Trial Courtship. Laura Abbot
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Название: Trial Courtship

Автор: Laura Abbot

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ stop me,” he mumbled to Tony out of the side of his mouth. “Yer Honor, ya see, it’s like dis. I’m reportin’ Friday to Fort Sill. Basic training.”

      “Artillery, Mr. Tonaretti?... Good luck to you. Excused.”

      Let’s make it three for three, lady.

      The judge didn’t look up. “Mr. Urbanski?”

      “Your honor, I represent Great Lakes Management Group in a delicate business negotiation, scheduled to begin shortly—”

      “How shortly?”

      “December 2.”

      “That’s two weeks away.” She still hadn’t looked up.

      “This is a matter of extreme importance, involving some influential companies. I know you’ve heard of—”

      “Your point, Mr. Urbanski?”

      “I’m critical to this negotiation and the timing couldn’t be worse for me or for the interests I represent. I’d be more than honored to serve another time,” he really meant that, “but right now—”

      “I assume others are working with you on this project?”

      “Yes, but—”

      She finally raised her eyes and stared coldly at him. “No business interests should supersede your duty as an American citizen. Request denied.”

      Blood drained from Tony’s face and his feet remained glued to the floor.

      “Move along, sir.” The smug-looking bailiff nudged his arm.

      Tony stalked out of the courtroom to the pay phone. Hell, he couldn’t even use his cellular. He dropped in the change, then slapped a hand against the wall. This was a major complication. “Barry, listen, I’ve been detained at the courthouse. It might be late afternoon before I can get back to the office. Could you stick around this evening?”

      “Be glad to. What’s up?”

      Tony didn’t want to think about what he’d now have to delegate or about how much depended on the unseasoned Fuller. “I need to reassign some work on this DataTech deal.”

      “Do you need me to notify Wainwright?”

      That was the last thing he needed. “No. Leave him to me. I’ll call him later.” He slammed down the receiver and stood scowling, studying his fellow jurors who, incomprehensibly, chatted animatedly, even with apparent enthusiasm. Surely he wasn’t the only one who had other things to do.

      Maybe he shouldn’t worry. Not even the most incompetent lawyer would want him on a jury in his current mood. The attorneys might still dismiss him. He unclenched his fists and for the first time since entering the courthouse, regained his optimism.


      AFTER THE RECESS, Andrea took her assigned seat near the front. So far, she’d found the process interesting and the judge’s words about the Constitution and the jury system eloquent. She glanced around at the assembled group, which represented different ages, races and ethnic combinations and, undoubtedly, a wide range of views, biases and experience. She’d visited with several during the break. Most, though not happy to have their daily routines interrupted, viewed the situation as a necessary service.

      But she couldn’t help noticing the intense man by the phone—the same one who’d been annoyed when the bailiff had taken his laptop. His hawklike eyes were narrowed, his chin thrust forward. Except for the frown on his face, he might have been attractive—close-cropped black hair, ears flat against his head, dark eyes smoldering under thick brows. Broad-shouldered, about five-eleven she judged.

      The bailiffs words, “All rise,” brought her to her feet. She stood respectfully while the svelte judge made her way to the bench and sat down.

      “Ladies and gentlemen, we will proceed with voir dire—that is, the questioning of potential jurors. As the clerk reads off your juror numbers, please take seats in the jury box. The rest will wait and, in numerical sequence, replace any juror excused for cause.”

      Andrea clutched the children’s books she’d brought from her store to read in the event she wasn’t selected right away. During the selection process, she became increasingly apprehensive. What if this was some technical case about money laundering or insurance fraud? Although she was a good businesswoman, she didn’t know much about such things; however, she rationalized, neither did most people.

      “Juror five.”

      Her number! Within minutes, the bailiff, who looked like an adorable Chinese pug, had escorted fourteen of them to seats in the jury box. Two men conversed at one of the counsel tables, and a woman seated at the other table made notes on a yellow legal pad. The attorneys, no doubt.

      The judge tapped her gavel. “This case involves a juvenile accused of aggravated murder.”

      Murder? Andrea gulped. The judge continued, “Are any of you acquainted with me or with the two prosecutors Mr. Bedford and Mr. Raines, or with the defense attorney, Ms. Lamb? If so, please rise.”

      A balding man with a small mustache, who was a member of the judge’s temple congregation, was dismissed. When she asked if anyone had ever had a relative or friend who had been the victim of a violent crime, she excused another.

      After the judge explained that a juvenile could not be executed for murder in Ohio, she questioned each remaining person about his or her feelings about life imprisonment.

      One woman became quite agitated. “I simply couldn’t shut anybody away like that. It’s so cruel. Suppose he was innocent? Why, I couldn’t live with myself.”

      By contrast, a man dressed in overalls and a faded flannel shirt rubbed his hands together. “We gotta git control of our society. I say lock up all these crim’nals and throw away the key!” Both were excused.

      Andrea’s turn came next. Punishment was a serious issue she had long debated, without coming to any conclusion. She chose her words carefully. “I would be extremely reluctant to sentence a fellow human being to life in prison unless I felt the facts warranted such a sentence, but I also believe that the interests of victims’ families must be considered.”

      When the scowling man from the pay phone was questioned, he sighed audibly. It was as if he desperately wanted out, but found himself unable to lie. “Yes, there are circumstances under which I could recommend a life sentence.”

      Questioning continued past noon. After exercising several peremptory challenges, the attorneys conferred with the judge, then sat down, seemingly satisfied.

      The judge picked up some papers, then addressed those in the courtroom. “The twelve jurors and two alternates will please remain. The rest of you are excused to report back to the fourth floor. Thank you all.”

      Andrea couldn’t believe it. She was a juror in a murder case. She felt awed, nervous and slightly sick.


      TONY’S STOMACH GROWLED. He checked his watch. Twelve thirty-five. Who was the prisoner here, anyway? Would they ever break for lunch? He couldn’t guess what Harrison Wainright would have СКАЧАТЬ