Second Honeymoon. Laura Abbot
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Название: Second Honeymoon

Автор: Laura Abbot

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      But now he was wide awake, while beside him Marie quickly settled back into the sleep of the dead. She could do that. Fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Didn’t seem fair. He’d probably be awake for hours now. Especially since he was unaccustomed to this strange bed.

      Around him the house was silent except for the periodic cycling of the air conditioner. Tomorrow they’d be going to watch Justin play soccer in the afternoon, and then to the football game where Hayley was cheering. Good kids, both of ’em. A bit spoiled, though. They hadn’t even volunteered to clear the table, much less do the dishes. Maybe they did have homework, as they’d claimed, but while he’d been getting ready for bed, he’d heard Hayley chattering on the phone, and not about school assignments.

      After dinner he’d talked with each of the grandkids privately. They’d both assured him they hadn’t spilled the beans and that their parents knew nothing about the anniversary surprise. Justin, though, had mentioned something that worried Bud. “Grampa, I don’t know if our surprise will help.” When Bud pressed him for an explanation, Justin had shuffled his feet and said, “Never mind.”

      Bud propped himself up on a second pillow to alleviate a touch of heartburn. He replayed his grandson’s remark. Not that Scott and Meg wouldn’t like the surprise but that it wouldn’t help. Help what?

      In the calm of the night, he reflected on their arrival. No Scott. Meg determinedly pleasant. Her careful avoidance of the issue of Scott’s lateness. Almost as if she didn’t expect him for dinner.

      And what about Scott? When he’d finally shown up, he’d been the charming host, asking them all the right questions, entertaining them with his story of wooing the Jordan account.

      Bud sat up and burped, relieving some of the pressure in his chest, then lay back down. The missing piece of the puzzle clicked into place. Meg. Scott had touched her rather perfunctorily on his return, but they hadn’t addressed any conversation to each other. Certainly, they hadn’t exchanged any of those silent, loving glances married couples use as romantic shorthand.

      A sense of foreboding caused Bud to roll over on his side and cuddle Marie close. Not Meg and Scott. Surely it was just his imagination.

      They’d been too polite, too reserved, too distant. What was the word he was searching for? Too unnatural. He tried to relax, tucking Marie’s head into the crook of his neck. Even her nearness failed to ease his worries. He had the strongest sense that something was wrong between Meg and his son.

      And whatever the something was, he could only pray that the long-planned anniversary surprise would help. He wished Justin thought so, too.

      What did the boy know that he didn’t?


      SATURDAYS WERE ALWAYS HECTIC in the Harper household. If Scott didn’t have a golf game, he usually spent part of the day working. Justin’s athletic schedule frequently underwent last-minute changes and Hayley often came home from a Friday-night sleepover exhausted and moody. Meg longed for that impossible luxury—an entire day free of carpooling, errands and social obligations. But it wasn’t happening today. Oh, no, their twentieth anniversary had dawned with Marie’s sudden demand for a hair appointment.

      Getting her in with Giorgio had not been easy. Now Meg owed him big-time—he’d been appalled that his client actually expected him, stylist extraordinaire, to set Marie’s hair on rollers. Shortly after returning from the hairdresser’s, Meg had heard an anguished cry from Hayley. Upon investigating, she’d discovered her daughter, horrified expression on her face, staring out her bedroom window overlooking the front yard. “See, Mom, I told you it was embarrassing!” Gathered on the lawn were several neighborhood teenage boys examining the motor home. Justin, with the flair of a carnival barker, was pointing out the features of the oversize vehicle.

      “Maybe they think it’s cool.”

      Hayley snorted, then grinned. “In some alternate universe.”

      Unbelievably, Scott had made it to both Justin’s soccer game yesterday and Hayley’s football game. This morning he’d slipped out of the house for a round of golf with Bud without a mention of their anniversary.

      Fresh from a late-afternoon shower, Meg stood in the doorway of her closet studying her choices of party apparel. Darned if she’d wear the black chiffon Scott liked. No, she needed something flamboyant, in-your-face. Something to make a statement about her independence. She pulled out an electric-blue cocktail suit with a magenta silk shell. The short, hip-hugging skirt made her feel halfway sexy, and the color would bring out the blue of her eyes. This could be her last anniversary observance, so she might as well go down with all flags flying.

      She’d just finished applying her makeup when she heard Scott return from his game. Fleetingly, she wondered what he was feeling today. Had he spent any time remembering the small college chapel where they’d exchanged vows? The way they couldn’t wait to escape the reception in their haste to get to the hotel? Had he recalled how passionate their lovemaking had been? How naively certain they’d been that theirs was a forever-after kind of love?

      Scott walked through the door and stripped off his golf shirt. “How much time do I have?”

      Like she was his keeper? “We’re due at the club at six.”

      “I showered in the locker room. Is this a sport-coat-and-tie event?”

      Meg bit her tongue. Had he even looked at her? Noticed how she was dressed? “Yes,” was all she said.

      He removed his shoes and socks, then stepped out of his slacks. “Pops managed a couple of birdies today.”

      “I’m sure he had a good time.” Meg groaned inwardly. Talk about a stilted conversation. She was well aware that neither of them had mentioned the anniversary. But what was there to say? Happy anniversary would ring false, and they were long past reminiscing about other anniversaries. The big question was whether she cared.

      She ducked her head. Despite the brave front she put on, part of her did care. But she wasn’t sure there was any way to fix things. Somewhere along the line, their common path had forked, and new paths had led them farther and farther apart, shattering her long-held dream of a happy home, different from the one in which she’d grown up.

      She fussed with her hair, then studied her jewelry box before deciding on a pendant necklace and matching earrings. With a stab, she realized Scott had given them to her on their fifteenth anniversary.


      She turned from the mirror to see Scott standing tall and handsome in front of her, his tan suit sharply pressed, his paisley tie matching his shirt nicely. “Am I presentable?”

      “You’ll do,” she said, rising to her feet and, out of habit, straightening his tie. She could smell the fresh tropical scent of his aftershave, sense the wiry tension in his body. She stepped away, determined not to lose herself in his masculine charm. It took more—a lot more—than occasional pangs of sexual need to make a marriage work. Abruptly, she spun around. “We’d better get on with the show.”

      “Show?” he mused. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. All we are is one big act, at least according to you.”

      His words stung. He made their situation sound so impersonal. “A lot can happen in twenty years, Scott.”

      “Yeah, СКАЧАТЬ