On the stone road. Venia Mishin
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Название: On the stone road

Автор: Venia Mishin

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785449687906


СКАЧАТЬ Erica’s knee.

      – What’s happened? – shouted Mila Lanter, when she saw her petrified son with pale face. She immediately leaned over to help him up.

      Eric did not respond to her efforts, he was silent, remaining motionless.

      – Eric, dear, what had happed? – Woman was shaking her son, taking him by the shirt her small arms. Only after a few seconds Eric’s glazed eyes spotted her in front of him.

      When Eric comes out of the stupor, the he has facilitated the work of his mother. He abruptly jumped to his feet and Mrs. Lanter flinched in surprise.

      – I fell down. – Eric quickly muttered to himself and walked into the house without further explanation.

      The woman followed him. She couldn’t understand what had happened, and just forget the fact that she found him hardly alive, lying on the floor of the porch.

      – Eric, wait! – she shouted after him.

      Eric didn’t wait her, he was thinking about what happened to him. But he was afraid to put forward a hypothesis that could explain the unexplainable.

      When he run into his room, Eric immediately locked the door. He knew that his mother was about to rise to the second floor to arrange the questioning that he couldn’t bear. He threw his backpack into the corner and immediately fell into bed, and buried his face in the blanket.

      There was the expected knock at the door. Mrs. Lanter knocked on the door with his hands, sparing her new manicure, whom she was creating the last twenty minutes after cleaning.

      – Open the door immediately! Can you hear me? – She had never been able to give convincing orders. She was very kind and polite woman, but that was not always good to her. – Eric, open the door! – Resumed Mrs. Lanter. – I want to know what happened to you! Can you hear me?!

      No reaction has been reported. He continued lying on his stomach on the bed, with his eyes closed, and his mother didn’t stop knocking at the door. A few minutes later, concerned about the state of her child, Mrs. Lanter decided to call a doctor. Her intention didn’t please Eric; he didn’t want her to do that.

      Eric panicked even more. He would not, and could not tell anyone what had happened to him: at least because even Eric is not exactly knew what happened to him.

      Eric was sure – if he tells anyone about the glowing ball crashed into him, he will be definitely considered to be crazy. Therefore, he firmly resolved to prevent the appearance at home people in white lab coats, so as not to leave it with them, in a white shirt.

      Seeing as his mother is going to press the last digit of three-digit phone number, Eric barely had time to pull out the blue tube from her hands. His action came as a surprise for her again, and again she shuddered with fear.

      – What are you doing?! I’m OK, I… I just tripped and fell. So because of this stuff we need a rescue service? Before his eyes everything was twitching as noise on an old TV screen.

      Eric could hardly stand on his feet, because of dizziness, which was bringing him down.

      – I’m your mother. – Loudly, but lovingly, said Mrs. Lanter. – For me, the slightest adversity happens to you, it’s an emergency.

      Realizing that she is going to hug him, Eric took a step back, and walked into the kitchen. He really wanted to go back to his room, but he couldn’t do it. He had to convince his mother that everything is ok with him, in order she didn’t worry about anything: and only then he could safely return to his room, don’t worrying about her.

      – How are you? – Asked Mrs. Lanter, going to the gas stove, intending to reheat the chicken breast.

      “I do not know” – thought to himself Eric, anxiously looking around, sitting on a chair. He put his hands under the table, in order to conceal its trembling from the mother.

      – As usual… well. Not bad – as convincing as it possible Eric mumbled.

      – Mom, I do not want anything, I do not want to eat. He was now not to meal.

      – A little bit. – babbled petite Mrs. Lanter, similar to nice and pleading creation.

      – Mom!

      The breast remained in the frying pan untouched.

      Mila Lanter brewed a cup of tea with raspberries and sat down at the table to his son. She drank tea from a tiny cup, the only survivor cup of the pale pink colored tea set. One day, Mr. Lanter returned home in even worse mood than usual. For his regular dismissal had to pay grandmother’s porcelain gift.

      – I won’t be here tomorrow. I have some problems at my job, and I need to sort them out, so early in the morning, I go to the office, – she said.

      Mrs. Lanter did the selection of staff in the agency hiring nannies and governesses.

      Now in basket stork child necessarily comes with a nurse if this privilege you can afford.

      The agency, where Mila Lanter has worked, was in a nearby town. Her family has not moved there, because of high rent. Poor women have to spend every day for two and a half hours to get to job, and the same to return back home.

      – Your father returns tomorrow, after a night shift, – informed Mrs. Lanter, putting the empty cup on the table.

      – It is a pity that I did not have to work tomorrow – Eric muttered, barely holding himself in mind.

      With every second his ability to pretend that everything is fine was volatilizing.

      Weakness squeezed his eyelids, he could barely keep his eyes partly opened. The head has not stopped spinning, forcing Eric to hold on to the seat of the chair to keep from falling down.

      – Well, dear, it’s late, I’m going to bed. Today I am very tired, however, as usually.

      Mrs. Lanter had chronic fatigue, so she went to bed early.

      After his mother’s words, Eric felt relief.

      Soon it will be possible to leave the line, go back to the room and close the eyes. Climbing the stairs, Eric thought again about what had happened on the porch. The question didn’t cease in his head. He didn’t know what, and why, could this happen with him? Eric scared like never before. Fear even more weakened him and he almost crept to his room. When he turned out on the other side of the door, he stopped struggle with tearing exhaustion. As soon as Eric stopped seeing the moonlight, which was slightly getting to his room, his thin body sprawled on the multi-colored nylon carpet.

      Meanwhile, Mila Lanter finished washing the dishes. Water from the tap is no longer knocked on the metal surface of sink. Wiping her hands with a soft towel, the woman went to her room. Horrified with the sight of the location of the arrow on the dial, she decided to do without reading before bedtime today.

      Mrs. Lanter loved reading, and if she takes up any romance, she undoubtedly reads its each word, even though the story predisposes to yawning.

      The standing on a wooden bedside table lamp, went out; exhausted СКАЧАТЬ