Matchmaking Mona. Diana Mars
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Название: Matchmaking Mona

Автор: Diana Mars

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      She Startled Him And His Precarious Balance Was Shot To Hell. Letter to Reader Title Page DIANA MARS Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Epilogue Copyright

      She Startled Him And His Precarious Balance Was Shot To Hell.


      Cooper flailed about, even as he spied a woman’s rounded face and sparkling green eyes. Those eyes went from shining with amusement to widening in alarm as Cooper pitched forward, and fell on their owner.


      His victim took the brunt of the fall, and became almost embedded in the moist soil. Cooper lifted his upper body from the woman’s softly curved chest and leaned on his elbows.


      L.J. breathed in deeply and stared upward into a pair of the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. She noticed that beyond giving her some breathing room, the man did not immediately budge. As a matter of fact, from the way he was ogling her, he didn’t seem to have any intention of moving anytime soon.

      Dear Reader,


      A book from Joan Hohl is always a delight, so I’m thrilled that this month we have her latest MAN OF THE MONTH, A Memorable Man. Naturally, this story is chock-full of Joan’s trademark sensuality and it’s got some wonderful plot twists that are sure to please you!


      Also this month, Cindy Gerard’s latest in her NORTHERN LIGHTS BRIDES series, A Bride for Crimson Falls, and Beverly Barton’s “Southern sizzle” is highlighted in A Child of Her Own. Anne Eames has the wonderful ability to combine sensuality and humor, and A Marriage Made in Joeville features this talent.


      The Baby Blizzard by Caroline Cross is sure to melt your heart this month—it’s an extraordinary love story with a hero and heroine you’ll never forget! And the month is completed with a sexy romp by Diana Mars, Matchmaking Mona.


      In months to come, look for spectacular Silhouette Desire books by Diana Palmer, Jennifer Greene, Lass Small and many other fantastic Desire stars! And I’m always here to listen to your thoughts and opinions about the books. You can write to me at the address below.


      Enjoy! I wish you hours of happy reading!

      Lucia Macro

      Senior Editor

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      Matchmaking Mona

      Diana Mars


      feels fortunate to be a part of the Golden Age of Romance, which has seen so many exciting elements added: suspense, horror, mystery, the supernatural. Although she has worked in the fields of business, languages and anthropology, writing has proven to be the strongest, yet most satisfying challenge.


      Cooper Channahon winced as Mona stepped on his foot. Again.

      The gangly fourteen-year-old absently apologized and went on her merry way, intent on reaching the dig and its director—her idol, Dr. L. J. Livingston.

      Cooper took off his expensive Nike runners and rubbed the sore big toe. He was getting too old for this!

      But fraternal love always proved his undoing. His younger brother Corbett, wandering around in a fog of child-rearing confusion and helplessness since his beloved wife Lauren had died, had needed some time to himself.

      Mona, Corbett’s only child, was a handful at any time, and since her mother’s death, had thrown her considerable energy into her two passions: basketball and anthropology.

      So Cooper had been enlisted to escort Mona to the excavation site after her varsity game. After a hellish day of stockbrokering, he’d almost forgotten his promise to Mona. When his niece had chastised him for not having proper attire for a dig, Cooper had just stopped off at an athletic shoe store. Mona had been slightly mollified when he’d let her choose two pairs from her other idol, Air Jordan: one for him, the other for herself.

      But now his dear niece, totally insensitive toward his almost forty-year-old metatarsal, plowed ahead.

      And plowed was definitely the operative world, Cooper reflected as his pristine Nikes lost their virgin state and became mired in mud. Swearing, Cooper replaced his crosstrainers, almost losing his balance, and got one foot out of the soggy field.

      Only to have his other shoe become even further embedded in the sticky mud.

      Cooper shook his head. What on earth had possessed him to accompany Mona to this unpleasant part of Illinois? Corbett’s need for some private time to get his head together СКАЧАТЬ