The Christmas Journey. Winnie Griggs
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Название: The Christmas Journey

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ tone was soothing, her words mesmerizing. Before he knew it, his chest rested against the horse’s neck. It was a relief to let the tension ebb away, to not worry about burdening her with his weight or inadvertently taking ungentlemanly liberties. If he could just rest here for a few minutes, he should be able to hold himself together for another go at this when she mounted up again.


      Ry tried to pry his eyes open, but they weren’t cooperating. He couldn’t seem to get his bearings, and was having trouble telling up from down.

      How long had he been out this time? Couldn’t have been too long—he could still feel the heat of the sun beating down on him, scorching him all the way to his core. Where was that cool breeze when he wanted it?

      He could feel the movement of the horse, hear the plodding of its hooves. At least he’d managed to stay astride.

      It was so hot! This felt like a Texas summer, not fall. “Water.” The word came out as a raspy croak. Right now he’d give every bit of cash in his wallet for a sip of cool liquid.

      “Try to hold out a little longer. I promise you can have all the water you want as soon as we reach town.”

      Startled, he realized the voice hadn’t come from in front of him. Why hadn’t he realized before now that he was still slumped over the horse’s neck?

      He managed to open his eyes enough to see Josie walking beside the horse, one hand on his thigh to steady him.

      How long had she been walking? Had she ever intended to remount in the first place? He tried to sit up. “What are you—”

      “Settle back down. You’ll get that arm to bleeding again and I’ve run out of bandages.”

      Ry fought the returning blackness, tried to protest, but the words came out as garbled nonsense. He shut his eyes, pushing back the molten darkness swirling about him, trying to gather both his strength and his wits, focusing on the feel of her hand on his knee. The heat was sapping what little energy he had left.

      He wanted—needed—to convince her to get back on the horse, but his mind couldn’t form the right words.

      “That’s it,” she said. “Just concentrate on staying up there. Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall. Why, we’ll be back to town before you know it.”

      Her words turned into a pleasant buzzing, then nothing. For a time—he couldn’t say if it was minutes or hours—he battled the boiling current, surfacing into a sort of smoke-filled awareness before being ruthlessly tugged back under.

      He was so hot! He felt like the rich man of the parable, locked in torment, pleading for Abraham to send Lazarus to slake his thirst. Was that it? Was this punishment for his failings?

      No, he wasn’t totally lost. Mercy had been granted. Someone was there, someone with calloused but curiously gentle hands, trickling liquid through his parched lips, wiping his brow with a cool cloth, providing relief until the next wave of searing darkness swallowed him again.

      At one point Belle drifted in through the haze. He tried to reach for her, tried to apologize for not getting to her sooner. But no matter how hard he fought to reach her, the current tugged at him, held him back, and she stared at him with pleading eyes until the haze swallowed her again.

      Through it all, those calloused hands and the sound of Josie’s voice became his lifelines. Not that he understood much of what she said, but he knew when she was there and clutched at those moments of sanity. Sometimes her tone was soothing and gentle, other times it was coaxing or scolding. He even thought he heard her exhorting the Almighty on his behalf.

      Finally the boiling eased, the current cooled and he floated aimlessly for a while. When the darkness came again, it approached as a friend, ready to wrap him in a blanket of peaceful sleep.


      Ry roused reluctantly, trying to burrow back into the blessed painlessness of sleep. But his parched throat protested, urging him to full wakefulness.

      He wasn’t on the horse any longer. Instead he was lying on a nice comfortable bed. Where was Josie? Had she made it back okay?

      He missed the nearness of her that had been his lifeline on that long nightmarish ride—the warmth of her hand on his at her waist, the earthy scent of her that had invaded his senses, the feel of her hair as strands fluttered back to tickle his face. And finally the comforting hand at his knee, connecting him to her, assuring him he was in good hands.

      A rustling sound drew him back from his drowsy state. He couldn’t see anyone, but it had to be his dictatorial rescuer.

      “Water.” Had that croak really been his voice?

      “Goodness, you gave me quite a start.”

      Though definitely female, it wasn’t the voice he’d expected. Ry pried his eyes open to find an apron-clad woman standing over him with a soft smile on her face.

      Nope, definitely not Josie.

      “It’s so good to see you finally awake. And calm.”

      What did that mean? Vague images returned to him, images that he hoped were merely dreams. “Miss Wylie. Is she—”

      “Don’t you go getting all stirred up. Jo’s just fine.”

      “I must have passed out again. I’m afraid I don’t remember much about how I got here.”

      “I’m not at all surprised. Why, by the time the search party found the two of you, you were burning up with fever. You certainly gave us quite a scare.”

      Where exactly was “here?” Had he been dropped off at a farmhouse along the road back to town? “I’m sorry, Miss…”

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