Starlight on the Palace Pier: The very best kind of romance for the Christmas season in 2018. Tracy Corbett
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СКАЧАТЬ stopped and took a breath, hit by another wave of grief.

      Okay, so she might never dance professionally again, but that didn’t mean she had to give up completely, did it? People danced in wheelchairs, for Christ’s sake. She wasn’t about to let a couple of dodgy tendons stop her.

      It wasn’t long before she reached Preston Park, the site of many a music festival in days gone by, and the place where she’d spent so much of her youth.

      She walked through the ornate iron gates, glancing up to see whether the pillars still had lion heads perched on top. They did. She made her way up the long driveway to where the once grand stately home was situated. From the outside, the Starlight Playhouse hadn’t changed. The red brickwork still looked impressive, the array of tall sash windows dominated the view, and the green countryside framing the estate was stunning.

      As she neared the building, her mind tumbled back to the summer of 2005 when Jodi had dragged her along to the Friday night youth club. It was a strange venue to host a horde of boisterous teenagers who had little regard for an impressive structure built nearly four hundred years earlier. It was only now that the idea of using a listed building to house a games room and a disco seemed bizarre.

      The memories evoked a mixture of emotions. Her teenage years had been mostly happy, filled with love, dance classes, and an idyllic lifestyle by the seaside. She’d never been interested in boys or dating, unlike her cousin, but she could still remember every moment of that first night at the youth club. Most of the kids were hanging around outside, smoking and drinking. Not Becca. She’d wanted to dance, imagining herself starring in The Pussycat Dolls video for ‘Don’t Cha’ rather than hooking up with boys…until she’d met Tom Elliot.

      Tom was two years older, drove a scooter and was the most gorgeous creature she’d ever seen. He went to a private boys’ school and was posh, clever, and above all, mysterious. When he’d initially approached her and asked her out, she’d panicked and turned him down, intimidated by his confidence and ease. He’d shrugged and said, ‘That’s a shame,’ and walked off. She’d spent a miserable week regretting saying no and wishing she could turn back time. The following Friday night, he’d approached her again and repeated his offer. This time, she’d said yes.

      Of course, he was also the boy who broke her heart nine months later. But she didn’t want to think about that, especially as shortly after her dad had died.

      Shaking away the sad memories, she climbed the steps and approached the impressive front door. There was a sign detailing opening hours for the café. She doubted it was still being used as a youth club, but she was curious to see inside.

      The open-plan foyer looked the same. The parquet flooring was badly scratched. The dark wooden panelling covering the walls had faded from the sunlight burning through the windows, and the huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling lacked a few bulbs.

      Ahead was the main reception, a large desk housing a computer rather than the ancient till that used to sit on top a decade earlier. There was no one manning the desk and no one in sight. Her footsteps echoed up to the high ceiling as she walked across the foyer.

      She glanced through the archway leading to where the grand staircase was roped off with a ‘No Entry’ sign. Her mind travelled back to a time when she’d been allowed upstairs to the family’s living quarters. The upstairs had been frozen in time, a representation of centuries past with its ornate furniture, tapestries and family heirlooms. But the downstairs had been dragged kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century – even if it had never quite finished its transition.

      She checked her watch. Ten minutes before her interview. She went in search of the café, eager to rest her knee.

      Painful memories aside, the Starlight Playhouse was a fantastic place to explore. She remembered Tom telling her the manor house had been used as a collection centre during the First World War. People from the surrounding areas would drop off woollen garments to be sent to France. During the Second World War, the Royal Navy Hospital had evacuated from Southsea and set up medical facilities at the manor. At the end of the war, residency had reverted to the Wentworth family.

      She reached the café and became aware of laughter. A woman was seated at one of the wooden tables, seemingly talking to herself, amused by something. Becca looked around, but there was no one else about. The décor hadn’t changed. The red velvet chairs were past their best and the cream walls still had scuff marks depicting the outline of non-existent paintings. But the view from the glass doors leading to the landscaped gardens was as impressive as she’d remembered.

      She startled when the swing doors leading to the kitchen burst open. A surly man appeared wearing chef whites. He went over to the woman seated at the table and pointed to a cup. ‘You want refill?’ His voice was deep and thick with an eastern European accent.

      The woman looked up, initially baffled, but then smiled. ‘Thank you, Petrit. That would be lovely.’ She pushed her glasses up her nose, but they immediately slid down again.

      Becca instantly recognised Carolyn Elliot-Wentworth. The owner of the Starlight Playhouse. More significantly, Tom Elliot’s mother.

      Becca had been surprised when Jodi had told her Carolyn was still running the place. Even as a naive sixteen-year-old, she’d realised the woman had issues. Judging by her fumbled attempts to align teacup with saucer, Becca suspected alcohol was still a factor.

      Not that she was in a fit state to pass judgement; she’d knocked back enough gin cocktails in the last few months to sink a ship. But her reliance on alcohol was temporary, an aid to easing both the physical and mental anguish caused by surgery and the demise of her career.

      But maybe that’s what every alcoholic said in the beginning. No one set out to become addicted. She made a mental note to quit using booze as a crutch.

      Once the surly man had disappeared into the kitchen, Becca tentatively approached the woman. ‘Sorry to disturb you, but it’s Carolyn, isn’t it? You probably don’t remember me, I used to come here as a teenager with my cousin.’

      The woman looked up. There seemed to be a time delay before she registered Becca’s words. Her head tilted to one side, followed by a frown when her glasses slid off her nose and landed in her lap. Eventually the penny dropped. ‘I know you,’ she said, squinting. ‘You used to come here as a teenager.’

      Becca managed a smile. ‘I did, yes. Becca Roberts. How are you, Mrs Elliot-Wentworth?’

      The woman waved her hand. ‘Oh, please, call me Carolyn.’ She stood up, leaning against the table for support. Her glasses slid off her lap and fell to the floor. ‘Come closer.’ She peered at Becca, her face morphing into recognition. ‘That’s right. You’re…?’


      ‘That’s right. Becca. Tom’s Becca.’

      Becca flinched. She hadn’t been Tom’s Becca for over twelve years.

      ‘You went off to be a dancer. I remember. Beautiful girl.’ Carolyn cupped Becca’s cheek, her hand somewhat unsteady. ‘Look at your hair!’ she said, flicking one of Becca’s blue-tipped bunches. ‘What brings you here?’

      Becca smiled. ‘I’m here about the dance teacher position? Jodi said the current lady’s retiring and you’re looking for a replacement.’

      Carolyn looked confused. ‘Who’s Jodi?’

      Oh, СКАЧАТЬ