Rekindled Romance. Lorraine Beatty
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Название: Rekindled Romance

Автор: Lorraine Beatty

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ glimpse of him. He was even more handsome than she’d remembered. Age had broadened his shoulders, deepened his chest and chiseled the planes of his face. There was a masculine confidence in his bearing that couldn’t be ignored. And the gentle, tender heart she’d fallen in love with was displayed in the unabashed love of his children.

      Matt had been everything she’d ever wanted in a man.

      She opened her eyes, staring across the drive. Part of her longed to see him coming toward the house to—what? Say all was forgiven? Let’s start over? But another part of her hoped he would stay on his side of the driveway and ignore her for the remainder of her stay. Confronting him would be too painful, no matter the outcome.

      Her conscience stung again. Gramma was right. Avoiding conflict was one of her biggest faults. She was avoiding her illness, avoiding making the changes she needed. And now, hoping to avoid Matt.

      Forcing herself to move, Shelby picked up an apple and took a bite, her mind bursting with questions. How had he come to live next door, and what had he been doing all these years? Obviously he’d married and had children. What was his wife like? Was it someone she knew from school? What about the Handy Works van? Was that what he did for a living? It would make sense. His father owned the hardware store where they’d met. She had noticed a large pickup in the drive as well, but it was gone now. Apparently he’d followed in his father’s footsteps.

      Movement outside the window caught her attention. She froze. Matt. He was coming over. “No. Not now. I’m not ready. I can’t deal with this right now.” She held her breath, watching him come across the drive. She could still see the young man she remembered in his slow, easy gait. The male grace he’d displayed as a young man was still evident. The years had done little to diminish his attractiveness. She turned away, her stomach in knots, flinching when the knock on the door echoed through the house. He was coming to demand an answer for her breaking their engagement. What would she say? I ran because I was afraid I’d never get out of this place if I didn’t?

      Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and lost her breath. He didn’t look like the father of two. With his square-jawed good looks and athletic physique, he could have graced the cover of any magazine. His dark brown hair still lay in waves across his head. The cobalt-blue eyes with their thick lashes were still compelling and magnetic. The only thing missing was his smile. She doubted if she’d ever see that again. She cleared her throat, searching desperately for her voice.

      “Hello, Shelby.”

      “Hey.” It was all she could squeak out past the lump in her throat.

      Shelby motioned him inside. He nodded and stepped over the threshold. She closed the door behind him, struggling to maintain a casual attitude while ignoring the tantalizing smell of his aftershave.

      “I had no idea you lived next door.” She forced a smile. “It was a surprise seeing you drive up today.”

      Matt frowned. “Ellen didn’t tell you?”

      “No, but then she never knew we...” She faltered. “Gramma and Grandpa were on a mission trip the summer we dated.”

      He nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

      Her heart pounded so fiercely she wondered if he could hear it. Now that he was here, all she wanted was to get it over with. “Would you like to sit down?”

      “No. I need to talk to Ellen. Is she here?”

      Shelby’s tension deflated like a punctured balloon. Matt wasn’t here to see her at all. She should have been relieved, but instead she swallowed a large gulp of disappointment. “She’s not here at the moment, but I expect her home anytime. You’re welcome to wait.”

      Matt’s jaw worked side to side a moment, as if gauging his next words.

      “How long are you staying?”

      She blinked. That wasn’t the question she’d anticipated. Apparently he was going to get right to the point. Fine. She could take it. Raising her chin, she crossed her arms over her chest and faced him. Matt’s blue gaze pierced through her. Blue eyes exactly like Cassidy’s. Now she knew why they’d seemed so familiar. “Six weeks or so. My schedule is flexible.”

      Matt planted his hands on his hips. A smirk curved one corner of his mouth upward. “Six whole weeks. You sure you won’t get bored so far from the big city? We pull in the sidewalk around seven, remember?”

      “Yes. I remember.” Her heart burned. He was throwing her words from long ago back in her face.

      “I’m sure you do. So, what brings you back to the small-town life?”

      She ignored the flash of pain his sarcasm inflicted. “I had time accrued that I needed to use, and I wanted to spend time with Gramma.”

      “Can the corporate world survive without you?”

      She lifted her chin. He was really getting under her skin with his sour attitude. “It’s the wireless age, Matt. I can do my work from anywhere. Have laptop will travel. Clouds and smart phones are our friends. You do have those things here in your small town, don’t you?”

      “I know all about working from home.”

      “Really? So the world of hammers and nails is high tech now?” Her condescending words sent a hot rush of remorse along her nerves. She hadn’t meant to handle their meeting this way, as if she were eighteen and scared and confused. She’d wanted to face him as a highly successful, competent woman of the world.

      “I don’t work at the store anymore, Shelby. That’s my father’s job.”

      There was a low, threatening undercurrent to his tone that scraped against her nerves. She ignored it. “So you have your own handyman business now? I saw the van when you drove up.”

      Matt’s eyes darkened, and he shifted his weight slightly as if trying to control himself. “I only do that part-time. You know how we small-town guys are. We work as little as possible so we have more time to hunt and fish. We’re not very ambitious.”

      Shelby cringed at hearing her own words taunting her. So much for putting on a front. Being face-to-face with him hurt more than she’d ever imagined. “Matt, please...”

      The sound of a car pulling in the drive meant Gramma was back. Her chance to escape. “I’ll let Gramma know you’re here.” Quickly she moved through the hall and into the kitchen, meeting Ellen as she opened the door. “Why didn’t you tell me Matt Durrant lived next door to you?”

      Ellen blinked in surprise. “I didn’t think you’d care.”

      “I don’t. I mean, it was a surprise, that’s all.”

      Gramma came into the kitchen, a puzzled frown marring her brow. “What difference could that make to you?”

      “Because we were—” She hesitated, gauging her words. “We knew each other in school.”

      Gramma shook her head. “I don’t understand. What does that have to do with anything?”

      Shelby exhaled an exasperated grunt. There was no way she could make Gramma understand without going into the grim details of her past relationship with Matt, and she wasn’t ready to deal with that right СКАЧАТЬ