Montana Hearts. Charlotte Carter
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Название: Montana Hearts

Автор: Charlotte Carter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ to a shriek, the volume increasing with each syllable until the entire house shuddered with her distress.

      “I don’t want anybody else around. I want my mom back!”

      Like a summer storm, a volley of tears exploded. She whirled and raced up the stairs, trying to escape herself. Escape emotions she couldn’t control.

      Tears of empathy jammed together in Sarah’s throat. Drawing a breath made her chest ache, and she pressed her palm against the pain. Against the scar that hid there.

      Beth needed so much help dealing with the loss of her mother. Dealing with the changes in her own pre-adolescent body and emotions. Needed so much love.

      Who could give her that love?

      From whom could she accept that love?

      Standing at the foot of the stairs, his legs wide apart as though poised for battle, Kurt speared his fingers through his hair. His expressive features twisted into a mask of anger and confusion, his lips a straight line, his brows lowered to shadow his eyes.

      “That went well,” he muttered. His fingers rhythmically flexed and unflexed.

      “I’m sorry.” For him and for his loss. For his troubled child. Despite his anger, Sarah didn’t doubt for a moment that he loved his daughter. And his son. No one could show that depth of emotion without caring deeply for them.

      His chest expanded on a long intake of air followed by a harsh exhale. “What you see before you is a desperate man.”

      “A desperate man, who is grieving for the wife he lost and trying to deal with a menopausal mother-in-law and a hormonal adolescent.”

      His head whipped around and he blinked at Sarah. “Beth’s hormonal?”

      “She’s the right age. Have you talked to her about—”


      No matter how hard she tried to stop herself, a smile vaulted to Sarah’s face and she laughed at Kurt’s horrified expression.

      He sank down on the arm of the couch. “This is no laughing matter.”

      “I know. But you really should have seen your face. You had terror written all over it. In neon lights.”

      The slightest hint of a smile curved the corners of his lips. “Well, if nothing else you know what you’d be getting into if you take the job.” He scratched the day-old whiskers on his square jaw. “I need some help. The whole family does. I’d pay you a decent wage, plus room and board. I’d also understand if you turned tail and got out of here as fast as that puny car of yours would take you.”

      Oxygen seemed to escape her brain, leaving her dizzy with bells ringing in her head. Bells of excitement? Or bells of warning?

      Had the Lord placed her in the diner at just the right time this afternoon to meet Kurt? Was this the Lord’s plan?

      There was no way to know for sure. Unless she took a leap of faith.

      She drew a shaky breath and lifted her chin. “My car is not puny and I’ve never in my life turned tail when faced with a challenge.” Confronted with childhood leukemia and years of radiation and chemo, which damaged her heart so badly she’d needed a transplant at the age of thirty-two, she’d never stopped fighting. She didn’t plan to stop now.

      “Mr. Ryder, I accept your job offer.”

      His smile broadened, squint lines appearing at the corners of is eyes. “Why don’t you call me Kurt? It’ll be easier that way.” He stood and extended his hand.

      “Welcome to the Rocking R, Ms. Barkley.”

      “Thank you, Kurt.” His hand was broad and warm and calloused, not at all like those of the businessmen who were her Seattle clients, but far stronger and more compelling. “Please call me Sarah.”

      Chapter Three

      Kurt gave Sarah a brief tour of the house, then showed her the very large, modern kitchen.

      “You could feed an army from this kitchen,” Sarah commented. Miles of granite counters and oak cabinets lined one side of the room. The window over two extra-deep stainless steel sinks looked over a fenced backyard with grass and flower beds that needed care. Beyond that a row of poplar trees formed a bright green windbreak.

      A round oak table and chairs were placed on the opposite side of the room with a view to the east.

      In the center of the room was a butcher-block counter. Above that dozens of gadgets hung from a rack, some of them Sarah couldn’t even identify.

      “Zoe really liked to cook,” Kurt said. “She had the kitchen remodeled and expanded several years ago so she could have bigger parties.”

      “Very impressive.” Sarah rarely entertained. Until recently she hadn’t had the strength.

      “Your bedroom with a private bath is back here.” Kurt led her past what she took to be a pantry and supply room. “Originally this room off the kitchen was for a servant, but Zoe turned it into a guest room. My brother and his family come to visit once in a while. They live in Denver.”

      Sarah drew a quick breath as she stepped inside. Though simply decorated, the room had a homey feel to it. A handmade quilt covered a cherrywood double bed and there was a matching dresser with a vase of artificial daisies sitting on it. Sheer curtains covered the one window and on the walls, original watercolor paintings featured Western scenes. An oval hooked rug brightened the hardwood floor.

      “This is lovely,” she said. “Your wife had very good taste.”

      “Yeah, she did.” He backed out of the room. “I’ll help bring in your things, then you can start dinner. I checked and it looks like Nana Grace defrosted some steaks.”

      Steaks? Sarah rarely ate red meat but she supposed tonight could be an exception. Assuming she could figure out how to cook them.

      An hour later, she’d unpacked her bags and stood staring at four huge T-bone steaks wondering what to do with them. She’d managed to find some shredded lettuce and tomatoes, and cut up some baby carrots to add to a salad. She figured Kurt was a big eater, so she put a loaf of bread and butter on the table.

      But for the life of her, she couldn’t find a broiler pan big enough to hold all the steaks.

      Willing to admit defeat, she went in search of Kurt.

      Toby was sprawled on the living room floor watching television.

      “Toby, do you know where your dad is?”

      He continued to stare glassy-eyed at the antics of comic characters determined to lop off each others’ heads with laser swords.

      “Toby?” When he still failed to answer, she shrugged. She’d find Kurt herself.

      She turned down the hallway that led to his office. She found him there staring at the computer screen in much the same way Toby was watching TV. A disorganized pile of invoices sat on his cluttered walnut СКАЧАТЬ