Another Life: Escape to Cornwall with this gripping, emotional, page-turning read. Sara MacDonald
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Like running through sand, she knew that beyond the horizon there was an oasis, a lighted city twinkling and pulsing with life, but somehow her feet could never retain the momentum to reach that place of light and laughter. The days of her life slid by in an effortless rhythm, each day dissolving into the next with little change or interruption, each day forming a pattern, a whole, indivisible except for the tiniest domestic detail.

      Since Josh left home she had started to get up early with Charlie in order to get through her work. Each morning she took Shadow for a walk across the top field and down the coastal path to the small cove. She would watch the sea mist lift to reveal another day, then she would return to the house to cook Charlie’s breakfast, already thinking about the painting waiting in her workroom.

      After hours working, stiff, she would get up from her chair and stretch, lean out of the window perfectly content, and a sudden yearning for something indefinable would swoop, a burning ache, deep in her bones, for something to break the continuity of the measureless days.

      Behind her the faint sound of the soft Canadian drawl had stopped. Her back prickled, the heat of her body felt strange to her. She kept her eyes closed, focusing on the sun blobs behind her eyelids, merging into the soft noises around her and the heady, dizzy smell of flowers.

      What she felt in every nerve of her body and what she determinedly allowed herself to think were horribly diverse. It made her want to run away down the narrow paths dripping with flowers like bright jewels. It felt too bright, too nightmarishly large and foreign and unknown. An unmapped landscape, the geography a language she had never learnt and felt stunned to recognize.

      She opened her eyes when Mark blocked out the sun. He was standing in front of her, not smiling, his expression unreadable as he gazed down upon her. She looked up into his eyes and they were both still, staring at one another. She glimpsed a sudden hesitancy, a fleeting loneliness or vulnerability.

      The strength of emotion that flooded Gabby must have shown in her eyes for Mark smiled suddenly and put out his hand to pull her up from the grass, and somehow, on the narrow paths, where it was necessary to walk close, he forgot to let go of it until they reached the café.

       Chapter 10

      Charlie crossed the yard to the old hay barn where Alan, his farm manager, worked. Once the land had been sold and Gabby started to bring money into the farm he had decided to hire a farm manager to free him from paperwork.

      Up until a few years ago Nell had helped with the accounts, but she had made it plain to Charlie that it was about time he got someone else, and that does not mean Gabby, she had said firmly. Charlie did not blame Nell, it took hours of her time and there was always a last-minute panic. All the same, with Josh gone Gabby had more time on her hands, and if Nell had managed to restore as well as balance the books, he could not see why it would be such a big deal for Gabby to take over Nell’s work.

      However, he had begun to rely on Gabby’s small financial input, which made a difference, so he grudgingly hired Alan. It had been an excellent move. Alan had managed to slice a sizable chunk from their feed bills and he was way ahead of Charlie and Nell when it came to what they could and could not put against tax. Charlie had to admit the man earnt every penny he paid him. Alan came from a farming family himself and he had plenty of sound ideas on farm management. Today, however, his face was serious.

      ‘Look at this, Charlie.’ He picked a bulb from a bag on his desk and held it in the palm of one hand. He gently scratched the surface with a fingernail and the bulb crumbled.

      ‘Shit.’ Charlie picked the bulb up and peered at it. ‘Eel worm. Which field?’

      ‘The two-acre field at Mendely.’

      ‘We stored the bulbs from that field on their own, didn’t we?’

      ‘Yes, b––’

      ‘Thank God for that.’

      ‘Charlie … listen! We stored the bulbs from that field on their own, but, if you remember, the red barn had a hole in the roof, so while it was being fixed we also put the bulbs from the small home field in there.’

      ‘Oh, shit!’ Charlie said again angrily. ‘We’ve lost two bloody fields, then, and that barn will be useless until we’ve disinfected it.’

      ‘It could have been worse, Charlie.’ Alan pointed outside his office where layers of bulbs filled the barn. ‘Matt and I have checked the bulbs in the other barns and as far as we can see everything is fine. If we had to get eel worm, much better it was one of the smaller fields away from the farm.’

      ‘We’ll have to buy in, then, as soon as possible,’ Charlie said. ‘Have you got time to go through the catalogues for main breeders this afternoon?’

      ‘Yes. About three o’clock, before milking? I’ve got the meal rep coming at two-thirty.’

      Charlie turned for the door. ‘Let’s make it three-thirty. It will give me and Matt time to plough up the field at Mendely. See you then. I’ve got my mobile if anything else crops up.’

      Charlie came out of the barn in a bad temper and collared Nell who was feeding the bantams.

      ‘Have you seen Matt, Nell?’

      ‘He’s taken the repaired tractor to the far field, he asked me to tell you.’

      ‘Oh, for heaven’s sake, why couldn’t he just wait until he’d seen me this morning?’

      ‘Charlie, he didn’t know where you were. What’s put you in a foul mood all of a sudden?’

      ‘Eel worm. All the bulbs from Mendely are contaminated, plus we stored the bulbs from the small home field with them, so two whole fields will have to be chucked.’

      Nell sighed. ‘That is bad luck. Did you get that hole mended in the red barn?’

      ‘No!’ Charlie snapped. ‘I haven’t quite got round to that. I can’t be bloody everywhere. Look, Nell, can you get Gabby to go and find Matt and tell him to leave what he’s doing and meet me at Mendely. I want him to plough up the field so I can spray it immediately. Even if he’s got his mobile phone he won’t hear it.’

      Nell sighed and scattered corn in an arc. ‘Gabby isn’t here, she left shortly after you this morning. You can’t have forgotten, surely? She’s gone to Scilly to look at figureheads. I’m sorry, Charlie, but I can’t go either. I’ve got a client collecting a picture in ten minutes.’

      ‘Fine, fine. I’ll go myself. Obviously I’m a one-man band around here. Why Gabby has to go swanning off on a weekday is beyond me.’

      ‘Charlie,’ Nell said quietly, ‘come on, eel worm is serious, but you’ve caught it early. If it was one of the large fields it would have been far worse. It’s happened before and it will happen again. We’ve been farming long enough for you to know disease is an occupational hazard, with bulbs or livestock.’

      She smiled at him. ‘Don’t do a Ted on me. You know how it used to drive you mad.’

      Reluctantly, Charlie grinned back at her.

      ‘Come СКАЧАТЬ