Husband Next Door. Anne Ha
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Название: Husband Next Door

Автор: Anne Ha

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      is the pen name of Anne and Joe Thoron, a husbandand-wife writing team. College sweethearts, they live in Oregon with two naughty cats and a vegetable garden. They love to travel and meet all different kinds of people. Husband Next Door, a finalist in the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart Competition, is their first published book.

       Chapter One

      By the time her doorbell rang, Shelly Carpenter had been pacing the hardwood floor of her apartment for nearly an hour. She sighed with relief, crossed the living room and raised herself up on her toes to peer through the peephole. Pleased by the sight that met her, she unlocked the door and opened it wide.

      Her neighbor lounged against the porch railing. A tall, dark-haired man in his early thirties, he wore jeans and a black leather jacket to protect him from the chill of the evening.

      “Ms. Carpenter,” he drawled in greeting.

      Shelly’s poise deserted her. She’d waited hours to share the news. She’d planned the perfect speech. Now she couldn’t remember a word of it. “Eric asked me to marry him,” she blurted.

      Taking an anxious breath, she waited for a response.

      None came. Across the threshold, Aaron Carpenter stared back at her without a flicker of emotion on his face. Several seconds ticked by.

      Finally, when Shelly was wondering whether he’d heard her at all, her next-door neighbor raised an eyebrow. “And…?”

      “That’s it,” she said. “Today at lunch.”

      “At lunch, eh?” Aaron absently stroked his jaw. It was a strong jaw, square cut, and darkened with five o’clock shadow. “Well…I didn’t expect this to happen so soon. But it’s not a total surprise either.”

      “Really?” Shelly suppressed a nervous laugh. “I think it’s pretty sudden.” They still stood in the doorway. She stepped back so Aaron could enter her apartment.

      He studied her. “So…? Did you accept?”

      She bit her lip as she locked the door. “No,” she said at last. “That is, not yet.”

      “But you’re going to?”

      “I think so…. It’s not something I can rush into, though.”

      Aaron strolled to the couch and sat down, relaxing into his usual sprawl. “That’s probably a wise idea,” he said. “After all, it’s quite a major decision. Take your time, think it over carefully.” He indicated a steno pad she’d left on the coffee table. “Maybe you should make a list of pros and cons,” he suggested jokingly.

      Shelly felt herself flush.

      Aaron, watching her, chuckled softly. “I see,” he said. His blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. “What did you come up with?”

      Shelly perched on the couch. The steno pad lay directly in front of her, and she flattened her palm on top of it. “Nothing…nothing conclusive.” She tried to slide the pad out of his reach, but his hand snaked out and took hold of a corner.

      “Not so fast,” he said. “Didn’t I show you the letter Marcia wrote me? It can’t be more embarrassing than that, can it?”

      She looked at him uncertainly.

      He released his grip and held out his hand. “Shelly,” he said, “don’t play hard to get. If you really didn’t want me to see it, you would have hidden it before you answered the door.”

      She saw the truth in his statement. She and Aaron were in and out of each other’s apartments so much, it was almost as if there were no wall between them. Anything left out in the open was fair game for the other.

      “Okay,” she muttered, relinquishing the notebook, “but you’d better not say anything cruel.”

      “I wouldn’t dream of it. I might even be able to help.” Aaron flipped the notebook open and perused the list. “More pros than cons, eh? That makes sense, I guess, if you’re going to marry the guy.”

      She sighed. “Just read the list and be done with it, Aaron.”

      He ran his eyes down the column, picking out words and phrases. “‘Considerate…respects me…stable.’ Stable? Do you mean emotionally or financially?”

      “The first one, of course. That’s what matters most”

      “Is he?” asked Aaron, raising an eyebrow.

      Shelly crossed her arms. Eric West was a principal lawyer in the legal aid office where she worked. She’d been dating him for several months, and he’d always been calm and dependable—as Aaron well knew.

      She gave him a haughty glare. “More stable than you.”

      He grinned back at her. “Touchy, touchy. Okay, let’s see what else is on this list. ‘Intelligent…likes helping people…similar interests….’ Not bad, Carpenter.”

      His words hung in the air for a moment. It was faint praise, but then, she hadn’t expected Aaron to be impressed by her considered and substantive list. Tucking a lock of blond hair behind her ear, she began, “Thank you—”

      “But I take it you haven’t slept with him yet.”

      Shelly spluttered. “As if that’s any of your business!”

      “Well…” Aaron shrugged. “You have to admit, it’s suspicious to make a list like this and not even mention you’re attracted to him. Is he that unappealing?”

      “I wasn’t finished yet.” She sniffed. “Anyway, if all I wanted was physical gratification, I’ve got a whole city of partners to choose from. I need more than that.”

      “Well said.” He smiled so warmly she forgave him for his obnoxiousness. “Now let’s see what’s wrong with him. ‘Travels a lot.’ That’s true enough, and a definite drawback.” His eyes met hers. “He’s out of town tonight, isn’t he? It’s the only logical explanation for why he proposed over lunch.”

      Shelly nodded.

      Aaron looked down at the pad again. “Is that it? Only one thing wrong with him?”

      Shelly lifted her chin. “So?”

      “So, if you’re going to make a list like this, it’s got to be balanced.” He reached into his breast pocket for a pen. “I can think of a few things right off the top of my head. His parents, for one.” He wrote this down.

      “They’re perfectly nice people,” Shelly countered.

      “You’ve only met them once,” Aaron returned. “I, on the other hand, have met them twice.”

      Eric’s parents, she remembered, were patrons of the non-profit organization СКАЧАТЬ