as simply part and parcel of being a model.

      General Anxiety Disorder

      General Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by consistent, chronic worry. The American Psychiatric Association has described the condition as excessive anxiety and worry occurring for a minimum of six months. It is estimated that between 2 and 5 per cent of the population of the UK suffer from GAD, while in the US it is estimated there are around four million sufferers. GAD affects both men and women, although statistics show that a considerably higher percentage of women suffer the disorder. Genetics can play a part in GAD, though childhood and life experiences seem to be the bigger contributor.

      GAD is a non-specific anxiety, therefore it is not often possible to pinpoint where its roots lie. Excessive worry seems to be present in relation to absolutely everything in life – health, money, job, relationships and even worry about worry itself. With this kind of worry – often referred to as ‘meta’ worry – life becomes distorted with anxieties about everything. Day-to-day concerns, such as turning up on time for appointments or obsessing over something said or done, are often compounded by daily events on the news and events on a global level, such as the terrorist attack at the world trade centre.

      With GAD, worries start internally; the individual starts with negative, limiting and often irrational thoughts about themselves, which develop into an exhausting spiral of negative internal dialogue. Experiences become exaggerated out of all proportion, as the anxiety is always more intense than the situations ever warrant. To make matters worse, not only does the individual with GAD worry about himself or herself, they also worry for their loved ones and anyone else around them.

      GAD, at its extreme, escalates to the extent that it causes crippling distress to the sufferer. It can last for weeks or months and seem never ending. To the worrier, it feels as if there are threatening situations and disasters around every corner. If you experience this sort of anxiety excessively then you are likely to suffer other physical symptoms, such as general aches and pains, headaches, light-headedness, nausea, lack of concentration, memory loss and sleeping difficulties, all of which can then create even more anxiety. Like all anxieties, you can suffer from GAD to varying degrees.

      Symptoms of GAD


Excessive worry about life circumstances


Feeling constantly on edge, restless and irritable


Inability to disengage with object of anxiety