To Have And To Hold. Dawn Temple
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Название: To Have And To Hold

Автор: Dawn Temple

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ mouth curved upward at his private joke as he rang the bell and waited. Brighton, his father’s butler, opened the ten-foot-tall front door. The old man’s stoic expression didn’t falter as he eyed Travis across the threshold.

      “Afternoon, Brighton. Is my father home?”

      The butler nodded wordlessly and stepped back, allowing Travis to enter. His bony fingers pushed the massive door closed, blocking out the only natural light in the darkened foyer. “Wait here,” the brusque voice ordered. “I’ll see if he is available.”

      Travis watched the man’s thin back disappear down the darkened hallway. All the curtains were drawn against the bright afternoon sun. The low-wattage bulbs his father favored didn’t stand a chance against the dreary darkness. Directional lighting highlighted several expensive pieces of art throughout the marbled foyer. Despite the rich paintings, the room lacked life.

      Unlike Lindy’s home, where bright sunlight flooded the entry hall. The windows across the front of the farmhouse were all curtainless. The outside scenery provided more beauty and decoration than a hundred priceless masterpieces.

      Travis traced the outline of a painted magnolia bloom with his fingertip. Where this place smelled of musty age and old money, the natural fragrance of flowers and sunshine filled every corner of Lindy’s home. And Lindy’s kitchen always smelled like cinnamon.

      Brighton returned to the foyer, announcing his presence with a chastising clearing of his throat. The man had the eerie ability to show up suddenly in a room; no noise ever preceded him. “Your father will see you now.”

      As expected, Brighton led Travis into the study, a room that summed up Winston Monroe perfectly. Stuffy, old-fashioned and ostentatious.

      “Dad.” Travis nodded at the man seated behind the wide mahogany desk and crossed the paneled room, heading directly for the leather-wrapped bar in the far corner.

      With his dark hair and green eyes, Travis was the only member of the Monroe clan who carried the family’s black Irish coloring into this generation. He bore no resemblance to his father. Their physical differences were almost as startling as their polar opposite lifestyles.

      His father had passed a near carbon copy of his genes to Grant—lithe build, light brown hair, hazel eyes, aquiline nose. Country-club handsome, Lindy called them.

      “Glad to see you found your way back to town,” Winston snapped. “Unlike you to disappear without a word to anybody.”

      “Marge knew where I was.”

      Winston snorted. “That damn secretary of yours locks up tighter than Fort Knox.”

      The image of Winston trying to wheedle information out of Marge brought a small smile to his lips. “I asked her not to reveal my whereabouts unless there was an emergency.”

      His father’s only answer was a “Humph!” Winston Monroe believed everyone had their price. And if his father were this bent out of shape over three days’ absence…

      Travis considered tipping the bottle over the glass again, knowing this was going to be a two-finger conversation. But he had a long drive ahead of him, so he recapped the decanter and pushed it aside.

      He swallowed a sip of the amber liquid, enjoying the sting as Kentucky’s finest warmed his throat. “I came by to bring you up to speed on some changes I’ve put in place at the company.”

      His father’s brows merged into a bushy line of apprehension. “What kind of changes?”

      “I’ve promoted George Collins to second vice president and transferred most of my daily responsibilities to him, everything but the final details on the Downtown Renovation Project. Marge will be working with him, so the transition should be smooth.”

      “Transition? What in blue blazes are you talking about?”

      “I’m taking a leave of absence for the summer.”

      “You can’t do that!” Noxious smoke curled from the cigar stub clinging to his father’s lower lip.

      “It’s already done.”

      Winston squinted. “What are your plans?”

      “I’ll be working in Tennessee, helping Lindy get a new project off the ground.”

      His father’s fingers shook as he plucked the cigar from his mouth and smashed the butt into an ashtray. “Damn it, boy!” Winston rose from his large, thronelike chair and prowled toward the bar. “Can’t you see that girl’s using you? First she forces you to marry her—”

      “Choose your words carefully, Dad.” Travis clenched his fists around his glass, silently reminding himself his mother had once loved this son of a bitch.

      His father shot a look across the room, focusing on a painting of Carrie Monroe hanging above the fireplace. He closed his eyes for a long moment, drew in a deep breath. When his lids lifted again, Travis saw icy control in his father’s eyes.

      “All I’m saying is think about what you’re doing. If your wife were really interested in you, she’d have stood by you instead of taking off for almost a year. You and I both know what she’s after.”

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