The Sheriff. Jan Hudson
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Название: The Sheriff

Автор: Jan Hudson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ your mommy is upset with me?” J.J. asked.

      Mary Beth heard Katy whisper, “I don’t know, but you should ’pologize for saying a rude word. I always have to ’pologize.”

      In the kitchen, she fired up the monster of a stove and laid out eggs, cream and cheese. In no time, she cooked a perfect large cheese omelette and divided it among three plates, giving a small portion to Katy.

      “Need some help?” J.J. asked behind her.

      “Yes, thanks. Carrying things is a problem with crutches.” She put the plates and forks on a tray, along with mugs for coffee, and he carried it to a table.

      He glanced at the remnants of their bedding. “That where you slept last night?”

      “Yes. It was quite comfortable.”

      He raised an eyebrow. “I’ll bet.” He got a booster seat for Katy from a spot near the cash register and lifted her into her place at the table. He brought over a steaming pot of coffee and poured mugs for Mary Beth and himself. He also brought a small carton of milk and a straw for Katy.

      “Thanks,” she told him.

      “No problem. And I’d like to apologize for saying a rude word earlier.”

      “Apology accepted.”

      J.J. glanced at Katy and winked. She giggled.

      After he’d taken a couple of bites, he said, “This is really good.”

      “Thanks. Sorry I can’t offer toast or croissants, we’re fresh out.”

      “We don’t have any orange juice either,” Katy said. When Mary Beth frowned slightly at her, she added, “But this milk is very good, Sheriff J.J. And Mommy made chocolate milk for me last night.”

      J.J. didn’t say much until Katy finished eating and left to find a puzzle in her bag of toys. Then he said, “Mary Beth, I hope you’re not planning to spend another night in this place.”

      “Actually, I’m planning on spending several. For the time being, this is our home.”

      “Hell’s bells, Mary Beth, you can’t—”

      “J.J., don’t tell me I can’t. I own this property and I don’t have any other options but to stay here. My family is all gone, I’m just about broke, and until I get my foot out of this cast, I can’t work. We’re staying here,” she said firmly. “It’s mine and it’s free.”

      “But you have friends in town, and I’ll bet that my brother—”

      “No, J.J. Until I can stand on my own two feet again, we’re staying here, and that’s final. There’s plenty of food in the freezer, and we have utilities for another couple of weeks.”

      “Mary Beth, that doesn’t make a lick of sense.”

      “It does to me. The matter isn’t open for discussion.”

      “Dwight said you were hidebound and determined.”

      “He’s right.”

      “How long before your cast comes off?”

      “About another week.”

      He sighed and shook his head. “Well, I guess staying here for a week won’t hurt. Do you need any groceries or anything?”

      “There’s quite a bit of food here, but I would appreciate it if you could pick up some milk and bread and eggs for me. And a jar of peanut butter. Katy adores peanut butter.”

      “Anything else?”

      “No, those are the essentials. Except for a mousetrap.”

      “Got mice?”

      “I don’t know, but I heard some suspicious sounds last night.”

      J.J. reared back in his chair. “Might be rats instead of mice. Big ones. You might want to rethink staying here.” His expression was just short of smug.

      She fought a shudder. “Uh-uh. Won’t work. I’m not going to be chased away by rats—either the two-legged or four-legged variety. Just get a bigger trap. Let me get my purse.”

      “I’ll spring for the stuff,” he said gruffly.

      “I’m not ready to accept charity.”

      “Don’t go getting your nose all out of joint. I’m just being neighborly. That’s the way we do things around here in case you’ve forgotten.”

      A sudden lump formed in her throat and she swallowed hard. “I haven’t forgotten,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

      Their eyes met for a moment, then he glanced away and rose quickly, clearing his throat. “Thanks for the omelette. I’d better get a move on. Got work to do.”

      He grabbed his hat and was gone before she could get to her purse. J.J. was a truly nice man. And still sexier than buttered sin. If all those years ago, he hadn’t—

      She sighed.

      But he had and that was that. She called Katy to help her take the dishes to the kitchen.

      “I like Sheriff J.J.,” Katy said as Mary Beth loaded the dishwasher. “He’s nice.”

      “Yes, he’s very nice.”

      “He said he had a niece and a few about my age that I could play with sometime. What’s a niece and a few, Mommy?”

      Mary Beth smiled. “I think he meant a niece and a nephew. The children of a person’s brothers and sisters are called nieces for girls and nephews for boys. They must be his brother Frank’s children.”

      “Can we play today?”

      “Maybe not today, but soon.”

      “We don’t have any nieces and nephews of our own, do we?”

      “Nope, sweetie, sorry. I don’t have any brothers and sisters, so I don’t have any nieces or nephews, and you don’t have any aunts or uncles on my side of the family.”

      “I have an aunt. Aunt Isabel.”

      “Aunt Isabel is just a very good friend in Natchez. She’s like an honorary aunt.”

      “Oh. Is Aunt Katherine my ornery aunt, too?”

      Mary Beth was tempted to say that Katherine was as ornery as they came, but instead she simply said, “No, Aunt Katherine is your daddy’s sister, so she’s a real aunt and you’re her niece.”

      “I don’t think Aunt Katherine likes me.”

      “Do you remember Aunt Katherine? You’ve only seen her once, and that was a long time ago.”

      “She had a red mouth СКАЧАТЬ