His Forever Love. Missy Tippens
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Название: His Forever Love

Автор: Missy Tippens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ kids, plus a few old codgers who are lonely and come to volunteer. They keep me young. I couldn’t give that up.”

      “Well, looks like that’s two votes against one.” Lindsay held up two fingers on one hand and one finger on the other. “I guess Granny Bea will be staying here.”

      Apparently, Bill didn’t appreciate her scorekeeping. He didn’t crack a smile, and she could practically see the cogs working in his mind.

      He could think all he wanted. She wasn’t budging.


      As Granny began to nod off, Bill walked through the house, noting the condition of each room. Carpet needed replacing. When they’d driven up, he’d noticed the roof was on its last leg.

      They had a good bit of work ahead of them if they were going to sell the house. Not to mention the accumulation of belongings from over fifty years in the house.

      Lindsay followed him through the rooms, watching his every move. “What are you doing?” she finally asked.

      “I’m certain Granny will come around to the idea of moving in with me. I’m noting repairs that need to be done before putting the house on the market.”

      “Your grandmother is fine. Give her time to recover before you make any drastic decisions.”

      “It’s not just the fall. She’s vulnerable here all alone.”

      “Just promise me you won’t make a knee-jerk decision.”

      “I never do that.”

      She nodded. She knew he took a scientific approach to life. At least he used to. “Well, I guess I’ll go throw something together for dinner.”

      “You don’t have to do that. I can take over from here.”

      “Cooking her meals is part of my job.”

      Three times he’d hired someone to help Granny, and she’d fired every one of them. And now she’d hired Lindsay herself. “Okay. Well, let me know if you need any help.”

      She eyed him warily. “You can cook?”

      He smiled. “According to my coworkers, I’m a great cook. Granny taught me.”

      “Hmm. I’ll holler if I need you.” She headed toward the kitchen with one quick glance over her shoulder. As if she didn’t trust him.

      It was no wonder she didn’t trust him. Cooking. Or otherwise. He’d left town fifteen years ago without any warning.

      But he’d been crazy about her. He’d been her lab partner and study partner for years, while silently wishing for more. Then during their senior year, despite the fact that she was dating Joey Peck, he’d decided it was time to tell her how he felt about her.

      He’d resisted all along because he was such a joke at school. He was sure she wouldn’t even consider dating the school’s number-one geek. But as graduation approached, he sensed a new relationship forming. She seemed more confident, more sure of who she was and where she was going.

      And maybe it had been wishful thinking, but he thought he’d detected a flash of attraction one night while they studied for finals side by side on Granny’s porch swing.

      So he’d gone out and bought her an angel figurine for her collection. It had a plaque that said I Love You. His hands had shaken as he paid for it, then wrapped it up. He’d sent Granny and his brother to the movie that night, and invited Lindsay over. He waited in the swing with the wrapped gift.

      She’d shown up squealing, flashing a microscopic diamond on her left ring finger. The thing seemed to wink at him when the stone caught the rays of the setting sun and flashed with each movement as she snatched up the gift, then tore off the wrapping paper.

      When she first saw the angel, she froze in place.

      He’d sat silently. In shock. Grieving. Mortified.

      Then she’d smiled at him, but he could see the question in her eyes.

      Because he couldn’t stand for her to know the truth, he told her she was the best friend a guy could ever have.

      She’d shown relief, then had chatted about the wedding plans over dinner.

      It was the longest night of his life.

      The next day he loaded his car to the roof and informed Granny he was going to move to Boston early. He left and never looked back. He couldn’t bear to do otherwise.

      He shook his head and himself back to the present. No, Lindsay probably shouldn’t trust him. He’d told her she was important to him then abandoned her. He’d taken the cowardly way out when he’d left town. And he’d felt terrible about not answering her phone call and letter. But he’d gone into self-protect mode. He’d had to.

      Now he was back in Magnolia and had already upset her. No wonder she looked at him askance.


      Once he’d unpacked, Bill found Granny snoozing in her chair in front of the blaring TV. He turned the volume down, and as he did so, she stirred.

      “Wh—what’s wrong?” she asked groggily.

      He couldn’t help but laugh. She’d slept through the cacophony of the evening news, but woke when the room got quiet.

      “It’s me, Granny.”

      “Oh, Bill, honey, I’m so glad you’re still here.” She lurched forward a couple of times trying to stand, but couldn’t get out of her chair. He took her arm and helped pull her up, then hugged her, relishing the familiar fragrance of her hair and her face powder.

      He held her away from him to get a good look. “How are your head and arm feeling?”

      “Both fine. No pain at all.”

      “Good. Lindsay’s making dinner. Are you hungry?”


      “So, how many days a week does she come?”

      “She stays with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the days we’re not working at the community center. Plus, she’s always checked on me on the weekends anyway.”

      “I’m glad you’ve had someone to take care of you. But I think we really do need to talk about moving you to Boston.”

      She looked around the room and appeared to retreat to her own world. A smile lit her face. “I won’t ever be ready to leave this place, son, even though I do realize sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do. Of course, it’s not time yet. I’ll let you know when it is.”

      “I’m sorry, Granny. With the fall and all, and the fact that you’ve already needed Lindsay’s help, I think it may be time now.”

      With eyebrows drawn together, she tilted her head back to look him in the eye. “Could you ever see yourself moving here to live?”

      He’d СКАЧАТЬ