Across The Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories. Garth Nix
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Название: Across The Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories

Автор: Garth Nix

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780007349906


СКАЧАТЬ running, many of them off in random directions, not to what he hoped would be safety. If they could get the hay spread quickly enough and get it alight…

      “Too late to go back now, sir,” said Ripton. “Let him go, Llew! Run!”

      Nick looked over his shoulder for a second as they ran the last hundred yards to the centre of the meadow. Smoke was pouring out of one wing of the house, forming a thick, puffy worm that reached up to the sky, black and horrid, with red light flickering at its base. But that was not what held his attention.

      The creature was standing on the steps of the house, its head bent over a human victim it held carelessly under one arm. Even from a distance, Nick knew it was drinking blood.

      There were people running behind Nick, but not many; and while they might have been dawdling seconds before, they were sprinting now. For a moment Nick hoped that everyone had got out of the house. Then he saw movement behind the creature. A man casually walked outside to stand next to it. The creature turned to him and Nick felt the grip of horror as he expected to see it snatch the person up. But it didn’t. The creature returned to its current victim and the man stood by its side.

      “Dorrance,” said Ripton. He drew his revolver, rested the barrel on his left forearm and aimed for a moment, before holstering the weapon again. “Too far. I’ll wait till the bastard’s closer.”

      “Don’t worry about Dorrance for the moment,” said Nick. He looked around. The guests were all clustered together in the centre of the notional fifty-yard-diameter circle, and only the servants were spreading hay, under the direction of the butler. Nick shook his head and walked over to the guests. They surged towards him in turn, once again all speaking at the same time.

      “I demand to know—”

      “What is going on?”

      “Is that…that animal really—”

      “Clearly this is not properly—”

      “This is an outrage! Who is respons—”

      “Shut up!” roared Nick. “Shut up! That animal is from the Old Kingdom! It will kill all of us if we don’t keep it out with fire, which is why everybody needs to start spreading hay in a ring! Hurry!”

      Without waiting to see their response, Nick ran to the nearest haycock and tore off a huge armful of hay and ran to add it to the circle. When he looked up, some of the guests were helping the servants, but most were still bickering and complaining.

      He looked across at the house. The creature was no longer on the steps. There was a body sprawled there, but Dorrance had vanished as well.

      “Start pouring the paraffin!” shouted Nick. “Get more hay on the ring! It’s coming!”

      The butler and some of the footmen began to run around the circle, spraying white petroleum spirit out of four-gallon tins.

      “Anyone with matches or a cigarette lighter, stand by the ring!” yelled Nick. He couldn’t see the creature, but his forehead was beginning to throb, and when he pulled his dagger out an inch, the Charter Marks were starting to glow.

      Two people suddenly jumped the hay and ran across the meadow, heading for the drive and the front gate. A young man and woman, the woman throwing aside her shoes as she ran. She was the one who had come to his door, Nick saw. Tesrya, as she had called herself.

      “Come back!” shouted Nick. “Come back—”

      His voice fell away as a tall, strange shape emerged from the sunken ditch of the ha-ha, its shadow slinking ahead. Its arms looked impossibly long in the twilight and its legs had three joints, not two. It began to lope slowly after the running couple, and for a brief instant Nick thought perhaps they might have a chance.

      Then the creature lowered its head. Its legs stretched; the lope became a run and then a blurring sprint that caught it up with the man and woman in a matter of seconds. It knocked them down with its clubbed hands as it overshot them, turning to come back slowly as they flopped about on the ground like fresh-caught fish.

      Tesrya was screaming, but the screams stopped abruptly as the creature bent over her.

      Nick looked away and saw a patch of tall yellow flowers near his feet. Corn daisies, fooled into opening by the bright moonlight.

       …wrapped in three chains. One of silver, one of lead and one made from braided daisies…


      “Yes, sir!”

      Nick jumped as Ripton answered from slightly behind him and to his left.

      “Get anyone who can make flower chains braiding these daisies, and those poppies over there too. The maids might know how.”


      “I know what it sounds like, but there’s a chance that thing can be restrained with chains made from flowers.”


      “The Old Kingdom. Magic. Just make the chains!”

      “I knows the braiding of flowers,” Llew said, bending down to gently pick a daisy in his huge hand. “As does my kin here, my nieces Ellyn and Alys, who are chambermaids and will have needle and thread in their apron pockets.”

      “Get to it then, please,” said Nick. He looked across at where the young couple had fallen. The creature had been there only seconds ago, but now it was gone. “Damn! Anyone see where it went?”

      “No,” snapped Ripton. He spun around on the spot as he tried to scan the whole area outside the defensive circle.

      “Light the hay! Light the hay! Quickly!”

      Ripton struggled with his matches, striking them on his heel, but others were quicker. Guests with platinum and gold cigarette lighters flicked them open and on and held them to the hay; kitchen staff struck long, heavy-headed matches and threw them; and one old buffer wound and released a clockwork cigar fire starter, an affectation that had finally come into its own.

      Accelerated by paraffin, brandy and table polish, the ring of hay burst into flames. But not everywhere. While the fire leapt high and smoke coiled towards the moon over most of the ring, one segment about ten feet long remained stubbornly dark, dank and unlit. The meadow was sunken there, and wet, and the paraffin had not been spread evenly, pooling in a hole.

      “There it is!”

      The creature came out of the shadow of the oaks near the drive. Its strangely jointed legs propelled it across the meadow in a sprint that would have let it run down a leopard. It moved impossibly, horribly fast, coming around the outside of the ring. Nick and Ripton started to run too, even though they knew they had no chance of beating the creature.

      It would be at the gap in seconds. Only one person was close enough to do anything—a kitchen maid running with a lit taper clutched in her right hand, her left holding up her apron.

      The creature was far faster, but it had further to go. It accelerated again, becoming a blur of movement.

      Everyone within the ring watched the race, СКАЧАТЬ