The Cradle Files. Delores Fossen
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Название: The Cradle Files

Автор: Delores Fossen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы




СКАЧАТЬ and facts will help find her, and you seem to be seriously short on both.”

      “Because I can’t remember!” she shouted. The burst of emotion left as quickly as it came. Her shoulders slumped. “Please, just believe me.”

      It was the please that got him. That, and the teary look. “And what if I do?”

      A glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes. “I need to get back into the Brighton Birthing Center.” She glanced at her gun, which he still held in his hand. “I wasn’t sure I could even shoot straight. And I didn’t know about the martial arts training. I figured if I went barging in there asking questions, I’d just get myself killed. After what happened with the cop trying to run me off the road, I figured I couldn’t go to the police. Present company excluded, of course. I decided that since you were likely the baby’s father, I should tell you.”

      So, there it was. In a nutshell. Even if he had doubts about the validity of her memory, he couldn’t doubt that sincere please. But it didn’t mean he’d agree to go off on some renegade chase. This had to be done by the book. He had to get his lieutenant involved.

      Garrett opened his mouth to tell her, but that was as far as he got. He saw the movement out of the corner of his eye, behind her. To the right of the double French doors that led to his backyard.

      “Get down,” Garrett said. Not a shout; he practically whispered it. But it still came through loud and clear as an order.

      Lexie tried to follow his gaze, no doubt to see what had triggered his reaction, but he didn’t give her the chance. Garrett slapped off the light switch, plunging them into darkness. In the same motion, he hooked his arm around her waist and shoved her to the floor.

      It was barely in time.

      Because a bullet slammed through the one of the French doors, pelting them with a deadly spray of splintered wood and broken glass.

      Chapter Four

      It took a moment for Lexie to figure out what was happening. One second the French door was there. A second later, there was a gaping hole in it, and Garrett and she were being pelted with glass.

      “He used a silencer,” she heard Garrett say. Somehow. With her pulse pounding she was surprised she’d managed to hear anything.

      But she fully understood that someone had just tried to murder them.

      Lexie’s heart kicked into overdrive. She hadn’t thought her life could get any more complicated, but she’d obviously thought wrong.

      “There are three of them out there,” Garrett announced. “Maybe more.”

      Oh, God. It just kept getting worse. “All armed?”

      “I only got a glimpse, but it appears that way.”

      The adrenaline and the fear slammed through her. Lexie wasn’t helpless, but she certainly wasn’t mentally or physically prepared to take on gunmen who would brazenly fire shots into a cop’s house.

      “I guess this isn’t a good time for me to say I told you so,” she mumbled. “You didn’t believe me when I said someone was after me.”

      “Can we put this argument on hold, huh?” he snarled. “We’ve got a situation here.”

      Yes, a situation they might not survive.

      Garrett scrambled across the room, and even though he’d turned out the lights, there was enough illumination from the moonlight filtering through the French doors that she could see him reach for his gun. In another smooth move he slid her weapon across the floor to her. Lexie took the cue and tried to retrieve the ammunition that he’d expelled minutes earlier. There was just one problem: she couldn’t find it.

      “I-told-you-so’s aside, who’s out there?” Garrett asked. He hurriedly locked the bedroom door. The simple gesture was a sickening reminder that the gunmen might not stay outside. They’d likely come in after them. “What are we up against?”

      She waited a moment, praying the answer would come to her. It didn’t. “I don’t know.”

      And she didn’t. Unfortunately, there were a lot of things she wasn’t sure of, but she was certain of one thing—this attack was meant for her. Maybe it was the doctor. Or the man who’d actually stolen her baby. Maybe it was both. At this point it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was staying alive so they could find their daughter.

      “Call for backup,” Garrett ordered, crawling across the room to the window. Using his bare foot, he kicked the ammunition and sent it rolling her way. “The phone’s next to the bed. Stay low.”

      Lexie scooped up the bullets and reloaded as she scurried to the phone. She yanked it from its cradle, her index finger already poised to dial 911, but there was no dial tone.

      “It’s not working,” she relayed to Garrett. “I think they cut the line.”

      He cursed. “You don’t happen to have a cell phone on you?”


      He mumbled something she couldn’t distinguish. “Mine is in the kitchen.”

      “Enough said,” she mumbled back. Because she knew the kitchen had lots and lots of windows, plus a glass patio door. Going in there would be suicide. Besides, it was probably the area the gunmen would no doubt choose to break and enter. It’d certainly been her first choice to gain access to the place.

      Garrett lifted his head for a quick look out the French doors. It was necessary, she knew. He needed to assess the situation.

      But she also knew he’d just risked being shot.

      He’d put his life on the line, not necessarily for her, though. He was, after all, a cop through and through. And Lexie was counting heavily on that. Because she needed all his cop skills, all his resolve—everything—to get out of this and find the baby.

      “Are they still out there?” she asked, and was almost afraid to hear the answer.

      “I don’t see them.” He paused. “That doesn’t mean they aren’t there.”

      Lexie silently agreed. She seriously doubted the gunmen would just leave. Which meant that Garrett and she needed a plan. There was just one problem. Three gunmen, maybe more, and she couldn’t even remember if she knew how to shoot straight.

      “I know how to use this gun, right?” she whispered.

      “You know how.” He glanced at her and made eye contact from across the room. “That doesn’t mean you’re going to get the opportunity to prove it.”

      “You have a better idea?”

      “A better idea than shooting our way out of here? Yeah, I think I do. Follow me.”

      Crawling across the glass-littered floor, he went to the door that led into the hall, and pressed his ear against it.

      She made her way toward him. To his side. And listened as well. She heard the mechanical СКАЧАТЬ