The Doctor's Second Chance. Missy Tippens
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Название: The Doctor's Second Chance

Автор: Missy Tippens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      “We can work on the feeding first.”

      She pointed to a case of already-prepared formula. “I figured you’d rather splurge on ready-to-feed formula instead of having to mix the powder.”

      “Good call.”

      She held up a carton and gave instructions on how to heat it.

      He pulled bottles out of the diaper bag. “These are the ones Remy sent.”

      Examining their condition, Violet wrinkled her nose. One was coated with the curdling remnants of formula. The nipples looked worn. Too worn, as if Remy had gotten them as hand-me-downs. “You know, I think since you don’t know where these have been, we’ll boil them first. And we can throw some of them away. I bought a few new ones.”

      His expression hardened. “My cousin may not have the best of everything, but I don’t think she would expose her baby to unsanitary conditions.”

      Spoken as if he thought Violet was used to having the best of everything. The fact he must think her haughty nipped at her conscience. How many times had she been mortified by her mother’s snobbish actions? She’d vowed never to have that same attitude.

      “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend. But nipples do wear out and tear, which could choke the baby. We have to be careful.”

      With tense shoulders easing, he let out a breath. “Okay.”

      “We also need to boil the new bottles and nipples before the first use. Do you have a large soup pot we can use?”

      He opened cabinet after cabinet, searching. The man was obviously a bachelor because the shelves were mostly empty.

      “Found this.” He pulled out a pan that was big enough to heat a can of soup.

      “You don’t cook, huh?”

      “I know how, but I’m not here much. I make sandwiches for lunch and give Edna a lot of business at the diner.”

      “I’m glad I brought you a case of sample bottles to get you through until you can buy a larger pan.” She couldn’t help but wonder at how much sense his cousin, Remy, had to leave a baby here.

      Pulling out an informational brochure she’d brought with her, she showed him how to clean bottles with the brush she’d purchased and how to use the dishwasher for future washings. He seemed to be taking in all the information and even jotted notes.

      Satisfied, she pulled out the baby monitor she’d picked up at the hardware store. “Now, you’ll need this so you’ll hear Abigail when she cries during the night.”

      The wary look on his face was comical. He had no idea how his life was about to change.

      “I guess she needs a room. And a crib.”

      Violet’s stomach sank. “You mean you don’t have a place for her to sleep?”

      “Well, there are two extra bedrooms,” he sputtered, looking offended. “I had no notice about Remy dropping off the baby.”

      She wouldn’t ask more questions and risk him getting his back up. “Don’t put her in your bed. Just remove the comforter, pillows and blankets and put her on the guest bed for tonight. Tomorrow, you can buy a crib. Since it’s short-term, a portable one will be fine.”

      At his look of further confusion, she let out a sigh. “Can I use your computer? I’ll show you the items you’ll probably need to buy.”

      He pointed her toward the table. “Good idea. Will you listen for Abigail while I go change out of my work clothes?”


      While he banged around in a nearby bedroom, Violet carried the laptop to the living room, where the baby was sleeping. She pulled up the website for a local discount store and put a fairly long list of items in the shopping cart.

      Down the hallway, water ran for a few minutes. Before long, Jake showed up with wet hair and wearing jeans and a cottony soft T-shirt, smelling clean and way too appealing.

      She popped up off the couch. Handed over the laptop. “Here, I put some things in your shopping cart. Figured you could print and take it with you to the store tomorrow. Travel bed, sheets, portable changing station, more bottles, diaper disposal system, baby bath tub and bathing essentials.”

      His face scrunched in disgust. “Diaper disposal system?”

      “Yes. To help with odors.”

      “Oh, man.” He raked a hand through his hair, leaving brown strands standing up. “How am I going to bathe her? I’ve never even seen someone do that.”

      She fought the urge to smooth his disheveled hair back into place. “You’ll figure it out. Watch a YouTube video or something.” She glanced at her watch. “Well, my hour will be up soon, and I haven’t had a chance to show you how to change a diaper.”

      “Deserting me already?” He laughed, but she could see worry in the squint of his eyes and crease in his forehead.

      “That was our agreement.” She picked up the diaper bag and looked inside. “Is this everything Remy left with you?”

      “It is.”

      Violet pulled out a receiving blanket. “I’ll show you how to swaddle her so she feels more secure. Once you purchase a crib, always lay her on her back to sleep. And never put anything else in the crib with her.”

      His cell phone rang as he nodded. “I’ve got to take this call. It’s work.” Striding toward to the kitchen, his deep voice carried to the living room. He was not happy. Something about a load of floor tile not being delivered as promised.

      “No, that’s unacceptable,” Jake said. “I want it there tomorrow morning by nine.”

      Abigail woke and began to fuss. Violet took her out of her seat. “Hey, sweet girl. Jake’s busy right now, so it’s just you and me.” The baby was warm and had that wonderful baby shampoo smell. However, her diaper weighed a ton.

      The phone conversation ended and footsteps sounded on the hardwood floor.

      “Okay, girlfriend,” Violet said to Abigail. “I have to warn you. It’s time for Jake’s first ever diaper change. Cut him some slack, okay?”

      When she looked up, Jake stood in the doorway, a half smile on his face. “No need to warn her of my ineptitude. She’ll know soon enough.”

      Though he was kidding, there was an edge of truth in what he said. He truly was in over his head.

      Unfortunately, he might not fare well, and she worried about Abigail. Maybe she should check in on her tomorrow.

      No, that wasn’t her place. It wasn’t as if Remy or Jake was a personal friend.

      Once Violet set up a makeshift diaper-changing area on the dresser, she showed Jake how to clean Abigail, slip a disposable diaper under her bottom and fasten it. Then she had him give it a try.

      The СКАЧАТЬ