In the Quarter. Chambers Robert William
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Название: In the Quarter

Автор: Chambers Robert William

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ never said you did,'' said Gethryn. ``Have you a flask, or haven't you?''

      The stranger slowly produced one, and poured a few drops into his pink palm.

      ``We may as well try,'' he said, and began to chafe her forehead. ``Here, take the whiskey – let it trickle, so, between her teeth. Don't spill any more than you can help,'' he added.

      ``Has she been shot?'' asked Gethryn.

      ``Crushed, maybe.''

      ``Poor little thing, look at her roll of music!'' said Gethryn, wiping a few drops of blood from her pallid face, and glancing compassionately at the helpless, dust-covered figure.

      ``I'm afraid it's no use – ''

      ``Give her some more whiskey, quick!'' interrupted the stranger.

      Gethryn tremblingly poured a few more drops between the parted lips. A faint color came into her temples. She moved, shivered from head to foot, and then, with a half-choked sob, opened her eyes.

      ``Mon Dieu, comme je souffre!''

      ``Where do you suffer?'' said Gethryn gently.

      ``The arm; I think it is broken.''

      Gethryn stood up and looked about for help. The Place was nearly deserted. The blue-jacketed hussars were still standing over by the Avenue, and an occasional heavy, red-faced cuirassier walked his sweating horse slowly up and down the square. A few policemen lounged against the river wall, chatting with the sentries, and far down the dusty Rue Royale, the cannon winked and blinked before the Church of the Madeleine.

      The rumble of wheels caused him to turn. A clumsy, blue-covered wagon drew up at the second fountain. It was a military ambulance. A red-capped trooper sprang down jingling from one of the horses, and was joined by two others who had followed the ambulance and who also dismounted. Then the three approached a group of policemen who were lifting something from the pavement. At the same moment he heard voices beside him, and turning, found that the girl had risen and was sitting on the campstool, her head leaning against the little stranger's shoulder.

      An officer stood looking down at her. His boots were spotless. The band of purple on his red and gold cap showed that he was a surgeon.

      ``Can we be of any assistance to madame?'' he inquired.

      ``I was looking for a cab,'' said Gethryn, ``but perhaps she is not strong enough to be taken to her home.''

      A frightened look came into the girl's face and she glanced anxiously at the ambulance. The surgeon knelt quietly beside her.

      ``Madame is not seriously hurt,'' he said, after a rapid examination. ``The right arm is a little strained, but it will be nothing, I assure you, Madame; a matter of a few days, that is all.''

      He rose and stood brushing the knees of his trousers with his handkerchief. ``Monsieur is a foreigner?''

      Gethryn smiled. ``The accent?''

      ``On the contrary, I assure you, Monsieur,'' cried the officer with more politeness than truth. He eyed the ambulance. ``The people of Paris have learned a lesson today,'' he said.

      A trooper clattered up, leading an officer's horse, and dismounted, saluting. The young surgeon glanced at his watch.

      ``Picard,'' he said, ``stop a closed cab and send it here.''

      The trooper wheeled his horse and galloped away across the square, and the officer turned to the others.

      ``Madame, I trust, will soon recover,'' he said courteously. ``Madame, messieurs, I have the honor to salute you.'' And with many a clink and jingle, he sprang into the saddle and clattered away in the wake of the slowly moving ambulance.

      At the corner of the Rue Royale, Gethryn saw the trooper stop a cab and point to the Obelisk. He went over and asked the canary-colored stranger, ``Will you take her home, or shall I?''

      ``Why, you, of course; you brought her here.''

      ``No, I didn't. I never saw her until I noticed her being pushed about by the crowd.'' He caught the girl's eye and colored furiously, hoping she did not suspect the nature of their discussion. Before her helplessness it seemed so brutal.

      The cab drew up before the Obelisk and a gruff voice cried, ``V'la! M'ssieurs! – 'dames!''

      ``Put your arm on my shoulder – so,'' said Gethryn, and the two men raised her gently. Once in the cab, she sank back, looking limp and white. Gethryn turned sharply to the other man.

      ``Shall I go?''

      ``Rather,'' replied the little stranger, pleasantly.

      Opening his coat in haste, he produced a square of pasteboard. ``My card,'' he said, offering one to Gethryn, who bowed and fumbled in his pockets. As usual, his card-case was in another coat.

      ``I'm sorry I have none,'' he said at length, ``but my name is Reginald Gethryn, and I shall give myself the pleasure of calling to thank you for – ''

      ``For nothing,'' laughed the other, ``excepting for the sketch, which you may have when you come to see me.''

      ``Thanks, and au revoir,'' glancing at the card. ``Au revoir, Mr Bulfinch.''

      He was giving the signal to the cabby when his new acquaintance stopped him.

      ``You're quite sure – you – er – don't know any newspapermen?''


      ``All right – all right – and – er – just don't mention about my having a flask, if you do meet any of them. I – er – keep it for others. I don't drink.''

      ``Certainly not,'' began Gethryn, but Mr T. Hoppley Bulfinch had seized his campstool and trotted away across the square.

      Gethryn leaned into the cab.

      ``Will you give me your address?'' he asked gently.

      ``Rue Monsieur le Prince – 430 – '' she whispered. ``Do you know where it is?''

      ``Yes,'' said Gethryn. It was his own number.

      ``Rue Monsieur le Prince 430'', he repeated to the driver, and stepping in, softly shut the door.


      Rain was falling steadily. The sparrows huddled under the eaves, or hopped disconsolately along the windowsills, uttering short, ill-tempered chirps. The wind was rising, blowing in quick, sharp gusts and sweeping the forest of rain spears, rank upon rank, in mad dashes against the glass-roofed studio.

      Gethryn, curled up in a corner of his sofa, listlessly watched the showers of pink and white blossoms which whirled and eddied down from the rocking chestnuts, falling into the windy court in little heaps. One or two stiff-legged flies crawled rheumatically along the window glass, only to fall on their backs and lie there buzzing.

      The two bull pups had silently watched the antics of these maudlin creatures, but their interest changed to indignation when one sodden insect attempted a final ascent and fell noisily upon the floor under their very noses. Then they rose as one dog and leaped madly upon the intruder, or meant to; but being pups, and uncertain in their estimation of distances, they СКАЧАТЬ