Tall, Dark And Temporary. Susan Connell
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Название: Tall, Dark And Temporary

Автор: Susan Connell

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ leaned closer. “I do. Jade Macleod and I were complaining about the bad time we had at our prom. You know, the one you took your cousin Rory to. Anyway, Megan insisted she had some very good memories from that night.”

      He rubbed a growing smile from his mouth and nodded. “Yeah. It turned out better than I expected.”

      It had turned out better than she expected, too. The memory of his tempting whispers and what they’d done to her had her breathing deeply. She smoothed her hand over her leg. Please, Lord, make him forget we spent all that time behind the crepe-paper curtain, and I swear I’ll never...

      He looked at her and smiled. “We did a little dancing. Do you remember?”

      “That was such a long time ago.”

      “Really?” Rebecca asked. “It seems like yesterday to me.”

      At the sound of her friend’s voice, the sparklers gave a sputtering hiss, then died Lord, was she losing it or what? The man had simply brushed against her and she had been imagining spontaneous combustion under her skin.

      Turning away from Nick, she lifted the program from her lap. If she kept her hands busy, she would have a harder time strangling her friend for starting this conversation.

      “When I got home last night,” Rebecca continued, “I pulled out my yearbook. Raleigh and I spent the rest of the evening looking through it. Nick, did you know that you’re in one of the prom photos?”

      “No. I’d like to see that.”

      “I’m going to New York tomorrow morning, but I’m stopping by Megan’s café first. If you want to meet me there, I’ll bring it with me.”

      “Sounds great. Seven okay?”

      “Perfect.” Rebecca closed her hands over Megan’s wrists. “Meggie, stop thumbing through that program and listen.”

      Listen? Her ears were burning! They were coming to the café tomorrow morning and there was nothing she could do about it. And why hadn’t anyone started the meeting yet?

      “Do you remember your line from the Girls Most Likely to... list?”

      “No,” she said, giving Rebecca a warning look. “But whatever it was, I’m sure it was way off the mark.”

      “Not necessarily. You were voted the Girl Most Likely to Surprise Us with Her Secret Fantasies.”

      Megan managed to stop herself, just before giving in to a full cringe. Everyone, including her, had laughed at that line ten years ago. But she wasn’t laughing anymore. Rolling the program into a tight cylinder she tapped the edge on her knee.

      “Your point, Reb?” she asked, turning a weak smile toward Nick before glowering at Rebecca again. “And I’m sure you have one.”

      “Well, who knows?” Rebecca gave an overly dramatic shrug and widened her eyes. “With all this dancing I’m hearing about, maybe you secretly wanted to be a showgirl.”

      Looking over at Nick, Rebecca kinked a brow. “What do you think, Nick? You’ve seen her dancing a few times. Has she missed her calling?”

      Smiling to himself, Nick checked his watch, then stood up. Bracing his hand on the back of Megan’s chair, he leaned in, giving her the momentary illusion that he was going to kiss her. He wasn’t. At least, not tonight.

      “Could be, Reb,” he said, looking directly into Megan’s eyes. “Then again, I’ve eaten one of her cream puffs. That was a mighty tasty experience, too.” Before Megan could close her mouth, he went on. “If you’ll excuse me, ladies, I have a speech to make.” Stepping into the aisle, he headed for the podium.

      Those stolen glances she’d sent his way, the way she’d fidgeted, and that one long look that connected deep in his gut were all answers to his prayers. Whether Megan Sloan looked ready to admit it or not, she was as strongly attracted to him as he was to her.

      Taking the steps to the stage, he walked across it to the lectern. The crowded room suddenly grew quiet. He knew what most of them were probably thinking. The same thing Megan was. Follett River’s notorious motorcycle bad boy, who once enjoyed the dubious distinction of scaring the hell out of every parent of a teenage daughter in the county, was back in town. But what was he doing there?

      Picking up the gavel, he twirled the head against the palm of his hand as he looked out at his audience. “Since I already appear to have your attention, I don’t think I’ll need this.” During the light laughter that followed, he set the gavel aside.

      “Good evening. Most of you know me. For those of you who don’t, I’m Nick Buchanan.” Murmurs started again, and he wondered how many different escapades of his teen years were being recounted around the room.

      “Yes,” he said, nodding. “That Nick Buchanan.”

      Again the crowd laughed, a little louder this time and a little longer. Even Megan couldn’t help herself.

      He let the good-natured response continue for a few more seconds before holding up his hands to quiet the group.

      From the corner of his eye he could see Rebecca whispering to Megan. Whatever Follett River’s resident rebel spirit was saying was turning Megan’s ears an impressive shade of red. Holding back a smile, Nick lowered his hands to close them over the sides of the lectern.

      “Back to business. The good people of the Murano Group have asked me to welcome all of you to our program this evening. Before I tell you why they asked me and before I introduce our speakers, I have a few personal remarks.

      “First,” he said, allowing his drifting gaze to settle on Megan, “let me say that it’s a pleasure being back in Follett River. I’m looking forward to getting reacquainted with old friends.”

      Megan still appeared to be in a mild state of shock that he was the one leading the meeting. Ten years back he would have found that hard to believe, too. Smiling at her, he waited until her green-eyed stare was locked with his. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”

      Megan’s lips parted the tiniest bit.

      That’s right, sweet girl, I’m talking about you and me.

      As if she’d read his thoughts, she nervously moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, then looked down at her program. Her thick blond hair formed a layered curtain around either side of her face, but it was too late. He’d already seen the blush he’d caused. He had no desire to publicly embarrass her with unwanted attention; he’d suffered enough of that in his childhood. Enduring the humiliation of being known as a member of the neediest family in Follett River had nearly destroyed him. It had also, in the end, given him the impetus to move on to better things.

      With the finesse of a seasoned politician, he turned his head for a polite cough before continuing. “I’m also looking forward to being job-site foreman on the River Walk project as well as the general liaison between you and the Murano Group.” The room hummed again. He arched a brow. “Unless the Murano Group tells me I’m desperately needed elsewhere, I’m here for the duration of this project.”

      As another ripple of good-natured laughter filled the room, Nick’s hand made an involuntary pass СКАЧАТЬ