The Last Groom On Earth. Kristin James
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Название: The Last Groom On Earth

Автор: Kristin James

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ suggested.

      Angela flashed him a disgusted look and said, “Abrupt. I should not have dismissed your help so peremptorily.”

      “Your partners ganged up on you to accept?”

      “No. In fact, Tim told me to do whatever I think is best. He and Kelly trust me, you see. However, when I thought about it, I realized that I wasn’t acting in the company’s best interest. I was simply reacting to—” she made a vague gesture toward him “—the past. And my parents. I hate to accept help from them. It confirms their opinion of me.”

      Bryce looked puzzled. “And what is their opinion of you?”

      Angela gave him a look that indicated that she doubted his mental powers. “That I’m a flake. Ditzy and incompetent. All they see in any business is numbers, and they know how I am with those. So they figure that I’m bound to fail.”

      “I don’t get that impression from them. I think they’re rather proud of you and your success, actually.”

      Angela stared. “Are you sure you’re talking about my parents? Everett and Marina Hewitt?”

      A faint smile touched Bryce’s lips. “Yes, I believe those are the ones.”

      “I think you’re mistaken.”

      “No. I imagine I know them a lot better than you. They may not understand you or what you do—”

      Angela let out a dry chuckle. “That’s the understatement of all time.”

      “—but they love you and are very proud of you. That’s why they’re concerned about this problem with the IRS.”

      “Yes. My little problem.” Angela made a disgusted face and turned away to gaze out the window again.

      When it appeared that she was going to say nothing else, Bryce prompted, “How did you find me?”

      “I called Mother. She told me you always stayed here when you were in Raleigh, and she said you planned to spend the night because you had a presentation to CompCon in the morning. They’re a good company, by the way, but you have to handle Jason Willard with kid gloves.”

      He gave her a stiff little bow of his head. “Thank you for the advice.”

      “You’re welcome,” Angela replied, ignoring the note of sarcasm in his voice. She crossed her arms and looked at him.

      Standing outside Bryce’s door, her stomach had been jittery with nerves. But now, seeing the mulish expression on his face, Angela felt, perversely, more relaxed. Bryce obviously did not like her being here. That fact made it easier for her to admit that she needed his help.

      “Anyway,” she said, sitting down and crossing her legs, “I’m sorry. I thought about what you’d said, and Tim and Kelly and I talked it over. I decided I had been wrong to turn down your offer.” She gazed up at him a little defiantly, more as if she were being scolded than admitting that she had made a mistake. Bryce found it strangely appealing.

      “I came to ask you if your offer still held,” she said. “Are you willing to find our problem?”

      Angela could see from his face that he would have liked to turn her down, but she was counting on his promise to her mother to keep him from doing what he wanted.

      Finally, grudgingly, he said, “Yes. I suppose I am—though, God knows, I’ll probably regret it. I can imagine what your records are like. You probably keep all your invoices in a shoe box.”

      Angela grinned impishly. “I’d love to tell you that they were, just to see the smoke come out of your ears, but I can’t malign Kelly. She keeps excellent records. She’s not at all like me.”


      Angela made a face at him. She watched him, more relaxed now that she had choked out her apology. She wondered why she had not remembered how handsome he was. Even if he had filled out, surely the bare bones of his good looks had been there: the firm, well-cut lips, the strong bones of his face, the dark-lashed gray eyes.

      Bryce walked over to the table and sat down across from her. Angela could see the wary look on his face, and she wondered what he thought she was going to do. She decided not to help him out. She gazed back at him with wide eyes, swinging her foot and waiting for him to make the first move.

      “All right,” he said, taking out a yellow pad and pencil and settling down to take notes. “Let’s get some basics. I need to know about your business.”

      “Mother didn’t tell you?”

      “She said only that you made computer games.”

      “That’s right. Fantasy sort of games, mostly, some flight and road simulation sort of things. We’re beginning to move into the CD-Rom area. Our mainstay and what we started out with are the Concordia games and others like them.”

      “Concordia games?” Bryce raised his eyebrows.

      “You’ve never heard of them?”

      “I don’t play computer games. I use my computer for work.”

      “Of course. How silly of me.” Angela’s smile flashed, creating a dimple in her cheek.

      There was something definitely sexy, Angela thought, about Bryce’s serious, intense gaze. The silvery gray eyes seemed to go right through her. She wondered if he brought the same single-minded intensity to his lovemaking as he did to his work. The thought sent a shiver through her.

      She glanced away from him quickly. She couldn’t believe that she was thinking about Bryce this way. Bryce Richards, of all people! It was crazy; they could hardly manage to string together three or four civil sentences to each other. The thought of ever going to bed with him was sheer insanity. He was not her type, and she felt sure that Bryce would run as fast as he could the other way if he thought that she was interested in him. He had made it very clear what he thought of her.

      “The Concordia games are quest games,” she said quickly to get her mind off her strange thoughts. “They are set in a fictional kingdom, Concordia, in some past time, vaguely medieval. There’s a king and queen and their beautiful daughter, Princess Alicia. Their enemy is an evil sorceress, Maladora.”

      “Ah!” Bryce’s brows flew up in a look of enlightenment. “That’s who you were dressed as this afternoon.”



      “Oh. For Tim’s party…it’s a week from Friday. A big charity costume party he throws every year for this children’s charity he’s involved with.”

      “Oh.” His face cleared. “Okay. So what does this Maladora do?”

      “Anyway, Maladora is very powerful, and though, of course, she’s defeated in each game, she always finds some way of coming back. In a weird way, people are probably more attached to her than to the princess or even Sir Leopold. He’s the knight from another country who came to Concordia and released the royal family from the enchantment that Maladora had put them under. That was our first game, СКАЧАТЬ