The Best Little Joeville. Anne Eames
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Название: The Best Little Joeville

Автор: Anne Eames

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ handed over the receiver. “It’s for you.” He smiled again and she rolled her eyes as she grabbed the instrument.


      “Jenny! Are you okay?”

      “I’m fine, sweetheart. Shane just ran us off the highway, that’s all.” She scowled at him and turned away. “Men know.”

      He tapped on the steering wheel and listened another moment before deciding it was time to start digging them out. He flung open the door and jumped out, walking to the front and then the tailgate, assessing the situation. The front wheels were embedded in snow, but the back end was clear. With some work, it should be easy to back out. He opened the hatch to get his gear and heard Jenny still talking to Savannah.

      He called up to her. “Might want to save the case we need it later.”

      She didn’t turn around or acknowledge him, but he heard her wrapping up the conversation. “We’ll call back if we have a problem. I promise. But you have to promise me you’ll go to bed.” She paused, then said. “Good. Just crawl in with me in the morning whenever you get moving. We’ll catch up then.”

      Jenny fell silent and he thought she was done, then he heard her whisper into the phone. “I love you, too, Savannah. See you in the morning.”

      He grabbed the shovel and sand and shut the gate before more cold air could flood the interior.

      Just crawl in with me in the morning...

      He’d like to just crawl in.... Stupid thought.

      He buried the shovel into the snow and went to work, trying to concentrate on the job at hand. But something else bothered him about Jenny’s last words to Savannah. Why did she have to whisper she loved her? It was as though she were embarrassed to own such feelings...even for her best friend. He’d known plenty of men who acted this way, but never a woman.

      Finally, he threw sand beneath the wheels and walked back. Jenny was staring out the front window, the blanket tucked under her chin. She looked so small and vulnerable. Her words were always tough, but he would bet his bottom dollar that a warm and loving heart beat beneath that thick facade. A passionate one, too. And whether it was wise or not, he also knew he would be testing her limits before she could run away a second time.


      “Yikes!” Jenny pulled her hand away from Savannah’s belly. “Doesn’t that hurt?”

      Savannah laughed and rubbed the bulge on her right side. “Nah. It’s getting harder to find a comfortable position for sleep, but it doesn’t hurt.”

      Jenny stared at the traveling bump. “What is that, anyway?”

      “I think it’s a knee or foot...too small for the head or butt.”

      Jenny shivered and snuggled deeper under the comforter. “It reminds me of an alien movie...where some creature has invaded somebody’s body.”

      Savannah rolled on her side and continued stroking her belly. “You just wait till it’s your turn. You won’t feel like that at all. I love feeling her move, it’s—”

      “Her? Do you know for sure?”

      “We could...from the ultrasound...but we decided we wanted to be surprised. I just call it her. We wouldn’t care either way, but with Billy—”

      “Ahh, yes, Billy.” She faced her friend and propped her head on an elbow. “How’s he doing? And what does he think about the baby?”

      “He gave us a little scare last summer. When we told him he seemed okay with it...maybe a little quiet. But then the next day we couldn’t find him anywhere.”

      “He ran away?”

      “Not exactly. We found him curled up on top of Maddy’s grave. In all our excitement, we forgot it was the anniversary of his mother’s death. It may take a while, but I hope he knows the baby won’t change how we feel about him.” Savannah rolled onto her back again and locked her hands behind her head. “Still, it might be easier if we had a girl. Billy and Ryder have such a special bond. Sometimes I forget Ryder isn’t his real dad.”

      A sweet smile came over her face and Jenny looked away. She was happy her friend had found such a full life—a husband she adored, an adopted son, a baby on the way, a family and environment that provided her with love and warmth and a sense of belonging. Jenny closed her eyes and half listened to her friend’s litany of little family moments as the area around her heart constricted. She should be happy for Savannah...and she part. But another part of her felt jealous and more alone than she had ever felt. Savannah had moved on with her life since leaving Detroit and the cozy little apartment they had once shared. Now she told all her secrets and hopes and fears to Ryder, as well she should....

      “—so we left him in the bottom of the well to drown,” Savannah said, and stopped talking.


      “Jenny haven’t been listening to a word I’ve said.”

      There was a loud knock on the door and they both turned toward it.

      “Room service. You two decent in there?”

      “It’s Shane,” Jenny whispered, fussing with her uncombed hair.

      “I know,” Savannah whispered back and started giggling. “You look fine.” She slapped at Jenny’s hands and called out, “Come on in.”

      Shane pushed the door open with his back, carrying a full tray in front of him. “Hannah said this one’s on her, but that you two better not get spoiled. Lots to do for Thursday’s feast.” He set the tray sideways between them and started to leave.

      “Want to join us?” Savannah asked. “Looks like there’s plenty.”

      “I think I’ll leave you two alone with your girl talk.” He smiled politely as he stepped backward and left the room, closing the door between them.

      Jenny sat cross-legged under the covers and studied the contents of the tray, not commenting on Shane’s surprise visit. “Umm...look at this! Belgian waffles and strawberries. Hannah is such a dear. I can’t wait to go down and see her.”

      Savannah attacked one of the waffles. “You can pretend you’re not interested all you want, Jenny, but I saw the way you looked at Shane when you were here last year. Don’t tell me you aren’t attracted to him.” She bobbed her eyebrows a couple of times before stabbing more waffle.

      Jenny pictured his stubbled chin and for a second she let herself imagine how it would feel against her cheek. Then she washed down her waffle with some black coffee and met Savannah’s questioning stare. “Look, I know you mean well, girlfriend, but don’t go getting any ideas about an instant replay of you and Ryder. Shane and I are two totally different people.” She pointed her empty fork at her friend and punctuated the air with it. “It isn’t gonna happen. I’m here to enjoy the holidays with my best friend and then I’m back to Michigan where I belong.” She held Savannah’s gaze a moment and could see the disappointment before she looked away.

      What СКАЧАТЬ