The Bride's Portion. Susan Paul
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Название: The Bride's Portion

Автор: Susan Paul

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ my companions and myself on the open road this morn and brought us to your castle by force. They have locked my maid and me in this filthy chamber all day and have not even had the human kindness to bring us food or water. I cannot begin to imagine what they’ve done with my two guards.”

      “They’re all right,” one of the boys answered sourly. “Sir Alan has them under guard in the men’s quarters.”

      “Then they’ve probably received better care than you have spared us,” Lillis informed him hotly. “Did you not think at all about the two women whom you’d locked up all day? Did you not consider that we might be cold and hungry in this miserable place?” She indicated the room with a sweep of one hand.

      The twins made no reply, but the lord of the castle said quietly, “You speak truly, my lady. Your treatment at the hands of my brothers has been unforgivable. I promise you they shall be punished.”

      “But...Alex!” one of the twins protested.

      “Quiet!” the lord commanded, his steely voice bringing utter silence to the chamber. He returned his attention to Lillis and spoke more evenly. “I beg your pardon, my lady, as well as the pardon of your maid.” He nodded in Edyth’s direction. “I have only just returned to the castle, else you would have been released sooner. My aunt—” he indicated the plump figure behind him “—had no knowledge that you were here, and learned of it only now, just as I, and the rest of my castlefolk, did. Had she known, my lady, you would have been well cared for, and never subjected to such as this. I pray you will believe me.”

      “We had wondered, my lord.”

      He inclined his head. “That is understandable, but all will be made well, I vow. You shall be taken to a suitable chamber to spend the night and all of your needs will be tended to immediately. In the morn we will see what is to be done.”

      “I thank you, my lord,” Lillis replied, “but that is not necessary. If you will return my guards and our horses, we will leave this place at once.”

      He gazed at her unwaveringly.

      “I am sorry,” he said, “you cannot leave tonight. But do not fear for your guards. I will make certain that their comfort, as well as yours, is provided for.”

      “No,” Lillis returned firmly. “That will not suffice. We will leave tonight. Please have our mounts made ready and our belongings returned to us.”

      The breath that came from him sounded like a sigh, and a weary one at that. “You cannot leave tonight, my lady,” he repeated. “The wind howls outside like the Fiend himself, and the rain pours in rivers. I would be less than human were I to send any lady into such weather, especially in the darkness.” His tone changed slightly, growing more persuasive. “Come, accept my hospitality and we will speak with one another in the morn.”

      Lillis tried to control her voice, to force it to speak with an obedient calm. “My lord, I am grateful for your consideration, but pray do not concern yourself with our welfare. The weather will indeed be an inconvenience, but I promise you that we would far rather face it than spend a night enjoying your kind hospitality. We have enjoyed enough of it already this day.”

      There was a gasp, followed by shrill words. “Alexander! Will you let her speak to you in such a manner? She is churlish and rude!”

      “Silence, Aunt Leta,” he commanded quietly, and the room fell still again. So still that Lillis thought she could hear the frantic pounding of her heart.

      “My lady of Wellewyn,” he spoke with unnerving softness, “let us have an understanding. I assure you that you will not leave here tonight.”

      Lillis felt Edyth trembling violently beneath her hands, and she licked her dry lips.

      “We will,” she insisted.

      “You will not.”

      Lillis understood him, could hear in the tone of his voice exactly what he meant. They were prisoners. She wanted to give way to the fear that struck her so fiercely, but she wouldn’t. She would not. Instead, she demanded, “What is your name, sir, and what place is this?”

      He seemed surprised at her question, as though she should know where she was and to whom she spoke.

      “This is Gyer, my lady, and I am Alexander Baldwin, the Lord of Gyer.”

      He spoke the words with such meaning and expectancy that Lillis felt even more unsettled. He was watching her for some kind of reaction and seemed dissatisfied that she had none.

      “You do not know of Gyer,” he stated.

      “I have not been home for more than ten years, Alexander of Gyer, but I do have some small memory from my childhood of a place called Gyer. Is it not a neighboring fief to Wellewyn?”

      He gave her no answer, but turned to address those behind him.

      “They will stay in Mother’s chamber. Aunt Leta, send servants with food and drink. Tell them to give these ladies whatever they require.”

      “Your mother’s chamber, Alexander? It isn’t right!”

      “It will be as I say,” he answered curtly. “Go now. Willem and I will escort the ladies to their chamber.” He looked at the twins. “Wait for me below,” he said in a voice that made them leave the room at once.

      Lillis and Edyth found themselves alone with Alexander of Gyer and the man named Willem.

      “You will come with us,” the Lord of Gyer stated rather than asked.

      Edyth shook her head and clutched Lillis’s hands. “Oh, no, my lady!” she sobbed. “They are going to hurt us! They are going to kill us!”

      Lillis bent to put her arms around her companion’s trembling form. “Now, my dear, they’re going to do no such thing. They shall take us to a very nice chamber—” she sent an angry glare at the Lord of Gyer, who nodded “—and we shall eat until we are full and then we will rest.”

      “I—I am very hungry,” Edyth whimpered, shuffling toward the open door.

      The man named Willem carried a torch to light their way, but when they reached the first stair Edyth stumbled. Lillis moved to hold her up, then was surprised to find that the Lord of Gyer had also reached out a steadying hand.

      “Let me,” he murmured, prepared to help the older woman down the stairs. But he had made a mistake. When Edyth realized, even in her weakened state, whose hand it was that grasped her arm, she shrank against her mistress in a state of full distress.

      “Don’t touch her!” Lillis warned, stopping on the step and enclosing Edyth in a strong embrace. Her trembling maid fell against her and wept.

      Alexander of Gyer stared at her.

      “Are you a knight, Alexander of Gyer?” Lillis asked angrily.

      His face registered shock. “Yes.”

      “Then I hope you pray well to God tonight.”

      He understood her meaning, she saw, but said not a word, only nodded and turned to lead the way down the stairs.