Long-Lost Mom. Jill Shalvis
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Название: Long-Lost Mom

Автор: Jill Shalvis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны




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       A classic novel of second chances and redemption from New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis.

      Single mom Jenna Loggins came from the wrong side of the tracks, but she’d vowed to give her beloved baby a better life. So ten years ago desperate Jenna fled, leaving her daughter in the care of Stone Cameron, the child’s father and the son of the richest family in town.

      But a near-fatal car crash has given Jenna a second chance to make things right for the man and the child she loved but left behind. Now Jenna’s back—with a new name and face—and Stone is drawn to the mysterious beauty. Can Jenna risk telling Stone and her daughter the truth, or will she have to hide behind the face of a stranger forever?

      Her goal hadn’t changed,


      Jenna reassured herself as she watched Stone move toward her. She still wanted to atone for the things she’d done. But if she told Stone the truth about who she was, he would turn from her, his eyes icy and distant.


      But as Cindy Beatty, a complete stranger, she could do anything.


      Stone held her gaze as he came close. Jenna couldn’t have looked away to save her life, not when so pinned by his burning intensity.


      And she knew by the very power of what shimmered between them that it was the same for him—except he had no idea that this...thing between them was not new, that it had been there since the very beginning.


      “Hello,” Stone said in that voice like dark honey. “It’s... Cindy, isn’t it?”


      “Yes,” she murmured, sealing her fate with yet another lie. “It’s Cindy.”

      Dear Reader,


      Happy New Year! And welcome to another month of great reading from Silhouette Intimate Moments, just perfect for sitting back after the hectic holidays. You’ll love Marilyn Pappano’s Murphy’s Law, a MEN IN BLUE title set in New Orleans, with all that city’s trademark steam. You’ll remember Jack Murphy and Evie DesJardiens long after you put down this book, I promise you.


      We’ve got some great miniseries titles this month, too. Welcome back to Carla Cassidy’s Western town of MUSTANG, MONTANA in Code Name: Cowboy. Then pay a visit to Margaret Watson’s CAMERON, UTAH in Cowboy with a Badge. And of course, don’t forget our other titles this month. Look for Dangerous To Love, by Sally Tyler Hayes, a book whose title I personally find irresistible. And we’ve got books from a couple of our newest stars, too. Jill Shalvis checks in with Long-Lost Mom, and Virginia Kantra pens our FAMILIES ARE FOREVER title, The Passion of Patrick MacNeill.


      Enjoy them all—and be sure to come back next month for more of the most exciting romantic reading around, right here in Silhouette Intimate Moments.



      Leslie J. Wainger

      Executive Senior Editor

      Long-Lost Mom

       Jill Shalvis



      When pressed for an answer on why she writes romance, Jill Shalvis just smiles and says she didn’t realize there was anything else. She’s written over a dozen novels so far, and doesn’t plan on stopping. She lives in California, in a house filled with young children, too many animals and her hero/husband.

      To Matrice, for believing in me, even when I didn’t. Thank you!

      Table of Contents


       Back Cover Text


       Title Page

       About the Author


       Chapter 5

       Chapter 6

       Chapter 7

       Chapter 8

       Chapter 9

       Chapter 10

       Chapter 11

       Chapter 12

       Chapter 13 СКАЧАТЬ