Shine On: Visions of Life. Betty Shine
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Название: Shine On: Visions of Life

Автор: Betty Shine

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007394180


СКАЧАТЬ Final Thoughts

       98 It’s a Mystery

       99 Without You

       100 A Web of Dreams

       101 The Brightest Star

       Keep Reading


       About the Author

       Also by the Author

       About the Publisher


       Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.It takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity.



      This evening I have been compelled to sit at the computer and relay the story behind the poems and lyrics that you will read and absorb into your hearts.

      In the last 18 months of her life, Betty spent night and day writing about situations that had touched her heart and soul. She was so moved by all that she heard, saw and read that she was able to put all these emotions down on scraps of paper, backs of envelopes, notepads – the ideas came thick and fast, sometimes so fast that she could hardly get pen to paper in time. She would often relay messages from the spirit world in her writings, understanding all that they had to say and putting it down as it was spoken to her. Automatic writing often occurred at any time of day or night – when messages are passed through from spirit you have to act upon them, even if you are in the bath! This she did, never denying a channel of thought from spirit to herself.

      She always wrote from her heart. The most overwhelming time was during the September 11th tragedy. Without Betty realising it, she foresaw this tragedy happening. She had channelled automatic writings, even drawings of planes colliding in mid-air, smoke, bodies, in fact all the images that you would have seen on the television screen. Betty would say, ‘These images I am getting are unbelievable.’ Though none of us knew what it meant, she actually saw it all before it happened! That is how utterly amazing she was as a clairvoyant.

      I would arrive at Betty’s house in Sussex where she lived and worked, ready for my day’s work ahead. Even before I could get in the front door she would say, ‘Janet come into the living room – I’ve got another masterpiece to read to you. I wrote it last night.’ I would stand with bated breath as I knew how her heart and soul had gone into these poems. As she read each piece of work to me, the tears would often well up in my eyes as they were so beautiful, funny, sad or true to everyday life that we all experience. ‘What do you think?’ she would ask. ‘Fantastic,’ was always my reply, because they truly were. Her eyes would light up and we would then put all these writings into a special folder knowing that one day someone somewhere would read them. It was always her dream to have them published or the lyrics recorded, as she truly believed that, like all her books, these special writings would move the hearts and souls of her public. I believe they will too, and that is why I was determined to have them shown to the world as a very last tribute to Betty’s tremendous courage through a very difficult 18 months. These writings kept her determination and pure mental and physical strength going when all was against her, and without the hope of the afterlife Betty would have never coped with her physical ailments on earth. She fought to the bitter end and made me so proud of her.

      I will never forget her grabbing my hand every day when I arrived for work, that warm, chunky, healing hand, so full of love and energy. She would not let go until she had told me all her news! Even now when I sit quietly I can feel that hand in mine. Betty was passionate about life on earth and life beyond, and I hope that by reading this book you will be able to share in the same passion that she had.


      December 2002


       1 Book of Life

      This poem really says it all. Betty’s whole life was about communicating with people, spirits, plants and animals. She loved writing, and her ideas would flow like crystal-clear water. With pen to paper, she produced the most amazing work. Each page of every book is filled with wisdom, insight, hope and understanding, stemming from her own life’s experiences. Her main goal was to bring simplicity to the subjects of healing, mediumship and spirituality, and this she achieved with great success – even hardened sceptics were convinced of a world beyond. Such was her nature, Betty gave of herself and her knowledge without want of anything in return. Throughout her life she stayed true to her beliefs, writing with no fear of ridicule, which often took tremendous courage. The titles and covers of every one of her books were most important to Betty as she felt that her energy would impart itself to those who held and read each book, which indeed it did to millions of readers. The books Betty wrote were ‘the books of her life’, and what a truly amazing life it was!

       In the pages of my book,

       You’ll find mystery and love,

       Emotions that are bared

       And tragedies shared

       It’s all there.

       It has taken a lifetime

       To write all the words,

       But what is a lifetime

       If at last you are heard?

       The giving and forgiving

       Are the most important lines,

       For when you get to the end

       There’s no time to pretend.

       You’ll find the characters inside

       Weren’t saints all the time,

       But maybe you’ll discover

       Within the cover

       Inspirational lines.

       The book, it’s not a work of art,

       But the words inside

       Describe chapters of my life

       That taught me how to survive.
