Shotgun Groom. Kristin Morgan
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Название: Shotgun Groom

Автор: Kristin Morgan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ another moment to think about it, she pulled her eyebrows into a frown. Or had she?

      Of course she had, she told herself a second later. Plenty of times. At the moment, she just couldn’t recall a particular incident where that was true. Given time, she most certainly would. It was just that Karen had her under the gun and, therefore, her brain was scrambled. “Karen, I really don’t have time right now to discuss this with you. Jack’s coming over soon. So could we please drop the subject?”

      “Sure,” Karen replied coolly.

      Taking a deep breath, Beth forced a smile. “Thank you.”

      Hoping that the subject was now officially closed, at least for the time being, Beth began bustling around her brightly lit kitchen, mentally checking off the last-minute things she had to do before Jack would arrive for the gourmet dinner she had planned for them later that night. All the while, though, her stomach was in knots. She wanted this night to be perfect. She had bought Jack’s favorite wine... prepared his favorite foods... and had put his favorite music in the CD player.

      The mood was set. No matter what anyone else thought, her plan was a good one. It could work. It would work.

      It was all up to Jack now.

      Everything—her hopes, her dreams—was banking on her ability to convince Jack that she needed his help. Badly. Desperately. He’d never let her down before. Never. Without question, if anyone could help her, it was Jack.

      Beth set a vase of fresh spring flowers from the florist at the center of the linen-draped table she had set, then stepped back and studied it.

      Standing nearby, Karen began shaking her head from side to side. “Poor guy. Jack is going to be walking head-on into a trap and he doesn’t even have the slightest clue.”

      Ignoring her friend’s comment, Beth frowned thoughtfully as she stepped back a few feet more and carefully inspected the table. “Does it look to you like I’ve covered everything?”

      Karen gazed at the formal setting and then shrugged. “As far as I can tell, everything but the kitchen sink.”

      Deepening her frown, Beth looked up at her friend. “In all honesty, Karen, do you think there’s even the slightest chance that Jack will turn me down?”

      It took Karen a moment to answer, but finally she broke into a reassuring smile. “Look, don’t mind me, honey. I was just being an old fuddy-duddy earlier. If this is what you think you need to do, then go for it.”

      “Oh, Karen,” Beth said, grabbing her friend’s hands and holding onto them for a moment. “Thanks for understanding.”

      Karen’s smile warmed even more. “Sometimes it’s a real challenge to keep up with you, Beth, but I’m trying. In any case, you can take what I’m about to tell you with a grain of salt, but it’s true nonetheless. When Jack arrives, if you just bat those big brown eyes of yours at him like this—” she demonstrated the technique with her own eyes “—he won’t stand a chance. I’ve seen it happen before. He’s putty in your hands when you look at him like that.”

      “Really?” Beth asked, her dark eyes widening in surprise. “I never noticed.”

      “Of course you haven’t. You’re too busy making sure that everyone knows that you’re simply his best buddy—and not his love interest.”

      Beth gave her friend a mild glare. “Karen...”

      “Okay, okay. I’m finished. In fact, now that I’ve had a moment, I think you’re right. Jack is the perfect choice to father your child.”

      Beth released a deep sigh. “Well now,” she said,

      “see how easy that was.”

      “I’m only changing my mind because I’m hoping that this plan of yours will somehow wake up at least one of you to the truth,” Karen replied. “Otherwise, it looks to me like you two may very well end up going through life as nothing more than friends.”

      “Actually that’s exactly what Jack and I plan to do,” Beth said stubbornly.

      Suddenly Karen glanced down at her wristwatch and gaped. “Good grief, would you look at the time? I’ve got to scoot. Beth, don’t forget about the party tomorrow night at my house. And remind Jack of it, too, will you?”

      “I will,” Beth replied.

      Karen turned abruptly, like a wasp that was suddenly honed in on its prey, and headed for the door. “The dry cleaner down the street closes in fifteen minutes and I won’t have a thing to wear tomorrow if I don’t get there in time to pick up my clothes,” she said, swiping up her leather purse from the kitchen counter.

      Beth followed her friend to the door, a nagging thought from their earlier discussion still on her mind. Suddenly it seemed vitally important to Beth that Karen understand her plan wasn’t going to change anything between herself and Jack. At this point, the last thing she needed was a misunderstanding with Karen. If that were to happen, undoubtedly it would quickly spread like wildfire among their friends. “Karen, listen to me,” Beth said. “I don’t want you getting ideas about me and Jack that are simply not true. Nothing has changed. Jack and I are Mends—period.

      “Besides,” she quickly added, “as one of my closest friends, you know how I feel. Under no circumstance will I jeopardize the relationship that Jack and I already have, not even if I had a written guarantee of improving it. Frankly I don’t think it can be improved. It’s perfect, just as it is. Besides, in the long run we’d be taking the chance of ruining everything we have. My parents did, remember? Their marriage ruined their friendship. They became different people. Eventually they fell out of love.” Beth held her chin slightly higher. “The problem is, some people refuse to acknowledge that Jack and I will never let that happen to us. If and when I ever fall in love, it will be with someone other than Jack, of that much you can be sure. And as far as Jack is concerned, he says he is never going to fall in love. And those, Karen, are the facts.”

      “You know something, Beth,” Karen said, turning to face her, “if what you’re looking for in life is guarantees, I’ve got news for you. You’re not going to get them—no matter how many precautions you take. Sooner or later, you’ll have to take that bungy jump into life just like the rest of us. After that, it’s up to Fate.”

      “Uh-uh,” Beth replied with a shake of her head. “Not me. I plan ahead, every step of the way.”

      Karen frowned at her for a moment and then turned for the door. “Look, honey, I gotta run. But in spite of all I’ve just said to you, I’ll have my fingers crossed the entire night that everything goes according to your plan. Just hit Jack with everything you’ve got, and I know you’ll win him over to your way of thinking. You always do.” Then she shot out the door like a streak of lightning in her hot pink dress and matching heels.

      After her friend left, Beth pivoted on her heels and started down the hall in the direction of her bedroom. She felt stressed-out from the conversation she’d just had and wondered how Karen could be so adamantly wrong about her and Jack’s friendship. Beth saw no reason why anyone should have a problem with it.

      Pausing momentarily, she took a deep, steadying breath. Right now she had other, more important things to worry about. First of all, it was time she got moving. Jack would be arriving at her door any minute. She needed to take one final СКАЧАТЬ