Wanted: A Family. Janet Dean
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Название: Wanted: A Family

Автор: Janet Dean

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ words…were so different from what I was used to hearing from Papa. I believed every thing he said.”

      The baby’s father wasn’t an answer, but would Elise’s dad relent and allow Elise to return home? “Can the rift between you and your father be mended?”

      Fresh tears filled Elise’s eyes. “Papa doesn’t love me. How could he love me and say the things he’s said to me? Mama says he’s hurt and he’ll get over it.” Her lower lip trembled. “When?”

      God gives His forgiveness quickly, at the speed of lightning. But mankind often took longer. “Have you asked your parents to forgive you?”

      “More times than I can count. Mama’s forgiven me, but I’ve disappointed her.” She gave a strangled laugh. “I’ve disappointed myself. But Papa…”

      “Give him time. Once the baby is here, he’ll come around.”

      Elise fingered the yellow blanket in her lap. “I’ve asked God to pardon me, but I don’t feel forgiven.”

      A lump formed in Callie’s throat. She understood. Too well. Hadn’t she asked for forgiveness for her part in bringing about Martin’s death? Yet as much as she knew Scripture, as easily as she could quote the Psalm—“As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us”—sometimes she didn’t feel absolved. “The Bible makes it clear we’re free from sin when we repent. But sometimes it’s hard to feel pardoned. Perhaps clemency seems too easy, like we got off scot-free.”

      Elise snorted. “Memories are longer than Methuselah’s beard. From what I’ve seen, folks expect forgiveness for their mistakes but aren’t quick to offer it. I don’t mind so much for myself, but I won’t be able to bear it if anyone looked down on my baby,” she said, her hand hovered over the movement of a little foot or hand.

      How could anyone begrudge a kind word to an innocent child? Callie tilted up Elise’s chin. “When things look dark and you and I can’t see what lies ahead, we’ll have to rely on God to light the way. Will you try that with me? One step at a time?”

      Elise offered a wobbly smile and nodded. “This unmarried forgiven expectant mother is on the march.”

      Grinning, Callie glanced at the clock. “We’d better get on the march. We’re due to see Doc Wellman in less than an hour. After our appointment, we’ll stop at the Mercantile.” She pulled the money Sarah gave her from her pocket. “Your mother wants you to use this to buy things for your baby. She cares about you and your child.”

      “I know she does, but she won’t go against her wedding vows and defy Papa.”

      “Those vows are important.”

      Vows. Callie had taken them and from that first week wondered—

      She refused to finish the thought. Even if Martin had never matured, even if she’d had to carry the load for both of them her entire life, even if sometimes that load wearied her, she’d always be grateful for the baby she carried.

      She forced her thoughts back to Elise. “Even if your father never changes his mind, you’ll have a home here with me.”

      Elise burrowed into Callie’s open arms. “What would I do without you?”

      “We’re in this together. We’ll be fine,” Callie spoke softly against Elise’s copper curls, “if we seek God’s guidance at the start of each new day.”

      Elise straightened and met Callie’s eyes, the misery in their depths banged against Callie’s heart. “If I’d done that last summer, I…I wouldn’t be in this mess. I’m a fool for falling for a footloose man.”

      Through the lace curtains in the parlor window, Callie watched Mr. Smith climb the porch steps. A strong, handsome…drifter. Her breath caught. Footloose described Jacob Smith. She’d remember that. Both she and Elise had learned they could be fooled by a man.

      Elise rose and tugged Callie to her feet, hugging her or trying to, but her round belly got in the way. They both laughed, easing the tension.

      A half hour later, they headed out the door with Elise showing no sign of a limp. Elise looked pretty with her auburn hair swept into a French twist, her shawl pinned in place with a lovely old broach, a keepsake from Callie’s Aunt Hilda. Nothing would disguise the girl’s advanced pregnancy, but the shawl softened her silhouette.

      Jacob Smith rounded the back of the house, tools dangling from his belt and slapping against his denims. He might be a drifter, but she appreciated his help. Goodness, the man never stopped. How long could he keep up the hectic pace?

      He tipped his hat. “Afternoon, ladies.”

      His eyes locked with Callie’s, his eyes pools of jade she felt she’d drown in. When had green become her favorite color? Even though she didn’t trust him, her feet had a life all their own and brought her closer.

      At the sound of Elise’s giggle, Callie gathered her wits about her. “Tomorrow’s the Lord’s Day. You’ve earned your rest, Jacob,” she said unable to look away from the intensity of his gaze. “If you’re looking for a place to worship, church service begins at ten o’clock.”

      His full lips thinned, turned mulish. “Thanks, but I plan on sleeping late tomorrow.”

      “If God changes your mind about that, we’re having a potluck after service. It’s your chance to eat food prepared by the best cooks in town.”

      “Can’t see how anyone could improve on your cooking.”

      The warmth of Jacob’s regard spilled into the empty places inside her. “If you’re aiming for larger portions, you’re succeeding.”

      Chuckling, he bounded onto the porch and got back to work. He’d accomplished a great deal. Only a few boards needed replacing. Strange how quickly she’d gotten used to having him around the place. His long strides, the noise of saw and hammer, the scent of soap on his skin after washing up at the pump. An image of damp hair curling at Jacob’s nape filled her traitorous mind. She shivered and quickly said goodbye.

      As Callie and Elise strolled along at a snail’s pace, Mildred Uland’s cocker spaniel trotted over for a pat until a squirrel captured his attention. He sped after it, chasing it up a tree. “Sandy’s feeling feisty this afternoon. Maybe we could use him to round up Mr. Smith for services.”

      Her attempt at humor fell on deaf ears. Apparently, Elise had her mind elsewhere, probably missing her parents. For all her bravado, Elise loved her father.

      Lord, Elise and her father are hurting. Please heal their wounds.

      God controlled the outcome. He loved them all and in time would bring them peace. With that assurance, Callie filled her lungs with the soft afternoon air, listening to the chirping birds.

      “Only three weeks until the baby comes,” Elise said in a wobbly voice. “Oh, Callie, I’m scared.”

      “I am, too, a little.” Callie smiled with as much assurance as she could muster. “Just think, by the time my baby arrives you’ll be giving me advice.”

      “I can’t imagine that.” Elise laid a hand on her abdomen. “The way СКАЧАТЬ