Rawhide and Lace. Diana Palmer
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Название: Rawhide and Lace

Автор: Diana Palmer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ man said, his voice level, quiet. “She was in a wreck some time ago. She’s been crippled, and she lost the child she was carrying. I’m responsible.”

      “Was it Bruce’s child?”

      Ty met the curious stare levelly. “No. It was mine.”

      Ed cleared his throat. “Oh. I’m sorry.”

      “Not half as sorry as I am,” he said, and got up. “Thanks for your time, Ed.”

      “Wait a minute,” the attorney said. “You aren’t just giving up half your ranch, for God’s sake? Not after you’ve worked most of your life to build it into what it is?”

      Ty stared at him. “Erin hates me. I can’t imagine that she’d be charitable enough to want to help me, not after the way I’ve treated her. She has more reason than Bruce to want revenge. And I don’t have much heart for a fight, not even to save Staghorn. One way or another, it’s been a hell of a week.” He jammed his Stetson down over his hair, his eyes lifeless. “If she wants to cut my throat, I’m going to let her. My God, that’s the least I owe her!”

      Ed watched him leave, frowning. That didn’t sound like the Tyson Wade he knew. Something had changed him, perhaps losing his brother. The old Ty would have fought with his last breath to save the homestead. Ed shook his head and picked up the phone.

      “Jennie, get me Erin Scott in New York,” he told his secretary, and gave her the number. Seconds later a pleasant, ladylike voice came on the line.


      “Miss Scott?” he asked.

      “I’m Erin Scott.”

      “I’m Edward Johnson in Ravine, Texas…the attorney for the Wade family,” he clarified.

      “I haven’t asked for restitution—”

      “It’s about a totally different matter, Miss Scott,” he interrupted. “You knew my client, Bruce Wade?”

      There was a long pause. “Bruce…has something happened to him?”

      “He was in an automobile accident three days ago, Miss Scott. I’m sorry to have to tell you that it was fatal.”

      “Oh.” She sighed. “Oh. I’m very sorry, Mr….?”

      “Johnson. Ed Johnson. I’m calling to inform you that he named you his beneficiary.”


      She sounded stunned. He supposed she was. “Miss Scott, you inherit a substantial amount of cash in the bequest, as well as part ownership of the Staghorn ranch.”

      “I can’t believe he did that,” she murmured. “I can’t believe it! What about his brother?”

      “I don’t quite understand the situation, I admit, but the will is ironclad. You inherit. With a small proviso, that is,” he added reluctantly.

      “What proviso?”

      “That you live on the ranch.”

      “Never!” she spat.

      So Ty was right. He leaned back in his chair. “I expected that reaction,” he told her. “But you’d better hear the rest of it…. Miss Scott?”

      “I’m still here.” Her voice was shaking.

      “If you don’t meet that provision,” he said, his voice steady, even a little impatient, “your half of the ranch will go to Ward Jessup.”

      There was a long silence. “That’s Ty’s…Mr. Wade’s…neighbor,” she recalled.

      “That’s right. And, I might add, something of an adversary. He only wants the oil rights to Staghorn, you know. He’d sell off the stock. The ranch couldn’t survive with what would be left. There are several families whose sole support is Staghorn—a blacksmith, several cowhands, a veterinarian, a storekeeper, a mechanic—”

      “I…know how big the place is,” Erin said quietly. “Some of those people have worked for the Wades for three generations.”

      “That’s correct.” He was amazed that she knew so much about Staghorn.

      “I need time to think,” she said after a pause. “I’ve just come out of the hospital, Mr. Johnson. It’s very difficult for me to walk at all. A trip of that kind would be extremely hard on me.”

      “Mr. Wade has a private plane,” he reminded her.

      “I don’t know…”

      “The terms of the will are very explicit,” he said. “And they require immediate action. I’m sorry. I need an answer today.”

      There was another long pause. “Tell Mr. Wade…I’ll come.”

      Ed had to force himself not to grin.

      “There’s just one thing,” she said hesitantly. “How long must I stay there?”

      “No particular length of time was specified,” he told her. “That leaves it to the interpretation of the people involved. And believe me, Mr. Jessup will interpret it to mean until you die.”

      “I’ve heard that he’s quite ruthless.” She sighed. “I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I can be ready tomorrow afternoon, Mr. Johnson.”

      She sounded tired, and in pain. He felt guilty for pressing her, but he knew it couldn’t have waited.

      “I’ll pass that information along. Meanwhile, Miss Scott, I’ll get the necessary paperwork done. You’re quite a wealthy young woman now.”

      “Quite wealthy,” she repeated dully, and hung up.

      She was sitting on a sofa that swayed almost to the floor, in a ground-floor apartment in Queens. The water was mostly cold, the heating worked only occasionally. She was wrapped in a thick old coat to keep warm, and no one who’d known her six months ago would recognize her.

      Why had she agreed to go? she wondered miserably. She was in pain already, and all she’d done today was go back and forth to the bathroom. Her leg was giving her hell. They’d showed her the exercises, stressing that she must do them twice a day, religiously, or she’d never lose her limp. A limping model was not exactly employable, she reminded herself. But there seemed so little point in it all now. She’d lost everything. She had no future to look forward to, nothing to live for. Nothing except revenge. And even that left a bad taste in her mouth.

      She couldn’t see those people out of work, she thought. Not in winter, which November practically was. She couldn’t stand by and leave them homeless and jobless because of her.

      She stretched out her leg, grimacing as the muscles protested. Exercises indeed! It was hard enough to walk, let alone do lifts and such. Her eyes were drawn to the window. Outside, it was raining. She wondered if it was raining in Ravine, Texas, and what Tyson Wade was doing right now. Would he be cursing her for all he was worth? Probably. СКАЧАТЬ