West winds of infinity. An addition to the rule of the Nagual of Carlos Castaneda. John Abelar
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СКАЧАТЬ complete overcoming of the ego in any action leads to the displacement of the assemblage point in a place without pity, in which the mirror of self-reflection (the pattern of self-importance) is broken, which leads to a deep revision of the person’s attitude to himself and the world around him. In this position, the assemblage point a person acquires (temporarily, if not supports), pitilessness (sobriety, concentration), as the lack of pity to self and other people`s weaknesses, habits, loops, connection with the spirit through a sense of pressure in the field of the connecting link (will, lower abdomen) and the ability to quickly and radically change self behavior at any time when feeling pressure, changing the abstract outcome of the situation in the form of avoiding the loss of free energy due to the fixation of himself (self ego) in this action. Pitilessness is the first and main principle of the path of the warrior

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