The One Month Marriage. Judith Stacy
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Название: The One Month Marriage

Автор: Judith Stacy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ just looked at him, too stunned to speak.

      Brandon came around the desk. “There’s something else I want to talk to you about. Last night you said I had no idea about why you left. I thought about that today.”

      “You did?” Now she was truly stunned.

      “Yes. I thought about it and I want you to know that I’m fully aware of why you left.”

      A different sort of unease came over Jana. “You are?”

      Brandon straightened his shoulders. “It was my fault, really. I didn’t give you enough guidance. You were young and somewhat pampered, and I should have provided more direction, made you more aware of your duties and responsibilities.”

      She raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

      “Yes.” He cleared his throat. “As I said, it was really my fault. It was my duty as your husband to provide those things. I was remiss in not doing so.”

      Her expression soured. “How generous of you to admit it.”

      “Yes. Well, I want to assure you the situation will be corrected. So,” he said, drawing in a breath, “with your—and my—new commitment to our marital responsibilties, I’m sure everything will be fine. This time.”

      A thousand retorts jetted through Jana’s mind, itching to be spoken, hurled at him like spiked daggers.

      But she held her tongue. A sense of calm came over Jana.

      “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that,” she said softly, never meaning anything more in her life.

      Brandon smiled, apparently pleased with himself. “Good. I’m glad that settled things.”

      “Oh, that settled things, all right.”

      Jana left the study, determination and strength lengthening her strides as she bounded up the stairs and into her room.

      Yes, Brandon’s assessment settled things, all right. But not the way he thought.

      Jana drew in a deep, cleansing breath, knowing without a doubt what would happen next.

      She’d leave.

      Nothing had changed in the past fourteen months—including Brandon. Everything that had driven her from the house was still firmly in place.

      The servants who ignored her instructions.

      That awful decorator Mr. McDowell who bullied her.

      Not being allowed to have guests in her own home.

      The loneliness.

      The loneliness had been the hardest. She’d left all her friends behind in San Francisco when Brandon had brought her here. Aunt Maureen, hundreds of miles away. Everything that was familiar, friendly, comforting.

      And Brandon, always gone. Up early, not wanting her presence at the breakfast table. Out late, business keeping him occupied well into the evenings.

      Crying alone in her bed at night.

      He had seemed almost a stranger during those first three months, always busy, in a rush, hurrying off to attend to something important. She hadn’t felt she could approach him about anything—certainly not her unhappiness.

      Jana drew herself up and took a deep breath. She wasn’t crying anymore.

      Perhaps nothing in this house had changed in the past fourteen months, but she certainly had. The decision she’d made in London now looked all the more correct.

      She absolutely would not live her life under these circumstances.

      She was leaving.

      Jana pressed her lips together. She’d never last the remaining four weeks under this roof. Yet she’d given her word, committed to stay. Her only escape would be Brandon himself releasing her from her promise.

      A slow smile spread across Jana’s mouth. Brandon would ask her to leave.

      She’d see to it.

       Chapter Six

       “G ood morning.” Jana breezed into the breakfast room, her smile as cheery as the sun streaming in through the lace-covered windows.

      Brandon’s gaze came up from the two newspapers on the table in front of him, frowning slightly.

      “Jana, I thought we agreed that I was to have breakfast alone. You know I need this time to think over the day, get a jump—”

      “I was simply too excited to wait.” Jana yanked out the chair at his right elbow and planted herself in it. “First of all, I have to thank you for clarifying things for me last night. I realized you’re absolutely right. We both must live up to our duties and responsibilities if our marriage is going to work.”

      Brandon nodded thoughtfully. “Good. I’m relieved to hear you say that.”

      “Yes, I thought you would be.” Jana plucked a grape from the fruit bowl on the table and popped it into her mouth. “And I’m glad we’re in agreement.”

      Brandon’s gaze lingered on her lips. “Well, huh, yes, so am I.”

      Jana took another grape, rolled it against her lips, then pushed it into her mouth, her finger lingering a few seconds between her lips.

      “So, today,” she went on, rubbing her lips together, “we will both go forth with a new commitment to our roles as husband and wife. I’m excited.”

      Brandon shifted in the chair. “I’m growing excited myself.”

      “I’m starting on the house today. The decorating is long overdue. I intend to give it my full attention. Nothing will be left undone.” Jana selected a banana from the serving bowl, peeled it and slid it past her lips. She paused, not biting into it, and pulled it out again. “If that’s all right with you, of course.”


      She touched her tongue to the tip of the banana. “Do I have free rein to decorate the house?”

      He just looked at her.

      “Brandon? The decorating? Brandon?”

      He dragged his gaze from her lips up to her eyes, then ran his finger under his shirt collar. “Oh, yes, the decorating. Of course. Do whatever you want. The house is yours.”

      “And you’ll take care of the grounds?” Jana asked, biting slowly into the banana.

      He gulped, his gaze dropping to her mouth again. “What…whatever you want.”

      Jana chewed slowly, then swallowed. “The grounds, like so many other things here, are in need of some long overdue attention. Wouldn’t you agree?”

      His breathing picked СКАЧАТЬ