Come Play With Me: An Erotica Collection. Madelynne Ellis
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Название: Come Play With Me: An Erotica Collection

Автор: Madelynne Ellis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротика, Секс


isbn: 9780007479368


СКАЧАТЬ and drawn so tight it seems to have outgrown its collar. He whimpers when I cup him and add the stimulus of my thumb to the mix. Still, I make him wait, just as he intended to make me await my release. I think the only reason Jason let’s me get away with the delay is that he’s as enraptured by the spell I’ve woven between myself and Saul with two tiny touches as we both are.

      ‘Please … touch me, Freya.’ Saul’s large hands form a fist within my hair. ‘Please … be kind.’

      I’m not sure kind is truly in my nature. Besides, it’s heady knowing I could tease this man, with his scarred and rugged profile and his army boots, until he cried.

      I scratch a fingernail down his shaft. ‘I don’t think kindness is what you’re really after.’ The cap of his cock is so smooth. I want to circle it over and over.

      ‘Don’t come,’ Jason instructs Saul. ‘See he doesn’t,’ he adds to me.

      ‘He’s a big boy, he can control himself.’ Of course, just me making mention of it implies otherwise. Saul is perhaps thinking the same. His thighs are trembling as I lower my head and take him in, all the way into my throat, right down so that my nose nuzzles into the root.

      ‘Fucking hell!’ he moans. ‘That’s hot.’

      Easy up again. Now the impressive visuals are out of the way, I let my hands do the work along with my mouth, circling the shaft, tugging at the pulsing flesh. Slow, then fast – faster, bringing him quickly to the edge, and then drawing him back again. He croaks, and draws his bottom up off the sofa as everything pulls tight.

      ‘Not yet,’ Jason warns.

      I fall back upon a tortuous tease. Saul’s muscles quiver. ‘Can’t hold it,’ he moans.

      ‘Of course you can.’ He’s bathed in sweat when I rise up from the next two sucks, and fluid leaks in a steady stream from the eye.

      ‘Just hold it there,’ Jason says, which I choose to interpret as an instruction to hold Saul on the precipice rather than an order to freeze. ‘Let me get in on this.’

      Jason doesn’t unbuckle his belt. He simply releases the fly. The image he makes with his cock poking through the slash of fabric is utterly crude, and yet compelling. It grabs me at a gut level, leaving me tense and eager for the involvement he’s promised. I stare at his cock, which like the rest of him is lean and long, while he draws circles upon my bottom.

      Somehow, the contrast of bare cock and his closed belt make his ethereal beauty more real. He’s no Lucifer exposed like this. His virility detracts from his power, because it proves that he isn’t as unmoved as his expression first suggests.

      He raises me onto the sofa, so that I’m on all fours with my head in Saul’s lap, then shimmies up behind me and slides his cock up and down in the channel between the cheeks of my butt.

      Up and down, he strokes, driving up the air of anticipation, until we’re all salivating as we wait. Waiting for that moment, when the teasing stops and the real fucking begins.

      ‘I think you’ve forgotten how to fight, Ms Thief.’ Jason spreads my cheeks wide and pokes his glans against the entrance to my arse.

      It’s true, there’s no resistance left in me. I might have started out a prisoner, cajoled into this, but suggesting that I’m anything less than willing now would be an out-and-out lie. ‘Just do it.’

      ‘In the arse?’

      ‘Any place you like.’ I push myself back against him, welcoming the way my muscles protest and then relax around his shaft. I like fighting, I like being restrained, but mostly I like being filled, and Jason fills me up until I’m stretched and each jerk of his hips forces an explosive breath from my lungs. ‘May I bring him off now?’ I ask.

      ‘Like hell.’ He draws me upright onto my knees, my back pressed tight to his abs, while his hands rake across my chest, leaving the nipples perked up and sore from his pinches. The sting makes me long for the sensation of a warm mouth latched upon them, sucking, soothing the ache. It’s building in my sex too.

      Jason’s other hand snakes downwards. Two fingers spear between my curls and trap my clit, squeezing it until it too is unbearably sensitised. Only then does he relent and poke those two fingers into the aching void inside me. Aroused beyond measure I grind myself against the palm of his hand. The torture continues, nipples, clit, pussy, arse – his cock still there, filling me and frustrating me. I want to come. I want more.

      ‘You could let Saul fuck me too.’

      Saul stares at me, his mouth agape, green eyes twinkling in the half-light. Yes, says his expression, even though he doesn’t say a thing.

      ‘And why would I want to do that?’ Jason’s hand upon my breast moves up to encompass the base of my throat. Saul’s gaze is unblinking as he drinks down the vision of us, and the way our flesh quivers as it smacks together. The movements of his hands upon the sofa are slow now. Slow and steady. ‘It sounds like a bit too much fun for Saul.’

      ‘It’d be fun for us all, especially you.’ I slip my arm up into Jason’s hair, and pull him towards me for a kiss. ‘Aren’t you just a little bit curious?’


      But I can tell just from the hitch in his breathing that he is. Not only is he interested, I’d swear they’ve discussed this, maybe even worked out the best position.

      ‘I want to feel his cock sliding alongside yours,’ I whisper into his mouth. ‘I want to feel your prick in my arse and his in my cunt. I want that tightness, that edge where the line between pleasure and pain blurs and nothing truly makes sense any more. I want you both to fuck me hard.’

      ‘Please,’ Saul adds his voice to the plea. ‘You’d still be on top.’

      ‘Yeah,’ I agree. ‘If you think you can keep us both in line, that is.’

      The challenge works. ‘Damnit!’ Jason snaps. ‘OK.’

      Saul is up off the sofa before any of us can blink. He kneels before me, his hard cock in his hand as he guides it between my spread thighs. ‘Easy now.’ He finds the angle. We all hold still as he presses home. The pressure is intense, as is the feeling of fullness. I moan. I want to jerk away, but at the same time I long to prolong the intensity.

      So close! I can barely stand to have them move. God! I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to come so much.

      The lips of my sex meet with the hilt of Saul’s shaft. He holds still, deeply buried. Not so Jason, who bucks again and again, driving me forward into his lover’s arms. Saul smears sloppy kisses across my face. Jason bites the unblemished side of my neck, so that I’m left with twin hickeys. If this is what stealing the tea money gets me, I may yet take up a life of crime.

      I’m virtually singing as I come, unable to stop the sounds escaping my throat as the spasms grip my body and blank my mind.

      Jason pulls out and spills over my bottom. Saul comes into his own hand. Then we flop back onto the sofa in an ungainly pile.

      ‘That was intense,’ Saul sighs.

      Jason reaches for a bottle from the wine rack and twists off the cap. He takes a swig СКАЧАТЬ