Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty. Lyudmila Ananieva
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Название: Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty

Автор: Lyudmila Ananieva

Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9788873043324


СКАЧАТЬ expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, spasmolytic, immunomodulatory, diuretic, antipyretic.

      It is used for acute and chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, asthma), kidney and bladder diseases, intestinal atony, normalization of water-fat balance and skin rejuvenation.

      2.1. Effect of anise essential oil

       Anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, spasmolytic, immunomodulatory (mainly increases the B-system activity), diuretic, antipyretic, coronarolytic, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, expectorant.

       Stimulates the respiratory center.

       Increases the secretion of digestive glands.

       Normalizes the blood supply to the brain.

       Eliminates tachycardia.

       Improves mental and physical performance.

       Relieves nervous and emotional tension.

       Optimizes adaptive responses.

       Forms complexes with lead ions, contributing to their removal from the body.

       Eliminates intestinal atony.

       Reduces menstrual pain.

       Increases milk production in nursing mothers.

       Has a sedative effect, helps to eliminate depression and to reduce child hyperexcitability and tearfulness, helps in case of nervous exhaustion.

       Helps to normalize the water-fat balance of the skin and to increase the turgor of its cells, which increases skin firmness.

      2.2. Use of anise oil in cosmetology

      Such a plant product is primarily used to care for mature and fading skin. The oil stimulates the epidermal cells to produce more collagen, tones the skin, and increases its firmness. It is also effective for some skin diseases, helps to get rid of the first signs of scabies, as well as lice and fleas. In cosmetology, anise oil has found application in the care of locks. This plant product is used to enrich shampoos, masks and conditioners. It is also added to aromatic baths and special relaxing and restorative massages. While enriching cosmetic products, it is necessary to strictly respect the amount of oil: we take 3 drops of essence per 10 ml of base oil. To obtain a massage mixture, the same proportion is used, only as a base, we use a cream or a body lotion. While taking an aromatic bath, just 7 drops of this plant product should be added to the water.

      2.3. Precautionary measures

      Strong oil, which is a powerful stimulant.

      When using high doses for massage and bath, this may cause irritation of gastric mucous membranes and dizziness, and prolonged use of high doses can lead to general poisoning, muscle paresis, and circulatory as well as brain disorders.

      Regular use of oil internally may cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. With extreme caution, it is recommended to use it for any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and only under the supervision of a doctor.

      It should not be used during pregnancy and its use must be limited when blood clotting is high.

      3. Juniper Juniper

      Effect: general stimulant, diuretic, antiseptic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, local irritant, wound-healing. Can excrete uric acid and toxins. Improves digestion. Promotes weight loss. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels and cartilage tissue. Perfectly tones up the nervous system, relieves irritability, eliminates stressful reactions and destructive emotions.

      Juniper essential oil is used (see further for details) to improve metabolism, increase body resistance and prevent exposure to harmful chemical factors and small radiation, and in the case of arthritis, osteochondrosis, sprains, swelling, gout, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections (ARI), flu, urolithiasis, hemorrhoids, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and long unhealed wounds and ulcers.

      Juniper oil is used as an effective cosmetic for the care of oily and normal skin, and also as a means of personal hygiene, which normalizes acid-base reaction and bacterial balance of sexual organs.

      Essential oil-enriched creams, tonics, rinses, masks, compresses are recommended for oily and inflamed skin, open pores, acne, long unhealed ulcers and wounds, infiltrates, varicose veins, eczema, psoriasis and different types of dermatitis and dermatosis.

      Rinsing the hair after washing with the addition of essential oil removes dandruff. It repels mites and fleas and is used to disinsect homes and pets. Enrichment of cosmetics: 2–3 drops per 10 g of base (cream, shampoo, gel, liquid soap, etc.).


      3.1. Additional recipes

      3.1.1. Juniper essential oil for hair

      Against dandruff, to strengthen and grow hair: effectively apply aromatic massage on the scalp and aromatic rinsing of hair with juniper essential oil. For dry type of hair: once a week, for oily type: twice.

      Aromatization and disinfection of air in living and working premises: 5 drops in aromatic lamps for every 15–17 square meters of room. Steam inhalation: 2–3 drops of pure juniper oil are added to hot water (temperature about 80–85 °C), we bend over the container and deeply inhale the healing vapors for 7–10 minutes, covering the head with a towel and closing the eyes.

      Massage: 5–7 drops per 30 ml of base oil. Compresses: 5–7 drops per 300 g of oil. A gauze bandage is impregnated with the composition and applied to the affected area of the body, and insulated with cellophane and adhesive bandage. Enrichment of cosmetic products: 2–4 drops per 15 g of base.

      3.1.2. Juniper oil against stretch marks

      Massage and self-massage at home using base vegetable oils with the addition of juniper essence eliminates striae (stretch marks) formed on different parts of the body after pregnancy, breastfeeding, and fast slimming. It is best to combine juniper with grapefruit: to 15 g of base, 4 drops are added of each essential oil. Massage with juniper oil increases muscle tone, smooths shallow skin wrinkles, promotes resorption of scar tissue and scars, and improves complexion.

      3.1.3. Juniper oil for weight loss

      According to many women, juniper essential oil is a proven helper in the fight against overweight. Ways of using the essence: baths, anti-cellulite massage, wraps, applying creams and lotions for the body.

      3.2. Precautionary measures

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