GI Brides: The wartime girls who crossed the Atlantic for love. Duncan Barrett
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СКАЧАТЬ from the fateful Titanic. Its elegant dinner dances were legendary, and had continued throughout the war, providing American officers with an upmarket setting in which to entertain the local female population.

      As Gwen entered the room, Ed stood up to greet her and she felt giddy at the sight of him. ‘Just stand still for a moment,’ he said, looking her up and down. ‘My, that is such a beautiful dress. And you have such pretty eyes.’

      Gwen smiled. Clearly the green dress was having the intended effect.

      Sitting opposite Ed, she found herself hardly able to eat her dinner – he was just too distracting, and she was trying too hard to be sophisticated. But it was dancing in his arms that she was really looking forward to.

      When the resident band struck up, Gwen and Ed moved onto the dance floor, and as she spun around the room with him she felt as if she were in a fairy tale.

      The musicians took a break, and Gwen caught Ed looking at her again. ‘My, you really do look beautiful in that dress,’ he said, lighting a cigarette. ‘But I can’t see you again.’

      Gwen was confused. ‘Why not?’ she demanded.

      ‘Because’, said Ed, drawing slowly on his cigarette, ‘I’m thirty years old. And you’re just a child.’

      Gwen felt indignation rising in her. ‘I can handle it,’ she said. Then, grabbing at a phrase she had heard some of the GIs use, she added, ‘I’ve been around the block a few times.’

      ‘I’m not sure you know what that means,’ Ed laughed.

      ‘Of course I do,’ Gwen said, crossly.

      ‘All right then,’ he replied. ‘Do you want to come upstairs and show me?’

      Gwen was horrified. ‘Oh no,’ she blurted out.

      Suddenly, she felt very young indeed, despite the green dress. It wasn’t long before she was peddling as fast as she could back to Padwell Road.

      Despite the unsuccessful date with Ed, the glamour and elegance of the Polygon Hotel had taken hold of Gwen, and now she couldn’t stay away from it. Some of the girls from work went to the dinner dances every Saturday night, and she started going with them. It required her mother’s expert sewing skills to keep Gwen in suitable outfits for these nights out, often pulling apart her own old dresses and turning them into skirts with a more fashionable cut for her daughter. After the humiliating experience with Ed, Gwen was determined to look as sophisticated as possible on the dance floor.

      She had also made a decision: she would no longer go by the name Gwen. Her family might have called her by the nickname for as long as she could remember, but she had decided that Lyn sounded much more grown up. The girls at work soon adapted to the change, but her mother, despite repeated reminders, still insisted on calling her Gwen.

      One Friday morning, Lyn was daydreaming about the weekend to come when an American ensign came into the Chamber of Commerce. ‘Do you know where I could get some invisible mending done?’ the man asked. His enquiry struck her as falling into the spurious category, but nevertheless she did her best to advise him.

      Afterwards, he lingered, his brown eyes gazing at Lyn. It was only then that she noticed how deep they were, and what beautiful tanned skin he had. Like Ed, he had something exotic about him that elevated him beyond the brashness of the usual Yanks, but his eyes seemed clearer and more open in their gaze than Ed’s had.

      ‘Say, miss,’ he said. ‘Would you like to have tea with me?’

      He must be at least in his mid-thirties, Lyn thought, impressed, and agreed to his request.

      The next day, she met the GI, whose name was Russ, at a little tea room. As they sat down, he put his hat on the table and Lyn caught sight of a photograph tucked inside the rim.

      ‘Who’s this?’ she said, pulling the picture out. The woman in the photo was a beauty, with tumbling dark curls and a flower in her hair.

      ‘Oh, that’s my wife,’ Russ said, sounding wistful.

      ‘You’re married?’ Lyn asked, shocked. ‘Why are you having tea with me then?’

      ‘Because I trust you, and I think you trust me,’ he replied. ‘And I think we could be friends.’

      As he poured the tea, Russ poured out his heart about his beloved Larina. They were both of Mexican origin, he told Lyn, and she was a singer in a mariachi band.

      Their life together in Florida, surrounded by sunshine and orange trees, sounded idyllic, and the tear in his eye as he spoke of her was very affecting. By the time she had swallowed the last of her tea, Lyn was so impressed by Russ’s apparent devotion to his wife that she felt overcome with warmth towards him.

      Soon she and Russ were meeting regularly. As he stared into her eyes, talking about another woman, Lyn found herself squeezing his hand in consolation, her heart overcome with feeling. But she couldn’t help wishing it was she, not Larina, who was the lucky recipient of his idolisation.

      ‘You know,’ he said one day, ‘if you lived in the US you would never date a man like me.’

      ‘You mean because you’re married?’ asked Lyn.

      ‘No, because I’m a Mexican.’

      Lyn thought this the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard.

      ‘It’s true,’ Russ continued mournfully. ‘American girls don’t date Mexicans.’ He smiled sadly at her.

      ‘I would!’ Lyn felt like saying, but she managed to stop herself.

      After a while Mrs Rowe noticed that Lyn wasn’t going out on the town as much as she once had. ‘Have you met someone special?’ she asked.

      ‘Not really,’ Lyn replied, ‘we’re just friends. He’s married and he really misses his wife.’

      ‘Well,’ said her mother, ‘why don’t you invite him home for tea?’ She knew that all Americans loved to be invited into British homes, and local families were actively encouraged to host them.

      When Lyn passed on the invitation, Russ accepted immediately.

      On the appointed day, he arrived at Padwell Road, his black hair combed back and greased even more than usual. Just as they were all about to take their seats in the front room, Russ said, ‘Mr and Mrs Rowe, I must tell you that I am married. But I would never hurt Lyn for anything – we are just friends.’

      ‘Well, Russ,’ said Lyn’s father, ‘we appreciate your honesty.’

      Mrs Rowe enjoyed having a new visitor to the house, and loved listening to Russ’s tales of Florida and the beautiful wife waiting there for him as much as her daughter did. He was soon a regular dinner guest, and he told the Rowes tearfully, ‘I feel like you’re my family now.’

      Lyn’s parents seemed blissfully unaware, however, that their generosity was encouraging their daughter’s hopeless crush all the more. The fact that Russ was unavailable only made her longing for him stronger, and she wondered if he felt the same about her. There had been signs that he did, Lyn thought, but despite her confident front she was woefully inexperienced СКАЧАТЬ