Man Overboard. Karen Leabo
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Название: Man Overboard

Автор: Karen Leabo

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ that was ancient history, Paige reminded herself. But the remembered pain brought on by Curtis’s betrayal still could give her a twinge now and then.

      Like now. Only this was more than a twinge.

      Harrison laughed at something Aurora said. It was a low, full-bodied laugh that skittered pleasurably up and down Paige’s nerve endings, bringing goosebumps to her arms. His lips were full and sensual, his teeth even and white.

      The man Aurora had identified as Doc Waller wandered up and joined their party. Within moments he was hanging on Aurora’s every word. Even James, who earlier had been looking at Paige with something akin to interest, seemed to have forgotten her existence. She felt utterly invisible.

      This was ridiculous, she told herself. There was no reason in the world she should begrudge her mother’s enjoyment. If anything, she should be overjoyed that the object of Aurora’s attentions appeared to be a wealthy and stable man, not some penniless fortune hunter.

      Of course, appearances could be deceiving.

      Paige stood abruptly. “I hope you’ll all excuse me, but this afternoon sun is so strong, it’s given me a headache. I think I’ll go lie down for a while.”

      She tried to stand and make a graceful exit, but her purse got hung up on her chair. A gusty breeze nearly unseated her hat. The last thing she saw before she managed to disentangle herself and make her ungainly escape was Harrison, watching her, obviously amused.


      Harrison turned his attention back to Aurora, but his thoughts were with Paige. What was troubling her? he wondered. He’d gotten the distinct impression that she wasn’t ill so much as irritated.

      Aurora’s gaze was locked on the retreating form of her daughter. “Now I wonder what’s eating her?” she asked with a worried frown, echoing Harrison’s thoughts. “Maybe I should go check on her. She’s prone to seasickness.”

      James stood up. “I’ll see that she gets back to her cabin all right.”

      “And I’ve got plenty of seasick pills with me,” Doc Waller added, starting to rise also.

      “Oh, please, don’t bother,” Aurora argued amiably. “Besides, James, I have a million questions I want to ask you about running a big cruise ship like this one. It must be fascinating work. And you, Doc—the last thing you need is to be taking care of sick people on your vacation. But maybe...” She batted her eyelashes at Harrison. “Would you mind, Harrison, seeing that my niece makes it safely back to her cabin? We’re on the Marlin Deck.”

      “Sure, I’d be happy to.” Happier than he’d like to admit. He was supposed to be romancing Aurora, but that was a damned impossible task with her daughter sitting across the table. Now that Paige was out of the way he should lay it on thick. But all he could think about was running after her to find out what the problem was.

      Well, Aurora had asked him to do it, he reasoned. And he wanted to please her, right?

      “I’ll be back.” He gave her what he hoped was a charming smile as he stood and turned to make his escape.

      Harrison had no trouble catching up to Paige. She had paused at the buffet table to sample some Brie cheese on a cracker.

      “Must be some headache,” he said from behind her.

      She made a startled little noise and whirled around, her face turning pink. “Oh, it’s you. I thought maybe some cheese and crackers would help the headache,” she said, crossing her arms defensively. “Protein and carbohydrate to increase the blood sugar, you know. Besides, Aurora signed us up for the late dinner seating, and I haven’t eaten all day except for those few strawberries.”

      He remembered the strawberries. He’d hardly been able to keep his eyes off her as she’d delicately nibbled the juicy red morsels.

      “In that case, try some of this Swiss cheese.” He stabbed a small yellow cube with a toothpick and held the tidbit in front of her mouth.

      After giving him a suspicious look, she reluctantly parted her moist lips and plucked the cheese cube from the toothpick, then chewed it thoughtfully. “Mmm, you’re right, it is good,” she conceded.

      “How about some white cheddar on a wheat cracker?” He cut a generous slice of the thick, white cheese, set it on a cracker and handed it to her. He’d almost held it in front of her mouth again, just for the sensual pleasure of feeding her, but he figured that would be pushing his luck. While she munched on the treat, he popped a slice into his own mouth.

      “Headache any better?” he asked.

      “I guess I don’t really have a headache,” she admitted. “I just get annoyed watching Mo—Aurora flirt so shamelessly.”

      “Why does it annoy you? Flirtation is a dying art, and she’s very good at it. Besides, it’s fun. You ought to try it.”

      “No, thanks,” Paige said with a haughty frown. “I’d rather be a bump on a log. I’m very good at that.”

      “I didn’t mean to imply you were a bump. In fact, you don’t resemble any part of a log.”

      She gave him an appraising look. “Are you flirting with me? Hedging your bets in case Aurora doesn’t take your bait?”

      He didn’t answer. She’d caught him. But he couldn’t help himself. Paige Stovall begged to be cajoled into a smile, and he wanted to be the one to do it.

      He’d better cut it out, he decided, or he would alienate both women. A man who set his sights on a mother and daughter—or an aunt and her niece, as he was supposed to believe them to be—could only be labeled a jerk.

      “Well, I suppose it’s none of my business if you want to throw yourself at Aurora,” Paige said. “But I should warn you, her flirtations are anything but innocent. She’s been married four times.”

      Harrison was careful to show the appropriate degree of surprise. “Really?”

      “And I’d be leery if I were you. She might have you selected as husband number five.”

      “I think you’re exaggerating. We were just enjoying a conversation. But would it bother you terribly if she had set her sights on me?”

      “Damn right, it would! She’s old enough to be your...well, your much older sister.”

      “I don’t see that age is so important. In fact, I’d guess the age difference between Aurora and me isn’t as great as the one between me and you.” Actually, he was about ten years older than Paige and more than twenty years Aurora’s junior. But he wasn’t supposed to know that.

      “The age difference between us isn’t the issue.” She shrugged, though she didn’t appear as unaffected as she pretended. “Think what you like. But I warn you, I won’t let Aurora have her head turned by another handsome younger man, who has nothing in common—”

      “You think I’m handsome?”

      She blushed again. “What I think about you isn’t important.” She turned СКАЧАТЬ