Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming
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Название: Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

Автор: Leah Fleming

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007532445


СКАЧАТЬ and what can I get you?’

      ‘My usual, and beans on toast for Eric.’

      The boy grinned at Pearl and once again she was captivated by his face. If he’d been a girl, Eric would have been described as beautiful. Somehow, handsome didn’t fit, and seemed an inadequate description. With lovely emerald-green eyes, slightly slanted like a cat’s, flawless skin, with a dash of freckles, he had to Pearl, perfect features.

      She grinned back at him. ‘One slice of toast, or two?’

      ‘Two, please, miss. I’m helping my dad on his stall today.’

      ‘Are you? That’s nice.’

      ‘Lucy’s a bit under the weather, and school doesn’t start again until September,’ Frank said by way of explanation. ‘I don’t know about help, though. Somehow I think Eric might be more of a hindrance.’ He leaned forward, the sting taken out of his words as he ruffled the boy’s dark hair.

      Pearl wrote out the order and hurried to the kitchen, her tables now full, but as she returned to the dining room she was just in time to see a couple of her customer’s leaving. Alice left what she was doing and hurried to clear their table. Pearl kept her head low, but was watching from under her lashes when she saw Alice slip something into her apron pocket.

      As if suddenly aware that she was being observed, Alice’s head spun around. Their eyes locked, but it was Alice who looked away first, her face slightly flushed as she picked up the rest of the plates, brushing past her to the kitchen.

      Pearl waited until Alice returned to the dining room, surreptitiously watching her movements. Alice passed the counter, but didn’t put any money into the jar, and Pearl was sure then that Alice was taking her tips. But what could she do? She was too scared to confront Alice, and anyway, she’d deny it. Yet how could she offer proof?

      ‘What’s up, Pearl?’ Derek Lewis called.

      She went to his table, her mind still turning. If someone else saw what Alice was up to, there was no way the girl could deny it. ‘Derek, can I talk to you later?’

      He frowned. ‘You’re not going to tell me you can’t see me tonight, are you?’

      ‘No, of course not. It’s just something I may need a bit of help with.’

      ‘Oh, right. Well, anything I can do, you only have to say the word.’

      ‘Thanks, Derek.’

      The rest of the day seemed to drag by. Pearl kept an eye on Alice, but she kept to her own tables. Then, at three fifteen, near the end of her shift, Kevin came down from the upstairs flat. He walked towards her, but instead of a threatening look, he was smiling.

      ‘Hello, love, how are you doing?’

      Pearl stared at him in confusion. He had issued veiled threats at the boxing match, but now he was being pleasant. ‘I … I’m fine thanks.’

      ‘How’s it going with Derek?’

      ‘Er … we’re still good friends.’

      ‘If you were my girl, we’d be more than friends by now.’


      They both spun round to see Dolly’s head poking out of the kitchen door. ‘I suggest you let Pearl get on with her work.’

      ‘Yeah, all right, Mum,’ he said, but not before throwing Pearl a wink and whispering, ‘Would you like to be my girl, Pearl?’

      He sauntered off, the café door closing behind him, Pearl left red-faced. His girl! Surely he didn’t mean it? No, of course he didn’t. Her mind was still grappling with the change in Kevin’s character when Dolly came marching out of the kitchen, heading towards her.

      ‘Your job is to wait on tables, Pearl, and not to flirt with my son.’

      ‘I … I wasn’t flirting with him. Honest,’ she protested, hands shaking.

      ‘I don’t want to see you chatting with Kevin again. You’re here to work and I suggest you remember that.’

      ‘Yes, Mrs Dolby.’

      The woman threw her a dark look. ‘Finish clearing that table and you can go.’

      Pearl vigorously rubbed the surface, relieved when Dolly went back to the kitchen. She rinsed out the cloth, took off her apron and, taking her bag from its usual place under the counter, murmured, ‘I’m off, Bernie. See you tomorrow.’

      ‘Bye, love, and take no notice of Dolly. Mind you, it might be safer to stay away from Kevin.’

      ‘Your son’s a bit of all right, Bernie,’ Alice chuckled, ‘and you can’t blame Pearl for having her eye on him.’

      ‘I … I haven’t got my eye on him,’ Pearl protested.

      ‘Oh, yeah, and pigs might fly,’ Alice said. ‘You fancy him, and it’s as plain as the nose on your face.’

      A blush stained Pearl’s cheeks and she lowered her head.

      ‘Leave the girl alone, Alice,’ Bernie admonished.

      Pearl threw him a grateful smile, saying a hurried goodbye as she left the café. Why did Alice have to stir it, and what if she said the same things to Dolly? God, she could get the sack. It was bad enough worrying that Alice was pinching her tips, but now she had to worry about losing her job.

      Pearl stopped by Derek’s stall, watching as he served a customer, amazed that with hands so large and chunky he was able to handle the most delicate china without breaking it.

      As the customer walked away he came straight to her side. ‘What did you want to talk to me about?’

      ‘It doesn’t matter now.’

      ‘Tell me anyway.’

      Pearl couldn’t confide in him about Kevin, instead saying only, ‘I think Alice is pinching some of my tips.’

      ‘Are you sure?’

      ‘I could be wrong, but I doubt it. You see, I don’t get many tips now, even from my regulars. Sometimes Alice clears my tables and I think I saw her pocket a tip. I waited to see if she put in the jar, but she didn’t.’

      ‘The bitch! What did you say to her?’

      ‘How can I say anything until I’m a hundred per cent sure? And anyway, it’s my word against hers and she’s sure to deny it.’

      ‘Yeah, I see what you mean.’ He paused for a moment, but then smiled. ‘When I’m in the café, I’ll keep an eye out too. If we both catch her out, she won’t have a leg to stand on.’

      ‘Oh, thanks, Derek. I don’t know what I’d do without you.’

      Kevin passed, lifting his hand to wave at them both, but Pearl lowered her head. She had to prevent Dolly from thinking that she was flirting with СКАЧАТЬ