The Book about Cryptocurrency № 1. Viacheslav Nosko
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      You might wonder, what is our plan now? It’s clear that the current situation can not be sustained, without ending in a nuclear holocaust. I am part of an underground network, who seek to launch a coordinated attack against the very infrastructure of the Internet itself. We have at our disposal about 20 nuclear submarines, which we will use to cut all underwater cables between different continents. After this has been successfully achieved, we will launch a simultaneous nuclear pulse attack on every densely population area of the world. We believe that the resulting chaos will allow the world’s population to rise up in revolt, and destroy as many computers out there as possible, until we reach the point where Bitcoin loses any relevance.

      Of course, this outcome will likely lead to billions of deaths. This is a price we are forced to pay, to avoid the eternal enslavement of humanity to a tiny elite.

      This is also the reason we contacted you.

      It doesn’t have to be like this. You do not have to share our fate. I don’t know how, but you must find a way to destroy this godforsaken project in its infancy. I know this is a difficult thing to ask of you. You believed you were helping the world by eliminating the central banking cartel that governs your economies.

      However, I have seen where it ends.

      The letter was published on behalf of someone called Luka_Magnotta.

      The identity of the author is not possible to be determined by content analysis.

      The letter made quite a stir, spread quickly across specialized and other resources, it was copied by hundreds of sites and translated into almost all languages of the world. Word is, the message from the future was written, maybe just for fun, by the same person (or group of people) hiding under the name Satoshi Nakamoto – the creator of the first protocol for cryptocurrencies.

      Anyway, for the time being, the information stated in the text is coming true.

      Bitcoin rate is increasing, more and more countries and governments are interested in digital currency. According to experts, the capitalization of blockchain-industrial market exceeds half a trillion US dollars by mid-2018.

      Once again, let’s write a number with zeros to impress you: 500,000,000,000 US dollars.

      However, will the distribution of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies lead to global chaos, apocalypse or nuclear war? Is it possible to get rich and earn millions by only trading cryptocurrency? Is special education needed for working with crypto?

      Are you curious to know how things are with cryptocurrency now?

      From the authors: who we are and why we can be trusted

      Hey! If you are reading this book and have already become interested in the topic of cryptocurrency, then, probably, you are sure, that crypto is the currency of the new age and that some time later the world will change a lot with its help. What, actually, we were already warned about by the author of the letter from the future.

      Most likely, you already understand that you can make good money on crypto. Maybe you already count the millions that you will have after the next Bitcoin or other coin jump?

      It is so and … it is not.

      There is an illusion in the mind of the average person that quick money can be earned on cryptocurrency. Buy Bitcoins and Ethers and wait for their value to increase significantly.

      However, the crypto market is subject to general market laws, and there is much in it from traditional trading.

      Although it should not be denied that this market is more accessible, threshold for entering it is minimal, unlike the securities market.

      It is impossible to enter cryptomarket from scratch and lose nothing if you behave on the market unwisely and wastefully without analyzing information, without knowing the principles of work. At least, our personal experience and the experience of other crypto traders confirm this.

      In 2015, we started working with cryptocurrencies and saw how the market, the number of exchanges, coins and tokens were growing. And we were in the red and spent hours and thousands of dollars of personal funds to figure it all out.

      So, who are we?

      We, Maxim and Vyacheslav, are the creators of the media platform,, where you can see what happens on the cryptocurrency market in real time. This is the leading cryptocurrency media in the CIS countries.

      We run a YouTube channel, a channel on Telegram; we are on social networks – Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter.

      Our community already has a total of 100,000 people. Every month we have 50,000 unique visitors on the site, and the audience of the Telegram and YouTube channels is expanding.

      Three times a week we have live broadcasts on the YouTube channel, where we immediately answer the questions of users.

      We are often visited by experts in matters of crypto and investing. They share their experience and thoughts regarding the market situation.

      If you regularly read, watch, listen to Pro blockchain stuff, you will gradually begin to understand what happens on crypto market and where this, perhaps, the youngest and the most fast-growing world market moves to.

      The channel and all the resources with Pro Blockchain Media name are our educational activity. We have been in the topic of cryptocurrency for a long time, we want to share knowledge and help others understand better the technology which, we are sure, is the future.

      The future is interesting, filled with opportunities for everyone who is ready to learn, penetrate and take risks.

      We personally studied how the cryptocurrency market works, and we continue to study, monitor and track relevant information.

      We have been in this topic since the end of 2015.

      We started with Bitcoin then worked with Ethereum.

      Before this book was born, we had lost several thousands dollars for two.

      Maxim: “Before I started working with crypto, I was engaged in various types of businesses – construction, catering, consulting. My path to crypto was not the easiest one: once I lost all my investments. I bought Ripple, watching how the market was gaining momentum, but then due to a jump in exchange rates I lost almost 6 thousand dollars. I quickly withdrew the funds left and was incredibly glad that quitted. But this story did not make me study the cryptocurrency market and its processes.

      The most important lesson I learned after a couple of years of working in cryptocurrencies: there is no easy and quick money. To be an expert, you need to understand how the world of the blockchain works, what influences it. Beginners’ biggest mistake is desire to raise quick dough. No, this is not how it works.

      Over time, I began to understand not at the average level but at the professional level. The market is alive; it has its own dynamics. You need to know when it makes sense to penetrate, and when you need to leave quickly.

      If you want to do cryptocurrency, I congratulate you. This is a good decision. Whatever skeptics may say, blockchain СКАЧАТЬ