Misfit Maid. Elizabeth Bailey
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Название: Misfit Maid

Автор: Elizabeth Bailey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ we any relations called Burloyne, Aunt?’ asked Delagarde. ‘You ought to know. She claims it comes through the Otterburns.’

      The elder lady nodded. ‘It does, indeed. Although it is some few generations back.’

      ‘I thought as much. Far too remote to be of consequence.’

      Maidie brightened. ‘Are you an Otterburn, then, ma’am?’

      ‘I am Lady Hester Otterburn. Dorinda—that is, Delagarde’s mother—was my niece.’ To Maidie’s relief, Lady Hester smiled and touched her arm with a friendly hand. ‘What is it you want, child?’

      Drawing a breath, Maidie plunged in again. ‘I want Lord Delagarde to arrange my debut.’

      For a moment, Lady Hester looked at her with almost as great a blankness as had Delagarde. Then, to Maidie’s bewilderment, she burst out laughing. Lord Delagarde’s reluctance to oblige her was at least comprehensible. But this? She watched as the elder lady betook herself to Delagarde’s lately vacated chair and sat down.

      ‘Forgive me,’ she uttered, as soon as she could speak, ‘but that is the funniest idea I have heard in years.’

      ‘I don’t see why,’ Maidie said, pained.

      ‘Nor do I,’ agreed Delagarde, regarding his aunt with disfavour. ‘What the devil do you mean by it, Aunt Hes?’

      Lady Hester bubbled over again. ‘The picture of you, Laurie, in the role of nursemaid to an ingenue. Really, it does not bear imagination! What in the world possessed you to think of such a thing, child? Laurie has no more notion of how to steer a young girl through the social shoals than the man in the moon.’

      ‘There is no man in the moon,’ Maidie said, vaguely irritated.

      ‘This is typical,’ commented Delagarde, gesturing towards her. ‘Her whole conversation consists of nonsequitur statements.’ To Maidie, he added, ‘We know there is no man in the moon. What is that to the purpose?’

      Maidie tutted. ‘It is a foolish expression, which only shows how little people know of the cosmos.’

      Both Lady Hester and Delagarde stared at her. Maidie eyed them both back, frowning. Had she said something out of the way? She knew she had been too little in company to appreciate the niceties of etiquette. Adela was always complaining of her lack of social graces. There had been some spite in that, but perhaps there was more ground for the complaint than Maidie had thought. Well, it mattered little. She had scant interest in society, and if only she could get this business over and done with, she would not be in need of social graces.

      ‘May we return to the point of this discussion?’ she asked, her tone a trifle frigid.

      ‘By all means,’ said Lady Hester amiably. ‘Do tell me why you hit upon poor Laurie for the task of introducing you.’

      ‘It was not by chance, you know.’ Maidie dug once more into her reticule, and brought out the letter, which she gave to Lady Hester. ‘This is from Lady Delagarde.’

      ‘Thank you. Do sit down, child.’

      Thus adjured, Maidie resumed her former chair as Lord Delagarde walked across and took a seat on a little sofa that faced the fire. She eyed him surreptitiously, aware that he was watching her. Not, she dared say, with any degree of approval. Not that she wanted his approval. If there had been any other option open to her, she would have felt much inclined to abandon her scheme, for she was sure he was going to prove difficult. He was evidently a man used to having his own way, and all too likely to give her a great deal of trouble.

      The thought faded from her mind as Lady Hester came to the end of the letter she was reading, and spoke.

      ‘It is Dorinda’s hand, I can vouch for that.’

      ‘I never doubted it,’ said Delagarde. ‘I hope I can recognise my own mother’s handwriting. What of it? You have not heard the half of this ridiculous story. Here is this female—’

      ‘Lady Mary, you mean,’ interpolated his aunt.

      ‘If she is Lady Mary—’

      ‘Oh, I think there can be no doubt of that.’

      ‘Thank you,’ put in Maidie gratefully. ‘I cannot think why he would not believe me.’

      Delagarde almost snorted. ‘Because your conduct hardly tallies with the title.’

      ‘Laurie, do be quiet!’ begged Lady Hester. ‘Let the child tell her tale in her own way.’

      ‘Her tale is imbecilic. She does not wish to marry some fellow or other, and has thus fled her natural protector to come here and demand that I bring her out, on the pretext of that letter. A more stupid—’

      ‘Hush! Let her speak.’

      Maidie threw her a grateful look, and launched once more into an explanation of her difficulties and the ingenious solution she had worked out. Unlike her great-nephew, Lady Hester listened without comment, and even managed to keep Delagarde from bursting out until Maidie had finished. Only then did she speak.

      ‘I think I understand. There are one or two matters I should like to clarify, however. The exact relationship between us is readily discovered.’

      ‘Readily discovered?’ echoed the Viscount, incensed that his great-aunt should give the time of day to the chit’s nonsensical scheme. ‘If you hunted it down through half the family tree, I dare say. Besides, I am sure there must be a dozen other males closer related to her than I am myself.’

      ‘But none of them, my dear Laurie, is a viscount.’

      Maidie found herself the sudden recipient of a suspicious look from his lordship, and a questioning one from Lady Hester. What were they at now?

      ‘Why should that weigh with me?’ she asked forthrightly. ‘I am an Earl’s daughter.’

      ‘And may look as high as you please for a husband? I wonder just how high you are looking to go.’

      Regarding Lady Hester frowningly, Maidie shrugged. ‘His rank is immaterial. It is not that which will determine my choice. I only meant that my title is bound to make it easier for me to find someone willing to marry me.’

      ‘Undoubtedly,’ agreed Lady Hester affably. ‘Tell me, Lady Mary, why do you wish to be settled in life?’

      A sigh escaped Maidie, as the picture of her self-imposed future formed itself in her mind. ‘To tell you the truth, I had as lief not be—married, I mean. But when Eustace began plaguing me with his attentions, and then Adela must needs try to hint me into accepting him, I began to see what awaited me if I chose to remain single.’

      An odd look crossed Lady Hester’s face. ‘Well, I do not ask why you wished to remain single, for that I can readily understand. I am single myself. But what was it that you feared?’

      Maidie shifted her shoulders in a gesture of discomfort. ‘To be the object of incessant suits for my hand. Once word of the legacy got out, I could see there would be no peace for me. So I thought the best solution would be to find myself a СКАЧАТЬ