Reuniting His Family. Jean Gordon C.
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Название: Reuniting His Family

Автор: Jean Gordon C.

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ people would be working. He’d probably have the place to himself. A half hour of hard swimming might lift the weight of his situation off him for a while.

      When Rhys walked onto the beach, he saw he wasn’t alone. Renee sat on a blanket towel-drying her hair next to a woman he didn’t recognize. Just the reminder he was trying to escape. He hadn’t heard from her or anyone else at CPS about another visit all week. He started to turn back. The jog from the house had worn off some adrenaline. Then he changed his mind. He couldn’t be a hermit, not if he wanted to make any kind of life for him and his sons. Rhys strode toward the women. Better to be on the offensive than the defensive.

      “Hey,” he called with what he hoped was a friendly wave. He couldn’t tell from the look on Renee’s face when she turned around. It bordered somewhere between surprise and alarm.

      “Hi, Rhys.” She composed herself and dropped the towel onto the blanket.

      He spread his own towel a short distance away. “Ted Hazard said I had beach privileges as part of the rental.” Rhys regretted his words as soon as they were out. He should have said “Nice day” or “How’s the water?” He didn’t have to justify his every action to her or anyone else.

      “Hello,” the other woman said. “Since Renee has seemed to have lost her manners, I’m her sister Claire.”

      “I was getting to introductions,” Renee said. “Claire, this is Rhys Maddox.” She hesitated, glancing out at the lake. “D—” The rest of her introduction was drowned out by the shout of a little boy about Dylan’s age racing toward them. Renee’s nephew? Rhys’s lunch churned in his stomach when he saw Dylan right behind the boy.

      “Aunt Claire, I left my goggles in your car,” the boy said.

      “Daddy, what are you doing here?” Dylan asked.

      Not the most welcoming greeting, but Rhys would take it. “I was going to swim. I didn’t know you were here, either.”

      “You can swim with us,” Dylan said.

      “I’d like to.” He looked at Renee for confirmation.

      She frowned.

      It had seemed like a reasonable request to him.

      “I thought you didn’t have a father,” the other boy said.

      “That was last year.”

      Dylan’s words sliced through him. His son had been telling his friends he didn’t have a father?

      “I told you I did now. Daddy, this is my friend Robbie. He’s not the one who said you’re a bad guy.”

      “Hi.” That’s a real confidence booster.

      Robbie was dancing back and forth on his toes in the sand. “Can we get the goggles now? I want to show Dylan the cool rocks on the bottom of the lake.”

      “Come on.” Claire stood and led the boys to the parking area, leaving him alone with Renee.

      “Swimming with Dylan wouldn’t be breaking any rules, would it? You’re here.”

      She squinted up at him, even though the sun had gone behind the clouds. “Swimming shouldn’t be a problem.”

      Rhys emptied his pockets of his cell phone and wallet. He never went anywhere without identification. A seagull squawked above, breaking the dead silence. This was where he should make small talk, except he’d never been good with small talk before his incarceration, and he wasn’t any better now.

      “So, Robbie’s your nephew? He and Dylan are friends?” Real smooth.

      “Yes, they’re in the same class at school.”

      Silence settled in again, and Rhys looked out over the lake. None too soon, Claire and the boys were back with the goggles.

      “Who wants to swim?” Rhys asked.

      “I do,” both boys said.

      “Race you,” Rhys said, taking off at a pace the boys could match.

      “You didn’t tell me he’s even more attractive up close,” Rhys heard Claire say as the boys caught up with him.

      He strained to hear Renee’s low response, but the boys and the sound of a boat on the lake made it impossible. He hit the water and dived in, welcoming the cold jolt from the hot August heat. Thinking of Renee in any way other than a professional one felt like he was betraying Gwen. They’d had a good marriage, although their relationship had been strained after he’d gone to prison. But one thing he’d never faltered on was his love for his wife and his commitment to the sanctity of their marriage vows.

      Any attraction he might feel toward Renee was superficial. She was a beautiful woman. But he’d learned the hard way not to make decisions based on impulse, and had no room in his life for anyone other than his kids.

      When he surfaced, Dylan and Robbie met him with a splash to the face. He growled and tickled them both, inciting a new round of splashing. He couldn’t express how good it was to see Dylan laughing and squealing with him.

      “I’m cold,” Dylan said after about fifteen minutes of play. He looked up at Rhys as if uncertain whether his dad would be angry with him if he got out of the water early.

      Rhys hid his disappointment. “You can go back on the beach and warm up,” he assured him. As much as he’d like more time with Dylan, ending the game happily on his son’s terms was progress. “I’m going to swim some more.”

      “But you don’t have a buddy. You’re always supposed to have a buddy when you swim,” Dylan said.

      “You and Robbie can watch me from the beach.”

      “No, I’ll tell Ms. Delacroix you want her to watch you. She’s a better swimmer than we are.” With that, Dylan and Robbie paddled away.

      Rhys dunked himself as he thought of Dylan telling Renee he wanted her to keep an eye on him. He stroked to the middle of the lake, trying not to think about Renee watching him.

      * * *

      “Surprise! Happy birthday!”

      Renee jumped back and pasted a smile on her face when she and Claire entered the lounge of the Hazardtown Community Church for the Twenty-/Thirtysomethings group meeting the next evening. “I’ll get you,” she said under her breath so that only her sister could hear her. Claire had to be behind this. Her friends meant well. They didn’t know she didn’t like surprises. But Claire did. The family celebration yesterday on her actual birthday had been plenty.

      “Not me.” Claire propelled her into the lounge. “Blame Pastor Connor for this one.”

      “What?” Connor asked. “Natalie said you’ve always wanted a surprise birthday party.”

      Everyone laughed. One deep resonating chuckle drew her attention. She’d hoped to use the evening at the weekly Bible study and social time afterward to escape the pressure she’d been under to tie everything up at CPS before she left. But work, in the form of Rhys Maddox, had followed СКАЧАТЬ