The Blood Type Diet Cookbook. Lucy Degremont
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Название: The Blood Type Diet Cookbook

Автор: Lucy Degremont

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9780007483372


СКАЧАТЬ control blood clotting. Garlic is a very important one. Crush raw garlic in your salad dressings and use lemon juice instead of vinegar; the crushing and the acid from the lemon juice help release a substance called ajoene, a very potent anticoagulant. Onions are another amazing food that can neutralize blood clots, while fatty fish contain compounds that have anticlotting properties. And the good news for all wine lovers is that drinking one glass of good quality red wine with your main meal will help prevent blood clotting. Resveratrol – a substance produced by the fermentation of grape skins – has been shown to prevent blood platelets from clumping together. You can also drink red grape juice, but you will need three times as much to get the same benefit as one glass of wine. Another important drink is green tea, which contains a clot-dissolving compound called catechin. Finally, include olive oil and fresh pineapple in your diet as they have been shown to protect the arteries.

      If you include all of these foods in your everyday diet you will be giving your body the best chance of long-term good health.


      There is a clear association between blood types A and AB and cancer. Certain inherent factors in blood type A make this blood type friendly territory for the development of cancer. When cancer cells develop in As they tend to be accepted by the immune system as friends instead of being fought and killed. Of course there are many other factors that come into play but following the blood type diet can play a powerful part in avoiding cancer.

      Apart from the foods that have been shown to be protective against cancer in general and even help prevent the spread of cancer, Dr D’Adamo’s research has discovered some foods that are specifically beneficial for blood type A (and AB) in the fight against cancer. Snails – the kind you eat in France in a parsley and garlic sauce – contain a lectin that has anti-cancer properties specially suited to type A (and AB). This lectin has anti-cancer activity towards breast cancer cells. Shelled, unskinned peanuts offer the same benefits. Lentils, the common domestic mushroom and the grain amaranth are also recommended for their anti-cancer effects.

      Soya has been shown in many studies to protect against cancer, and is specially well suited for type As (and ABs). Among other foods that are highly recommended are fruits and vegetables. They contain nutrients, phytonutrients and fibre that have been shown to have these protective effects. Eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables can cut your cancer risk in half. The general recommendation is to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. In this case more is better.

      Garlic and onions have been shown in studies to contain substances that prevented laboratory animals from getting cancer – even though they were exposed to potent carcinogens. Green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli are packed with anti-cancer substances that are not destroyed during cooking. Grapefruits and lemons – the whole fruit, including the pith – also have a collection of anti-cancer compounds. One of the best ways of benefiting from all the goodness of these citrus fruits is to add them to your freshly-juiced vegetables. Leave the thin yellow skin on the lemons but remove the coloured skin from the grapefruit. Pineapple is well known as a digestive aid but less well known for its anti-cancer properties. The enzyme bromelain in pineapple appears to activate the immune system to help the body combat cancer cells. Research by Dr Taussig in Hawaii has shown that pineapple inhibits the formation of tumours. Legumes, a beneficial food for type A, also have anti-cancer qualities.

      This blood type, the third to have appeared on earth, is thought to have developed from the earlier blood type O after migrations to the Himalayan regions and later to northern China. The eating habits of these early migrants included meat and fermented milk products. Today, blood type B is the lucky one when it comes to milk products. However, giving you the green light to eat milk products does not mean you can go overboard with full fat cheeses – practise moderation.

      In many Asian and African cultures dairy foods have not been part of the diet for generations. If you are a type B who belongs to one of these groups, you may need to introduce dairy products gradually and include a digestive enzyme containing lactase in your diet.

      Your body likes meat, fish, dairy products, legumes, nuts and seeds, grains, vegetables and fruits – as long as you choose the right foods in each group. In other words your blood type enables you to eat foods from every category, quite unlike Os and As who are restricted in certain categories. However, there are some meats, fish, legumes and grains that you should avoid.

       Meat, Poultry and Game

      Meat is a good food for you and you digest it well. Your best choices are lamb, mutton, rabbit and venison. In our recipes you will find out how to prepare venison – it is the most natural of all meats because these animals live in the wild. You need to avoid chicken as it contains a damaging lectin for your system. You may eat turkey and pheasant (during the hunting season) as well as beef and veal. Your body also has the necessary enzymes to deal with the fats in these foods so do not worry about eating some saturated fat.


      Fish is another good source of protein for type B, although some are to be avoided – such as anchovy, sea bass and smoked salmon. Make it a point to eat fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, fresh salmon, tuna, herring) that contain beneficial omega-3 oils. Shellfish is definitely not for you because of the presence of lectins that act against your B makeup.

       Milk Products

      When it comes to milk, cheese and yogurt you are the lucky one. You may use dairy products as a source of protein, but if you are prone to respiratory infections or problems with excess mucus formation avoid these foods for some time as they encourage these problems. If your body is not accustomed to dairy products, start slowly. You may need to add the digestive enzyme lactase in capsule form and start with predigested forms of milk products, such as yogurt and kefir.

      As you will see in the section on health issues for your type, your immune system needs special care. Research has shown that yogurt can stimulate different aspects of immunity, enabling your system to fight against bacteria and viruses.


      Blood Type B

       Age 43

      For many years I had been carrying around chronic fatigue like a millstone around my neck, despite eating organic food and taking supplements. For two years premenstrual problems have been plaguing me for 4–5 days each month. Since starting the blood type diet some months ago and changing my supplements, I no longer suffer from premenstrual syndrome and my need for daily afternoon naps has almost disappeared.


      With a few notable exceptions, these are another good source of protein for type Bs. You may eat a portion of legumes nearly every day. They are a source of fibre that encourages good bowel function and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Avoid lentils. In addition, soya beans and soya bean products are not really for you. For various reasons they react negatively with your system. I have noticed many of my B patients naturally avoid them.


      Grains СКАЧАТЬ