I am the COUGAR. Irina Bjørnø
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Название: I am the COUGAR

Автор: Irina Bjørnø

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9785449621375


СКАЧАТЬ natural digestion enzymes and to mix them with the mouth water. This makes your stomach «go» easier and your digestion will be smooth and healthy. So easy is it!

      – Beauty mirror: When you are ready to go the bathroom look at the mirror and make the affirmation: «I am the most beautiful creation of this world and I enjoy my own company!» Smile at the mirror.

      – Water play: use only cold water to wash your face, neck and hands up to the elbows. Splash cold water several times onto your face. Enjoy the coldness and freshness of the water.

      – Massage for the Cougar: I recommend you try some of my massage techniques and then you can develop your own routine. Look at our Belbook free TV channel on tube to find your personal massage type (www.youtube.com/BeLBookstoday)

      I myself do ALL these very quick massages everyday as my daily lifestyle. It takes for me about 30 minutes all together including my 10—15 minutes jogging tour with my dog Bella. Here are the details for you:

      – 6 points face massage: massage 6 points on the face with circular movement especially paying attention to the middle «beauty point» on the chin (pictures will help you to find the location of the points). Duration of massage: 15 seconds per point.

      – Earlobe massage: your ears are worth a massage. It is a part of your erotic zones and it should be massaged everyday (by you or your partner): looking at the pictures will make sense. Duration: 1—2 minutes.

      – Beauty hair massage: take a good wooden (natural materials) hairbrush and massage the scalp and the hair with stroking movements 1—2 minutes (100 times) – you will have healthy hair and no headaches forever. I learn this from my grandmother – her hair was always shiny and beautiful. Once a week she washed her hair with a natural egg punch: take two egg yolk, beat them and add 1—2 drops of olive oil and 1—2 drops of fresh lemon juice or 1—2 drops of Japanese rice vinegar. Beat again. Massage in the scalp and let sit for 1—2 minutes. Rinse with warm water without shampoo. Finish with slightly cooler water (to close the hair pores).

      – Breasts massage: your beautiful twins need your daily attention to be firm and have the best shape: massage them with circular movements 10 times in one direction and 10 times in opposite direction. Apply only a little pressure. Breast cancer, the largest women’s problem: could be eliminated if we start doing daily massages of our breasts from the age of 15 years old. Unfortunately, our spouses are not attentive enough to make such a pleasure a daily service. Try breasts massage for 21 days and see the result in the mirror!!! Duration of the massage: 1—2 minutes

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