Love And Grow Rich. 17 Golden Rules For Your Success. Original Pack. Al Trumpa
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      But only many years later I realized something else. Something very unique and extraordinary… It is impossible to keep afloat constantly, if you do not have the Power of Love. This Power helps to awaken faith in oneself. This Power helps push something inside you that make you keep always staying alive, breathe and move even. This Power instills a full-fledged confidence in everything: in itself, in your relatives and friends, and in your friends and colleagues, and in general in all your partners. Only love can be stable. But this should be the Love for your own Heart. And the Love from your own Soul.

      If Love comes from your own Heart, you know and feel the secret of true happiness and success. Even intimate happiness and success. This is the power that moves you to wealth, to YOUR MILLIONS.

      But don’t try to run too fast for money and the glitz of wealth. Set a goal first. Set a goal first: to live. Then to enjoy your life. And no matter how bad and unsuccessful it may be. Remember, you still have some time to live on this Earth! And spend this precious time with benefit, with love, with kindness and gratitude. Do not waste your time on evil, aggression, envy and revenge…

      Yes… Dear Lord! Now… And only now and many long years after, I realize that I would not have received all my millions, with the house of my dream, my big “male toy” Nissan Pathfinder, and indeed this “happy set” – the desired lifestyle that I aspired to if it would not be this great, but very simple thing – Love.

      Love for yourself, love for everything in this world. Love without pressure and without tension. There was a time, I generally gave up my desires and goals, threw everything, was offended. But only thanks to you, Love, and only thanks to you, Heart, I got everything I wanted. And besides, following such an expensive trial and error, I could also survive! And I really survived by these days!

      But that was a truly wonderful time and valuable experience.

      – —

      I Thank the whole Universe!

      I Thank my Love and Heart!

      With love for everyone and everything.

      Your simple guy,

      Al Trumpa.

      Chapter 1. A heart that loves itself and the life!

      Rule #1. You have a Heart – so love your Heart and love your Life!

      It’s not only thoughts that solve everything. Feelings and emotions are much more powerful tools. But the strongest among all of your body organs is your HEART!

      Each of us has a heart. And do not punish yourself by taking it away from yourself! Stop taking your heart from yourself. If you take away your heart, you will be poor and die. And this is the cruel truth. Do not run from it. Look the truth straight! And then smile at this truth – “smile” with your heart!

      If you give away or drive away your heart, return it to yourself. Just speak to him again, talk to him, and it will quickly respond. Be sure, it will return to you – it will run to you with joy, like your favorite pet!

      Then you have to love yourself and your life right now. Hell yes! The pitiful and worthless yourself, and this pitiful and pitiful life of yours! Admit it honestly – you are already dead. Nobody needs you. You don’t need anyone for anybody. Except YOURSELF. But you become necessary person, if you start loving yourself and loving this “damned” life.

      After all, you have nothing left in this life except your heart, love and life. So now you have only one way out: to love your heart and love your life. Enjoy every moment of your heartbeat and every minute you live under that beat. Love for your heart is your trump card.

      If you do not love yourself you will die. No matter how and where. Someday your heart will stop – it will run away from you! Why does your heart have such an ugly boss like you outside? And now think yourself and put yourself in the place of your own heart. Ask yourself as if you were your heart: “Do I really need this nasty blob-man? Am I inside this spoiled tin can? Do I really have to love a monster like ‘him’ or a freak, like ‘her’?!”

      When you ask your heart and yourself, you will understand what you do not like about yourself. When you understand – forget about all this and just start living with your heart! When you look at your whole life with the “eyes” of your heart, or from the point of view of your heart, you will see all your clips and problems. But more than that! You will see real solutions to any of your problems. And remember – any problems at all – they are not yours! Because they have no heart, they are inanimate. And you have a heart, because you are alive! And if you want to remain them in the future – love yourself, love your heart and love your life!

      Just set yourself a goal: to live and love, not to run after millions and billions of dollars, but just to live and love, enjoy and enjoy every little thing that happens in your life. The Love would be your fist step to your richness and your BIG MONEY then.

      Rule #1. You have a Heart – so love your Heart and love your Life!

      – —

      Motto intention: “I love my beautiful life. My life is all that I have. And I have to live my life with love. I have to fill every minute of my time on this earth with the love, the love of my heart. My heart is my Universe! I am inside myself, I am inside the Universe! And the Universe is with me!”…

      Chapter 2. Only one main target!

      Rule #2. Aim at only one main target!

      If you think what to do in this life, after you have loved yourself and your life – probably the best way out is to get rich. May be to grow yourself rich, like an adult and self-confident child. And it is true.

      Just know before you act – that it is best way is not to strive immediately richness-runaway and try to catch up with the millions and billions of dollars running away from you. No. Start small. But then slowly move on to the big one.

      Choose for yourself only one main target to which you will “aim”. Set out to get this goal, not just dream about it. You must know the truth – the dream does not come true just like that in pretty fairytale. A dream comes true every day in your common life – day by day – step by step. The dream should get up in the morning with you, and with you it should fall asleep. No other way.

      How long will it take to reach a dream? Not so much if you abide by the rule “Get up with a dream” and “Go to bed with a dream.” And if you do it every day. Everyday! It is very serious. Believe me, this is the only thing that works – setting yourself daily for your dream. Because a dream is like a balloon – it can fly away at any moment if events and circumstances distract you from your ordinary life. Do not be distracted by them. The dream actually comes true faster than you think, if you do everything right, as described above and below. If everything is so, then you have nothing to worry about!

      Live with your dream. And of course do not let go your dream, believe in the dream and the most important thing is LOVING your dream. So love it. Love it as a child loves a pet and life. And keep yourself in that condition all the time. But know one more secret – you must have just only ONE dream! And not more СКАЧАТЬ