Paternity Lessons. Maris Soule
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Название: Paternity Lessons

Автор: Maris Soule

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ that had a large stain across the front, and no makeup at all.

      Although Lanie had met Gordon once, the day Tyler had given her a tour of the offices, and knew Alicia from the times Alicia had come to the hospital and then to the house, Tyler thought he’d better introduce Shaunna. “Gordon. Alicia. I’d like you to meet—”

      Lanie didn’t let him finish. “Oh great,” she snapped. “Now you’re going to be all proper, just like you always get when Ah-lee-sha is around.”

      She was looking at Alicia when she stretched out her name, and Tyler knew Lanie was a ticking time bomb. He didn’t want to imagine what she would come out with next. “Lanie,” he said in warning, hoping she’d get the message.

      Lanie glared back at him and let out a series of words that would make a street kid blush. She then made her departure, bumping against the two standing in her way.

      “I never,” Alicia said, turning to stare after the ten-year-old.

      “Really,” Gordon said.

      Then Shaunna spoke. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered you here at work. I’ll get her and take her home for you.” She headed for the doorway, nodding at Alicia and Gordon as she passed.

      Tyler watched her go, too dumbfounded to say anything.

      Chapter Three

      Alicia looked at Tyler. “Who was that woman?”

      “That’s Shaunna,” he said, not sure if he should also go after Lanie or not. “Shaunna Lightfeather. She’s the one who’s going to rehabilitate Lanie’s horse.”

      “And what were your daughter and she doing here in your office?” Gordon demanded coldly, his attitude clearly showing his disapproval.

      “There was a problem at the stable.” Tyler glanced at Alicia and then at her uncle. “I didn’t get a full accounting.”

      “The woman smelled like she’d been rolling in manure.” Alicia wrinkled her nose. “And so did your daughter.”

      There wasn’t much he could say about that. “I’ve discovered that working with horses does leave a smell. Each night, I’ve been putting Lanie’s clothes in the wash as soon as she takes them off.”

      “You’re going to have to do something about that child’s language,” Gordon said, shaking his head. “Can’t have that kind of talk around here.”

      “I know.” Once again, Tyler wondered if he should go after Lanie.

      “Well...” Gordon looked at his niece, then at Tyler. “I’ll leave you two alone. But see to it that something like this doesn’t happen again, Tyler. It disturbs everyone in the firm.”

      “I’ll talk to Lanie,” Tyler said. He watched his boss leave, not sure he liked being reprimanded like a naughty boy.

      As Gordon closed the door behind him, Alicia stepped closer to Tyler’s desk. “She’s very a sort of earthy way.”

      Tyler knew a dangerous situation when he heard one. There was no safe way to respond, so he half lied. “I suppose you could say she’s attractive. I really haven’t paid that much attention to her looks. I’ve been more concerned with whether she’ll work with Lanie’s horse.”

      “She actually owns the stable where you’re boarding the horse?”

      “Yes. That is, I think she does.” He still wasn’t sure what Alicia was getting at.

      “Is it a big stable?”

      “No, not very big. I’d say she has forty horses there. Maybe fewer. It’s nothing fancy.” Not a place where Alicia would board a horse...if Alicia had a horse.

      She eyed him for a moment, then glanced toward the door as if the image of Shaunna was imbedded there. “You said her last name’s Lightfeather? What is that, Navajo or something?”

      “I really don’t know. Someone said she was part Indian.”

      “Is she married?”


      Alicia’s silence was poignant, and Tyler suddenly realized she was jealous. He found that interesting. Although they’d been dating for nearly a year, he always had the feeling she was keeping him at a distance. But he found that understandable. He was well aware that she was in a social class far above his. And even though he enjoyed her company, most of the events they attended were business oriented. He wasn’t looking for love and romance. He’d given up on that years ago. He and Alicia hadn’t even slept together.

      The one thing he was concentrating on at this point in his life was his career, and Alicia had certainly helped him there. It was at her urging that he’d applied for a position at her uncle’s firm, which in turn had led him to the job he now held. And he had to admit she’d been very supportive when he learned about Lanie. Alicia had spend a lot of hours with him at the hospital as he sat by Lanie’s side, had talked her uncle into giving Tyler the time off he needed to be with Lanie and had even been offering suggestions on how to handle Lanie now.

      Finally, Alicia spoke, her tone clearly cool. “You seem to know quite a bit about this Shaunna woman.”

      He shook his head. “Only what I found out when I was looking for someone to work with Lanie’s horse. I didn’t want to move him from one bad situation to another. Shaunna, according to those I spoke with, is the best horse trainer around. Perhaps the best in the country.”

      There was another moment of silence, Alicia’s gaze never leaving his face, then she looked down at her hands and began brushing a fingertip over one of her painted nails. “I think it’s commendable,” she said, “how much concern you’re showing for Lanie and this horse of hers, but you do remember that I don’t like horses, don’t you? I hope you’re not thinking of asking me to accompany you out to that stable or anything?”

      “I wouldn’t think of it.” He could just imagine her reaction if she saw Shaunna’s house and the barns. Alicia’s condominium was in the best section of town. In fact, her father owned most of the real estate in that area, along with oil wells and other land. Her parents’ home, which he’d visited a couple of times, was absolutely palatial. No, she wouldn’t think much of Shaunna’s stable or house.

      Alicia looked back at him and smiled. “I just wanted to be sure we understood each other. Dinner tonight? You could come by my place after work. I have something I’d like to discuss with you. A proposition of sorts.”

      The bristling gone, Alicia was once again warm and friendly, but Tyler knew that dinner at her place tonight was out of the question. “I’m afraid I can’t. I need to find out what exactly happened today. In fact—” he stood “—I think I’d better go make sure Shaunna caught up with Lanie.”


      Shaunna didn’t catch up with Lanie for more than a city block. Where the child thought she was going, Shaunna didn’t know, but Lanie was walking with determination, her limp barely discernible. As soon as she reached her side, Shaunna matched her steps to the ten-year-old’s. “You showed him, didn’t you?” she СКАЧАТЬ