Collected Letters Volume Two: Books, Broadcasts and War, 1931–1949. Walter Hooper
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      Department B.


      For TALE MEN read PALE MEN.

      If a title is wanted I wd. suggest MAPPA MUNDI or MIDDLE-EARTH (The artist may decide between these on decorative grounds). If you merely want something to fill up the corner a [compass drawn in, basically a cross with N, E, S and W around clockwise from the top] might do.

      C. S. Lewis


      Dept B

      (Pilgrim’s Regress)

      The Kilns,

      Headington Quarry,


      March 25th 1933

      Dear Sir

      I have your letter of the 24th about stippling the sea parts of the map. After the very strong and pleasing contour lines with wh. the artist has emphasised the coast line, stippling is certainly not needed for clarity. Whether it would be an improvement decoratively is a question I would leave to the artist. Does it not partly depend on factors which are not before me: e.g. the type of paper, the colour of the cover (of which a rim will probably show) and the size?

      Yours faithfully

      C. S. Lewis


      The Kilns,

      Headington Quarry,


      March 25th. 1933.

      My dear Arthur,

      I wonder how you have been getting on this many a day. I am certain I was the last to write, but whoever began it we have both been wrong to keep such a silence. We ought to be ashamed when we remember the weekly letters of the Bookham period. Fortunately each feels sure that the cause of this decline, whatever else it may be, is no diminution of the friendship. I think you pointed out to me once that it was natural we should write more easily in the old days, when everything was new and our correspondence was really like two explorers signalling to one another in a new country. Also—neither of us had any other outlet: we still thought that we were the only two people in the world who were interested in the right kind of things in the right kind of way.

      I think I mentioned the skating in my last letter. Since then life has gone on in a pretty smooth way. Warnie sinks deeper and deeper into the family life: it is hard to believe he was not always here. What a mercy that the change in his views (I mean as regards religion) should have happened in time to meet mine—it would be awkward if one of us were still in the old state of mind. He has an excellent gramophone and is building up a complete set of the Beethoven symphonies, one of which (complete) he often plays us on a Sunday evening. I have quite foresworn the old method of hearing one’s favourite bits played separately, and I am sure one gains enormously by always hearing one symphony as a whole and nothing else. By the way which is the one that contains the beautiful slow movement you played me—the one whose quality you defined as ‘compassion’? I have been waiting for it eagerly but so far W. has not produced it. I am getting back more of my old pleasure in music all the time.

      I had to abandon Lockhart at the beginning of last term and have not yet resumed it. It is most annoying when the last few volumes of a long book have to be left over like that. One somehow feels a disinclination to begin them again and to find how many names and facts one has forgotten: yet it is uncomfortable not to polish the book off. You will have the laugh of me this time.

      Do try to write me a long letter soon. You are constantly in my mind even when I don’t write, and to lose touch with you would be like losing a limb.