Once Upon a Bride. Helen Lacey
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Название: Once Upon a Bride

Автор: Helen Lacey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ half smiled. “Did we? You said you wanted a passionless relationship.”

      Her breath caught. She didn’t want to talk about that with him. Not when her pulse was racing so erratically. She remembered how he knew her secrets. He knew what she wanted. “Yes,” she replied and hated that it tasted like a lie. “Passion is overrated.”

      “Do you think?” he asked quietly, his intense gaze locked with hers. “And chemistry?”

      “Even more overrated.”

      “That’s a handy line when you’re in denial.”

      She tried but couldn’t drag her gaze away. “I’m not in denial,” she insisted. “About...anything.”

      About you. That was what she meant. And he knew it, too.

      “Good,” he said, almost as though he was trying to convince himself. “Shall I open this?” he asked, and gestured to the wine bottle he carried.

      Lauren nodded and grabbed two glasses and a corkscrew from the cupboard, laying them on the counter. “How do you like your steak?”

      “Medium rare,” he replied. “You?”

      She shrugged. “Same. Did Jed behave himself today? No disasters? No sacrificial sneakers?”

      He grinned and grabbed the corkscrew. “It was moderately better than the last time.”

      She laughed softly. “He’s usually very civilized when Cameron is around.”

      “He’s pining,” Gabe said, and popped the cork. “Missing the people he loves most. It’s natural he would.”

      Lauren nodded. “You’re right. And it’s only for a few more days. I heard from Cameron’s house sitter this morning, and she’s flying back into Bellandale on Sunday afternoon.”

      He passed her a glass of wine, and Lauren’s fingers tingled when they briefly touched his. If he noticed, he didn’t show it. “How long have you lived here?” he asked.

      “Just over a year.”

      “It’s...nice. My sister, Bianca, would love it,” he said easily and rested against the countertop. “She’s into decorating.”

      Lauren pulled a couple of plates from the cupboard. “Do you have one of those large Italian-American families?”

      “There are four of us. Aaron is thirty five and the eldest. He’s divorced and has twin four-year-old boys. And then there’s me, three years younger.” He grinned a little. “Then Luca, who’s thirty and married to his IT job, and Bianca, who is twenty-six and the baby of the family.”

      She nodded. “And your parents?”

      “There’s only my mom,” he explained, watching her with such blistering intensity, Lauren found it hard to concentrate on preparing their meal. “My dad died fifteen years ago.”

      Her expression softened. “I’m sorry. Were you close?”


      She nodded again. “What did he—”

      “Lung cancer.”

      The awful words hung in the air between them, and an old pain jabbed between her ribs. She pushed the memory off as quickly as it came.

      “I’m sorry,” she said gently. “I feel very lucky to still have both my parents.”

      “And there’s only you and Cameron?” he asked.

      “Yes,” she replied. “And he’s actually my half brother. Our mother married my dad when he was three years old. I would have loved a sister, though. I mean, we’re really close, but a big family would be wonderful.”

      His gaze absorbed hers. “You want children?”

      She nodded. “I always thought I’d like to have three kids.”

      He raised a brow. “With Mr. No-Passion?”

      A smile tugged at his mouth, and Lauren couldn’t stop her lips from creasing into a tiny grin. “Maybe. Hopefully. One day.”

      He looked at her oddly, as if he wanted to have an opinion about it but was holding his tongue. When he finally spoke, he surprised her. “You’ll make a good mom.”

      “I... Thank you.” The air crackled, and she avoided eye contact by feigning a deep interest in the salad she’d prepared. When he spoke again, she looked up.

      “Need any help?” he asked, and took both wineglasses to the table.

      “No,” she replied and plated the food quickly. “I’m nearly done. Take a seat.”

      A minute later, she placed the plates on the table and sat down. For one crazy second she thought...no, imagined...that the mood between them felt a little like a date. A first date.

      Stupid. They were neighbors. Acquaintances. Nothing more. So what if he was the most attractive man she’d ever met? Attraction hadn’t done her any favors in the past. She’d been attracted to James, and that had ended badly for them both. This would be the same. And anything more than attraction was out of the question.

      “So did you have a similar job in California?” she asked, determined to steer the conversation away from herself.

      “Not really,” he replied vaguely and picked up the utensils. “I worked as a lifeguard part-time at Huntington Beach, near where I lived.”

      “Cameron said the place has never run so smoothly. Do you enjoy the work?” she asked.

      “Yeah...sure,” he replied casually. “I like the beach,” he said, and when she raised a brow indicating she wanted him to elaborate, he continued. “And I get to teach a few classes, lifeguard on the weekends and juggle paperwork during the week.” He shrugged. “It’s not exactly rocket science.”

      She was itching to ask him more questions. Cameron had told her he was clearly overqualified for the role at the surf club. She knew he didn’t talk about himself much, and that suited her fine. Most of the time. But tonight she was interested. As much as warning bells pealed, she wanted to know more about him. She wanted to know what made him tick. She wanted to know why he’d moved his life from California to Crystal Point.

      “Don’t you miss your old life? Your friends, your family?”

      He looked up. “Of course.”

      “I could never leave my family like that,” she said, and knew it sounded like a judgment. She shrugged and sighed a little. “I mean, I’d miss them too much to be away for too long.”

      If it was a dig, he ignored it. Because he was so mesmerized by her sheer loveliness, Gabe couldn’t look away. He shouldn’t have come around. He shouldn’t have thought he could spend an evening with Lauren and not get caught up in the desire that thrummed through his blood. She was tempting. And he was...tempted.

      “You СКАЧАТЬ