Girls Night Out 3 E-Book Bundle. Gemma Burgess
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Название: Girls Night Out 3 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Gemma Burgess

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007532421


СКАЧАТЬ talks about Robert with a sort of reverence. We all went out recently for drinks, and they ended the night with a pair of Swedish twins, eating falafels in Maroush. Robert went home with one of them. Henry didn’t go home with the other. But it was still one of the best nights of his life.

      ‘No,’ says Henry defensively. ‘I just wish he was here to balance things out.’

      ‘Henry’s got a bromance,’ says Plum.

      My phone beeps. It’s a text.

      Great time last night. Would absolutely love to do it again. What about Sunday lunch? Jon.

      ‘Oh, it’s blind date guy,’ I say. ‘Sayonara, big guy.’ Delete, ignore, continue.

      ‘Fucking hell,’ says Plum under her breath.

      ‘Right, let’s go,’ says Henry, getting up. Charlotte quickly follows him and they start chatting on the way out the door.

      As Plum and I walk out of the pub, I sigh happily. After two glasses of champagne, I feel ready for whatever this speed dating night has in store for me. I may be the last single girl in London to try it, but by God, I’m going to give it my best shot.

      ‘Try not to hog all the fucking men tonight, alright, Abigail?’ says Plum, as we reach the street.

      I instantly realise what her problem is: she thinks I’m taking male attention away from her.

      It crosses my mind to say that describing herself as Debbie Desperate and/or Dateless isn’t the most attractive thing in the world, and maybe that attitude is why she’s not getting as much dating action as she’d like, but I’m a firm believer in not kicking someone when they’re down. Even if she’s being – frankly – a bit of a cow. So I just ignore her and keep walking.

      Charlotte and Henry are striding ahead, chatting away flirtily.

      ‘Looks like Charlotte and Henry are getting along,’ I say happily.

      ‘Why’d you have to bring the extra competition?’ says Plum crossly.

      That’s it. Fuck firm beliefs.

      I stop walking and turn to her. ‘Plum, what the hell is wrong with you tonight?’

      ‘Nothing,’ she says defensively.

      ‘Then why are you acting like this?’ I say. ‘You don’t need to take out your bad mood on me. You’re ruining the night.’

      Plum starts scrabbling in her bag, and I notice the tears streaming down her face.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ I say immediately. Fucking hell, I didn’t expect her to explode with misery. ‘Plum, please, don’t cry, it’s fine . . .’

      ‘It is not fucking fine,’ she says, through sobs. ‘I can’t face tonight, I c-c-c-can’t take the rejection. Dan was the last straw, I really thought it was different, I really, really fucking liked him and he’s disappeared like the rest of them. I have nothing left. I am toxic with singledom.’

      ‘Oh, Plum,’ I say, putting my arm around her. The others are still walking ahead of us to The Perseverance, oblivious to what’s going on. ‘Can’t you just . . . detach from it all? Just have fun? Just fake it?’

      ‘No I fucking can’t,’ she snaps furiously, pushing my arm away. ‘Stop giving me Robert’s advice. Everything is so easy for you. You break up and boom, you’re on dates all the time. You don’t even want them to text, and they still do. It’s so unfair.’

      ‘I am not on dates “all the time”,’ I exclaim. ‘And it’s not like any of them are any good . . . Fucking hell, Plum, being single is a novelty for me, of course I’m going to enjoy it.’

      Plum makes a sarcastic snorty-huff sound.

      ‘None of them are amazing or even that interesting. I can’t even imagine ever falling in love again, I’m just trying to enjoy myself . . . And just so you know, everything is not easy for me,’ I add. That particularly upset me. She knows how hard I fight to keep my nerves under control.

      ‘It looks easy,’ she says glumly, holding a tissue gently under each eye to dry her tears without ruining her makeup.

      ‘Well, that’s your perception,’ I reply. ‘Try to think of it from my perspective. I’m just trying to, I don’t know, do my best. You’ll find a good guy. Both of us will. One day.’

      ‘I know,’ she says chokingly. ‘I’m sorry . . . It’s just . . . it’s so hard.’

      I sigh. There’s nothing I can say to change how she feels about that. Too many shit things have happened for her to be happy right now. It’s almost scary: when someone as cool and confident as Plum can’t handle singledom, what hope is there for me? No, I’ll be fine. I have Robert to help me. Plum just needs a Robert, but I don’t think she wants to hear that right now.

      ‘Shall we have a Good Will Hunting moment, where I tell you over and over again that it’s not your fault?’

      Plum smiles, sighs, and shakes her head. ‘No. You know, I thought Dan was a good guy. Maybe there are no good guys left.’

      ‘Come along tonight and have some fun,’ I say. I take her bag, take out her cigarettes, put one in her mouth and light it for her. ‘Let’s see what’s out there.’

      ‘Let me save you the bother,’ she says, exhaling smoke dramatically. ‘Nothing, and no one, is out there. I don’t even know why I suggested fucking speed dating. I give up. Do you hear me, universe?’ She shouts. ‘I give up!’

      At that moment, her phone rings.

      She locates it in the side pocket of her bag, and looks at the screen.

      ‘No fucking way . . .’ she says quietly, and presses the answer button. ‘. . . Hello?’

      There’s a pause, and I see her eyes scanning space as she listens. ‘Yes, oh, oh, hi,’ she says, and quickly covers the phone while she wipes her nose and clears her throat. ‘I’m marvellous, thanks, Dan. How are you?’

      Dan! Her good guy! From the nightclub! Who hasn’t called in weeks!

      ‘It did? . . . You did?’ she pauses, and smiles. ‘Really? What a nightmare.’ Seeing Plum grinning is one of the nicest things I’ve seen in days. Like cold feet in a hot bath, my worry slowly eases. She mouths that she’ll catch up, and I nod and skip to where Henry and Charlotte have stopped to wait for us.

      ‘Sorry,’ I say.

      ‘Everything alright, Abigay?’ asks Henry.

      ‘Smashing,’ I nod. ‘She’ll just be a second.’

      Plum runs up to us, buzzing with happiness. ‘Dan’s suitcase was lost on the way to Atlanta! And his phone was inside it as he’d changed jackets at the last minute! And he was emailing Rich, trying to get in touch with me! But Rich wasn’t responding cos he’s got a new job in Hong fucking Kong! And then he tried to find me on Facebook but my privacy levels were too high! So Dan finally got back to London yesterday and just got СКАЧАТЬ