Obligation To Love. Catherine O'Connor
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Название: Obligation To Love

Автор: Catherine O'Connor

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ do not have a dentist?’ he said abruptly.

      Hayley half turned to look out of the window. She hated to admit it, but dentists terrified her. She thought desperately for a few moments, then said, ‘I didn’t have time to go. It’s been a bit of a rush the last few days.’

      He nodded with a fleeting look of concern. ‘You have been busy the last few days?’ he then asked casually, stretching out his long legs in front of him. Hayley nodded simply and gave a half-smile.

      ‘It was quite sudden, this arrangement,’ she told him, aware of the careful way in which he seemed to question her, yet she knew nothing of him and was almost afraid to ask him anything.

      ‘I see,’ he said, and Hayley thought to herself that no one could possibly imagine the reason for her journey. The whole concept of a marriage being disapproved of was archaic! She picked up her coffee-cup with care, sipping the hot fluid with trepidation. She knew he was still watching her, his vision fixed on her like a cat watching a trapped bird, enjoying the teasing torment. She felt foolish, so she replaced the cup.

      ‘It’s still too hot,’ she explained, keeping her head lowered. She didn’t want to look at him, to have him pierce through to her soul, making her feel raw and oddly vulnerable. The safe wall she had so carefully erected all those years ago was obviously wearing thin. She gave a shiver; she had had only one experience with a man. It had not been pleasant and had come shortly after her parents’ death. After that, she had had no time to embark on a romantic life of her own. She knew she could not afford the luxury of falling in love; no young man would have welcomed a growing teenager into his marital home.

      ‘Then I shall get you more cream; the stewardess will only be too delighted.’ He was right of course; the air hostess probably would jump from the aircraft if he asked, Hayley thought bitterly, as the girl fawned over him, flirting outrageously.

      ‘There now, is that to madame‘s satisfaction?’ he asked, as he added more cream till the coffee was the palest of colours.

      ‘Thank you,’ she muttered, half under her breath.

      Hayley knew she sounded rude—her curt reply was meant to. She had the distinct impression he was toying with her as a game on the long flight and she had no desire to be part of it.

      ‘There is a choice of menu at lunchtime—perhaps you should like to see?’ He proffered her the smart, neat card and Hayley felt obliged to take it. She read and re-read the menu, as every dish sounded so delicious it was hard to choose. This was a far cry from the synthetic packaged meals one was usually served by airlines.

      ‘The choice is difficult, no?’ he asked, giving her an enigmatic grin, which was full of humour yet sexy and provocative. Hayley, despite the warnings of her own instincts, found herself returning it. How she wished she were more attractive and more experienced with men. Then she, too, could flirt away the journey, instead of blushing uncomfortably like a naïve schoolgirl when confronted with an undeniably attractive man.

      ‘Yes, it certainly is difficult, they all sound so lovely: smoked salmon cornets, burgundy pâté, quails’ eggs in aspic.’ She read out the menu with obvious delight. She was unaccustomed to such luxuries but suddenly became keenly aware that he was not. She clamped her mouth shut, too embarrassed to say any more and she caught the look of amusement on his face. ‘I don’t usually travel first-class,’ she confessed, her eyes darting around as she hoped no one else heard her. He said nothing, he just focused on her again for what seemed an age, his expression unfathomable. Hayley flicked back to the menu, studying it with intense interest to cover her embarrassment.

      ‘And those are only the appetisers; the main course is even harder, no?’ he interjected suddenly, the tension of the moment shattered by the warmth of his enquiry. He leant over to look at her card, too close for Hayley’s comfort. She stiffened as she felt his shoulder against her, exerting a slight pressure that warned her of his strength. The proximity of him was once more sending shock-waves through her slender frame, and she suddenly felt very exposed.

      ‘I think I’ll choose later,’ she said hurriedly, passing him back the card with a sudden thrust; she didn’t want him becoming too friendly. He was far too dangerous, she knew that. It was for that reason he unnerved her. The sheer sexual power of the man frightened her. He, for his part, seemed to be aware of the effect he was having on her and was for some reason enjoying it.

      ‘Come now, did your mother warn you never to talk to strangers?’ He was laughing at her again. He was a smooth operator, calculating yet still charming, Hayley reluctantly admitted. He was totally aware of the effect he must have been having on women since he’d left the cradle. He definitely had magic powers, but Hayley refused to be charmed. She bridled at his attitude.

      ‘As a matter of fact, she did—and about wolves in sheep’s clothing,’ she retorted, hoping the put-down would bruise his ego and he would leave her alone. There was a flash of anger, she thought, but it happened so quickly that Hayley was unable to be sure. Then his smile widened still further, his teeth appearing brilliant white against his tanned face. He looked younger when he smiled, the cynicism seemed to leave his face and, for an instant, he looked like a schoolboy.

      ‘In that case, my name is Alex; see, we are no longer strangers, and as for being a wolf...’ He paused, his expression a picture of innocence and his hands spread open, his palms lifted to heaven. ‘Perhaps.’ He laughed again, teasing her gently, and, regardless of her warning bells, Hayley laughed too.

      ‘Hayley. Hayley Swift.’ She extended her hand in a gesture of friendship. A look of confusion flickered for a moment in the dark depths of his eyes. Then he took her hand in his grasp, a thrilling sensation searing through it at his touch. The authority in his handshake was undeniable, but Hayley’s too was firm. In business, one judged and was often judged by the type of handshake given, and she certainly wanted him to know they were equal.

      ‘Now, Hayley, you drink your coffee, and I shall choose lunch, if that is agreeable?’ It was a polite request, not an order, and Hayley felt coaxed to concur. To do otherwise would seem churlish. She liked the sound of her name on his lips; his accent made it sound delightfully different, and for some reason she suddenly felt a different person with him. She felt she’d come alive, and she was vibrant and young. She sipped her coffee while she thought of that: young! She had never been young, had the freedom of youth. It had been taken from her. Was it too late to find her freedom from responsibility? she mused. It would be nice to see Melissa settled, then perhaps she would become more carefree. This time she was determined that Melissa would stand on her own two feet; she would merely be there as support.

      She was too absorbed in her own thoughts to notice that Alex had finished ordering and was watching her intently again, but this time as if making comparisons with someone else.

      ‘You are deep in thought,’ he said, resting his hand on her arm. It was more a statement, not a question, and Hayley tensed at his observant inspection.

      ‘Hmm, I suppose I was miles away,’ she agreed, sighing gently. ‘I was thinking how excited I am, like a silly teenager.’

      ‘You must learn to be young again, to capture the liberty you gave up so willingly,’ he said seriously. But somehow he sounded as if he was speaking of himself, not her. Hayley was puzzled.

      ‘Liberty?’ she echoed. ‘From what?’ she asked, her eyes narrowing on him, not knowing quite why she felt sure he was talking about himself, since he was not wearing a marriage ring.

      ‘We should never want freedom from someone or something,’ СКАЧАТЬ