Mysterious Mountain Man. Annette Broadrick
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СКАЧАТЬ “You think I never noticed how studiously you managed to avoid me?” His mouth curled slightly. “I was aware I wasn’t your idea of a corporate executive. Well, don’t worry. After a few years I came to the same conclusion, myself. Guess I don’t have the necessary killer instinct.”

      She controlled her surprise at this unexpected glimpse into the way his mind worked. “On the contrary, Jake. I thought you were an excellent executive. Since my father planned for you to take his place in the company, his views were obvious, as well.” She paused, searching for an explanation of something she’d never before attempted to put into words. “As for me, I’ll admit that I never went out of my way to get to know you, that’s true.” She forced herself to meet his dark-eyed gaze before saying, “I’m not particularly proud of the fact, but the truth is, for some time I was jealous of you.”

      His eyes narrowed and he quirked one of his eyebrows at her, but he made no comment.

      She shrugged. “Hopefully I’ve gotten over that rather adolescent reaction to the fact that my dad treated you like the son he never had.”

      “And that bothered you?”

      “It shouldn’t have, of course. There was no rational reason for me to see you as a threat. I never had any interest in learning to run the company. I much prefer working with the employees and leaving the rest of the business to the engineering and business majors. I never made any secret of my professional preferences.”

      “But you aren’t talking about professional preferences now, are you?”

      This wasn’t the topic she’d intended to discuss with him. Somehow, she’d lost control of their meeting before she’d had an opportunity to state her reasons for being there. He’d gotten a reaction from her. He was good at that—causing a reaction without giving anything of himself away.

      She sighed and shook her head. “I’ve had the past year to look at my behavior, to recognize and face how childish I was acting by distancing myself from you.” She glanced away before forcing herself to meet his gaze. “However, you have to admit you’re not an easy man to get to know, even in the best of circumstances.”

      “I had a job to do. I was never out to win any popularity contests...with you or anybody else.”

      She couldn’t resist a quick look at the way he was dressed. He still wasn’t attempting to impress anyone. Not that it mattered to her what he looked like or how he treated her. However, it would make her mission much easier if they could find a common ground.

      She needed his help, yet she resented having to ask for it. There’d been so many upheavals in her life lately, so much over which she had no control. She hated to ask anyone for anything. She’d grown up independent and self-reliant, traits her father admired, traits she’d continued to foster as she grew from the idolizing child to the adult who better understood her own motives.

      Her studies of human behavior and her degrees in psychology had helped her to deal with many of those unresolved childhood issues. What they hadn’t taught her was how to deal with an attractive man whose dark gaze managed to affect her pulse rate despite her understanding of chemical attraction and the theory behind opposites attracting. She didn’t want to be attracted to this man. She wanted her interest in him to be strictly a professional one.

      “I never understood why you left CPI,” she said, hoping to prod him into explaining more about who he was and what made him tick. Knowing his motives might also assist her in finding the most positive way to suggest he return to work for the company. “You were good at what you did. You had a bright future with the company.”

      He picked up his glass of water and took a drink from it. After he set the glass down, he murmured, “My reasons for leaving don’t really matter after all this time.”

      She straightened, placing her hands in her lap, hoping to downplay her nervousness. “Perhaps not,” she said carefully. “I suppose the more pertinent question to ask you is, what can I offer you to get you to return to CPI?”

      He made a chopping motion with his hand. “Is that what this is all about—what you’re doing here? Do you think Brock is going to allow me to walk back into the company and take up my old position? You should have checked with him first before you came running to me with any offers. Brock Adams knows what I think of the policies and procedures in that company. He knows exactly why I left and why I won’t go back.”

      “My father is dead, Jake.”

      Her words hung between them as though taking on a life of their own, crowding the small space with sudden emotion.

      Jake slowly straightened his slouching position. “Dead?” he repeated. “Brock?” His voice roughened. “When? What happened?”

      She bit her lip in an effort to remain composed. Talking about her father’s death was still difficult. “Six months ago.” She paused and took a sip of water. “He died in his sleep. The doctor said it was his heart.”

      Jake swung his legs off the seat and turned so that he was facing her. His face had been washed clean of expression. He stared at her blankly, his eyes unreadable.

      “Was there any warning?”

      “If there was, he never mentioned it. He began working longer hours after you left, rarely getting home before midnight. I tried to talk to him, tried to get him to rest, but he ignored me.” Her voice hardened. “If you hadn’t left the company, he might be alive today.”

      Her words were as effective as a slap in the face...or a fist to his gut. Brock was dead. Only now, now that he’d learned that Brock was dead did he realize how he had viewed Brock Adams—as an Olympian figure, an immortal god who could not concern himself with the problems of mere mortals. Concerns about ethics and conscience and accountability hadn’t been as important as other considerations—growth, and returns, and happy stockholders.

      Jake had been so angry when he’d left... angry, disgusted and frustrated. He hadn’t cared to listen to more of Brock’s explanations and rationalizations for his decisions. Jake had had enough.

      Now Brock was dead and it was obvious from Rebecca’s determined efforts to contact him that the situation had not gotten any better since he’d left.

      Now she wanted him to return to CPI. The idea was laughable. However, Jake didn’t feel much like laughing at the moment. After the shock of her news, he wasn’t certain what he was feeling.

      Betty’s appearance with two platters of steaming food was a welcome respite from charged emotions.

      The appetizing aroma caused Rebecca’s stomach to growl in anticipation.

      Jake glanced at the plate in front of him, reminded of his earlier order. “This is a sandwich?”

      Betty placed her hands on her hips. “Mel decided you might be hungrier than you thought.” She gave a sideways glance to Rebecca. “You’ve gotta keep up your strength, you know.”

      He just shook his head and picked up his fork, knowing there was no winning an argument against the Abbotts. He glanced across the table. Rebecca must have been hungry. She wasn’t wasting any time on conversation, which was just as well. He needed some space to adjust to the information she’d given him.

      He waited until she finished eating before he asked, “Who is running CPI these days?”

      He СКАЧАТЬ