Global economy or 500 tips how to help save the world (every little help). Part 1. Dauren Dembayev
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СКАЧАТЬ no matter how harmless it may seem, harms the ecology of the Earth as a whole.

      I don’t force humanity to become ascetic and clingy, but attentiveness will help us all save easily, as it is possible to save on what we don’t really need, which we can live without.

      So read the book, follow the advice, save our planet and become richer!

      From myself I want to add: I will certainly keep a record of books sold to find out how many trees I “cut down”, instead of which I will plant new ones in order to restore the environment affected by my writings!

      In conclusion, I would like to note that the decisive factors in saving supplies are care and precision!

      This book was the result of many months of effort, and there are people who deserve special thanks for help in creation of this book.

      I want to express my sincere gratitude to my wife, Baymakhanova Aisha, who believes in me and in this book, encouraging me to make it a reality. She supported me in the most difficult times of my life, her love and confidence helped me to keep the head up. Without her there would be no this book!

      Thanks to my parents, brothers, teachers and colleagues who took the time to talk to me about the progress of the work and convinced me that I was doing everything right.

      Special thanks to my teacher of the gymnasium №40 in Taraz city, Osipova Tatyana, for the help in the creation of this book.

      For professionalism and support in my work I want to say words of gratitude to Safinov Kanatbek Beysenbekovich. My gratitude to everyone who helped in the work on the book!

      Health, sports and global events

      1. Quit Smoking! You will save not only your health, but also the health of others, protecting the environment from smoke. Resources spent on cleaning and recycling cigarette butts will be saved. Because every pack of cigarettes and paper for it is piece of our forests.

      2. If you just cannot quit right away, smoke less!

      3. If people stop Smoking, the fields occupied by tobacco can be sown with other necessary crops.

      4. Smile more and enjoy life! Negative emotions spoil your health, which will eventually lead to the need for treatment and purchase of drugs.

      5. Stop drinking alcohol that is harmful to your health. Among other things, the production of such drinks in large quantities is very expensive.

      6. Dry your hair naturally, without a hair dryer. This is the safest way. So the hair will be healthier, and you can save electricity.

      7. Take care of your health, regularly undergo a medical examination. Poor health or late detection of the disease will require much more than the cost of timely treatment or prevention.

      8. It is necessary to hold the movement “Earth Hour” not once a year, but as often as possible. For example, before every worldwide event or holiday.

      9. If the purpose of buying a new form is to support your favorite club financially, find out if it is possible to transfer funds to the account of your favorite club directly. This is better than buying a form on which the resources of the planet are spent.

      10. If the desire to update the form every year is irresistible, however you do not collect it, give the old form to the boy from the next street, chasing the ball down the street and cheering for the same club as you. So you will not accumulate things at home, and the boy will not have to spend money on the form.

      11. When doing sports, buy liquids in large containers. Better to buy one-liter bottle of water than two by 0.5 liters. Of course, drinking from such bottles is not very convenient, but you use less plastic.

      12. It will be even better if you buy a reusable bottle that can be refilled with clean water before each workout

      13. Another advice to tennis players is instead of breaking the racket, give it to one of the fans – he will be happy.

      14. Do you already have the uniform of your favorite club, and it is in good condition? Do not rush to buy a new one every football season. Usually football clubs produce new equipment every year, before the start of a new season. Of course, following the club and the players suggests that you financially support your favorites, but think about how wasteful it is.

      15. What if your child has grown up and sports equipment has become small, but is in good condition? Give it to someone who is younger and who is engaged in sports. At least, propose the equipment on sale.

      16. Boots or sneakers with torn stiches can be sewn up and continue to be worn.

      17. Did the strings break on the tennis racket? Do not buy a new racket, just restring them.

      18. Athletes! If making private agreements with sponsors cannot be avoided, sell your old kits or gift the fans. Don’t let the clothes lay in vain!

      19. Today, popular athletes make a large number of sponsorship agreements, according to which sponsors require them to wear a uniform with the logo of the sponsor or drive a car from the sponsor. My advice to athletes: sign long-term contracts that allow you to wear one uniform for a longer period or drive a car from a sponsor for longer.

      20. Dear tennis players! If you have a bad day and even the game is not glued, please restrain emotions, do not break the racket.

      21. If the players emotions must be released, I advise you have old or broken racket of slapping on the floor or stomp feet.

      22. Buy a sports water bottle, fill it at home and carry it with you. This is a better solution than the daily purchase of water in plastic bottles in the store. As a result less plastic consumption and money saving!

      23. On a global scale, the transition and use of one international language is a huge step towards saving resources, as there is no need to create electronic dictionaries and phrasebooks in the publication of paper dictionaries, in the production of translation systems for seminars and conferences, and more.

      24. Moreover, knowledge of popular languages will certainly help people worldwide. This is an opportunity not to spend money on translators and dictionaries or phrasebooks.

      25. It is better to hold events at stadiums during the day. Then you will not need to spend a large amount of energy on lighting, including huge spotlights.

      26. The use of several national or official languages by one country is highly commendable, but at the same time costly. As, it is necessary to specify all official information (for example, indexes and so on) in all state languages. It is better if all citizens of the state know one of the official languages that can be used for writing on signs and plates.

      27. The use of bio installations for energy production, for example, from animal waste or biological waste, gives a good economy of resources.

      28. Nowadays, when garbage accumulates in tons and pollutes the environment, thus its recycling is mandatory.

      29. The shorter the names of companies and organizations in cities and countries, the more economical it is. This also applies to the production СКАЧАТЬ