The Ceo's Surprise Family. Teresa Carpenter
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СКАЧАТЬ she knew full well the zealousness of artists. No one knew better than her how one-dimensional they could be when it came to their art.

      “Maybe it’s your warm personality,” she suggested.

      She grinned when she received an arch stare over his shoulder. “You like to live dangerously don’t you?”

      “Sorry. I can’t seem to resist.” And she should. Her every action counted toward the future and his willingness to help her. But she’d been restrained for too many years not to be herself at all times. Plus, who knew he’d be so fun to tease? Or turn out to be such a good sport? “Take heart, you’re bearing up under the challenge.”

      Right inside the door hung a huge picture that was gorgeous. A tropical location brought to life in vibrant colors. The nose of a small plane bobbed in the cove and on the beach a gazebo with fluttering curtains housed a table, chairs and a meal awaiting missing lovers. To the side of the print were a picture of a lagoon, the plane and a gazebo. The title was Escape.

      “I love it,” Lexi breathed. “Don’t you just want to be there?”

      “It’s inviting.”

      “Inviting? If that’s all you’ve got, I’m going to have to find someone else to go with.”

      “Someone with a sense of adventure,” a man said behind her.

      “Yes.” She agreed, moving to include the tall, stylishly dressed man. He had long dark hair, green eyes and a confidence he wore as comfortably as his fitted jacket. “And a sense of romance. Someone with a thirst for life.”

      “Exactly the mood I was going for.” The man grinned and held out his hand. “I’m Ethan Kittrell.”

      “Ethan is the artist.” Jethro shook hands as he introduced Lexi.

      “Calder, I’m glad you made it. And for bringing such a lovely companion.”

      “Are you flirting with my companion, Ethan?” There was no emotion in the question, which only served to make it more menacing.

      As if she belonged to him. Not likely. She’d fought hard for her freedom. And wasn’t he the one to insist this wasn’t a date?

      But truthfully she wasn’t even tempted by the handsome artist. For all his eccentric cleverness, he paled next to the sheer presence of Jethro Calder.

      Good thing this wasn’t a date. Because, her independence aside, she’d be way out of her element.

      No, tonight was make-believe, just an opportunity to observe him in his world. Which meant she could be herself. As long as she didn’t alienate him, she could relax and have fun.

      “Not tonight, I’m not.” Ethan held up his hands in surrender and shifted ever so subtly away from her. “Just a little harmless admiration for a beautiful woman. I wouldn’t want to do anything to upset my patron.”

      “Wise move.” Jethro directed her farther into the gallery, pausing to study each new piece they came to.

      Patron? No wonder he’d been hot to get here. A patron to the arts, hmm, seemed there were unexpected depths to Mr. Jethro Calder. Still, being a patron was no excuse to be rude.

      “Pay no attention to him.” She rolled her eyes at Ethan. “He’s still learning his people skills.”

      “Sweet thing, people use skills on him not the other way around.”

      “So he tells me.” She surveyed Jethro’s profile, and observed the pinch at the corner of his eye, a sure sign he hated them talking about him. This was a big night for him as well as Ethan. “He practically gushed while describing your work.”

      “I have never gushed in my life.”

      “You were quite animated. With good reason. I love, love, love these pieces.” She leaned in close to a picture of an old firehouse with a clock tower. Beside it were photos of a barn, a fire truck and a watch with exposed gears. “Is it a stippling effect?”

      “Very perceptive. I’m a master of shadows.”

      “Really? Shadows.” She stepped back and looked at the picture again.

      A hand at her waist drew her in front of Jethro. He followed the line of the fire truck with his finger. “The shadows disguise the layering and add depth and dimension.” He spoke right in her ear, his breath blowing over the sensitive skin. She shivered and fought the urge to lean back against him.

      “Yes. I can see the shadows are key.”

      “Ethan, there you are. And Jethro, you finally made it. Excellent.” A woman with pale skin, black sharp-edged hair and bright red lips swept up to them. She wore a black suit that flowed around a reed-thin body. Hooking her arms through each of the men’s, she led them away. “The press are here. Time to make nice.”

      Lexi followed as best she could considering the crowd quickly closed around her now she didn’t have the almighty Jethro Calder with her. When she got cut off, she decided to look around at more of the art. The woman obviously worked for the gallery and it sounded like Jethro would be busy for a few minutes, so he shouldn’t miss her.

      As she strolled around, she encountered several people she knew. The director of her last dance review at the Golden Link and his wife, a pit boss from Pinnacle and his partner, and a client of hers from Modern Goddess. She chatted briefly with each making sure to talk up the artist; she even influenced a sale with the director.

      She kept her eye on Jethro in case her duties were needed but the dark-haired woman, whom she’d learned was Lana, the gallery manager, guarded him like a lioness with her cub. No wannabes were getting through her.

      Ethan found Lexi by the buffet table.

      “Hey, I’ve been racking up sales for you.”

      “I’m glad to hear it.” He grabbed one of the fancy bottles of water. “And I’m glad I caught you alone.”

      “Ah-ah.” She shook her finger at him. “You promised Jethro no flirting.”

      “He’s who I want to talk to you about. I want to thank him for his patronage by giving him one of the pictures. I thought you could help me choose one for him.”

      “Oh, goodness. We really haven’t known each other that long.”

      “Maybe not, but you obviously have his number. And he likes you.”

      What an interesting comment. She wondered what made him think so. She laughed. “I think we both have you fooled.”

      “No.” Ethan shook his head, his green gaze serious. “As a photographer and an artist, I’ve learned to read people. I’ll admit Jethro is tough to get a read on because he doesn’t show much emotion. Most people don’t even try unless they want something from him.”

      “That’s just sad.” She dismissed a pang of guilt. He couldn’t miss what he didn’t know he had.

      “Yes.” Ethan sipped the expensive water. “But it’s a persona he fosters. He doesn’t СКАЧАТЬ