Long, Tall Temporary Husband. Anne Ha
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Название: Long, Tall Temporary Husband

Автор: Anne Ha

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ wouldn’t tell me what it was about, but it sounds important.”

      “I’m sure it is, but I’m not interested.”

      Candy chewed her gum. “Talk to the man, Taylor.”

      She started to say, “I’m too busy,” but Candy cut her off.

      “I’ll cover your section,” the other woman said.

      Taylor glanced around the busy restaurant. “Thanks, Candy, but—”

      “No buts. The guy’s your husband. At least go hear what he has to say.”

      “Steve’s going to kill me if I take an early break.”

      “I’ll handle it.”

      As if on cue, Sleazy Steve slammed a plate of pancakes down on the service counter. It was Jake’s order.

      “Take it over,” Candy said. “I’ll bring you something in a minute. Eggs and toast okay?”

      Resigned to her fate, Taylor reached for the order. “Sure, Candy. And thanks. I think.”


      Jake watched his wife cross the room, a plate of food in her strong, slender hands. He’d always enjoyed watching her—the unconscious rhythm of her steps, the sway of her hips, the way she carried her head high and proud.

      She put the plate down in front of him and then, to his surprise, slid onto the opposite bench.

      He watched as she settled herself, her back straight against the cushion. She didn’t look happy to be there.

      “Hello, Taylor,” he said.


      “Thanks for coming over.”

      She shrugged. “No problem.”

      Jake glanced down at his plate, then up at Taylor. He didn’t pick up his fork. A lot was riding on the next half hour. The future of the Cassidy Ranch was in his hands, and in hers.

      Taylor looked so different from how she had the summer before. Her expression was wary and uncertain, not at all like the composed, self-possessed woman he’d married. She was too thin, and her skin had a pallor to it, instead of the healthy glow of before.

      For a moment he felt almost sorry for her. If the past five months had been hard on him, they’d obviously been harder on her. He’d only lost his heart. She’d lost her whole life-style—the clothes, the fast cars, the parties.

      As soon as his mind formed the thought, his pity vanished.

      Taylor glared at him from across the table. “How did you find me?”

      “I called your father a couple of days ago.” He paused, then added, “I didn’t know, Taylor.” He wondered whether that would make any difference to her. He’d spent the past five months assuming she was living her carefree life in Boston, never imagining the truth.

      Hell, he was still her husband. He still had responsibilities toward her that wouldn’t end until the divorce papers were signed.

      Divorce papers. Despite his dislike of Taylor’s behavior on the ranch last summer, despite their differences, the thought of signing divorce papers still left him with a hollow feeling in his gut. Since the day she’d stormed off the ranch, he’d been waiting for the papers to show up in the mail, dreading the moment. But they never had.

      After talking to her father, though, he thought he knew the reason. Taylor probably hadn’t had the time or the money to find an attorney to file the papers. A nasty job in a dirty restaurant wouldn’t leave her a lot of extra money. Certainly not as much spare cash as she’d used to have.

      He planned to use that to his advantage.

      “Tell me why you’re here, Jake.”

      He took a deep breath. “I need your help.” God, but he hated having to ask her for a favor. He’d much rather have her in his debt than the other way around.

      “My help?” Was that a note of surprise he detected? Surprise that he would throw away his pride enough to ask her for a favor?

      “Yes,” he answered. There was nothing for it. He made himself say the words. “I need your help to buy a piece of land.”

      She blinked. “Jake, I don’t exactly have a lot of spare cash right now.”

      “I don’t need your money, Taylor.” This was the crux of it. Even if she still had access to her trust fund and her allowance, it wouldn’t help him at all. Jake had more than enough cash to buy the land he wanted. He just didn’t have...his wife. “I don’t need your money,” he repeated. “I need you.”

      I need you. Such a simple phrase, but so devastating to say. All his life he’d done his best to avoid it. And after she’d left he’d sworn he wouldn’t ever say those three words to anyone, wouldn’t ever let himself feel those emotions. But here he was, saying them to none other than Taylor Cassidy.

      She leaned back in her chair, a look of disbelief on her face. She tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. A rich chocolate brown, it had grown out from the short, stylish cut she’d worn before, now curving just below her jaw.

      He liked it. It wasn’t so polished and perfect. And he wanted to sink his hands into that extra hair, to feel it sliding through his fingers.

      Even now he fought the urge to reach across the table to feel it, to see if it was still as soft as he remembered. They’d used to be husband and wife, free to touch or caress each other when the mood struck. Now there was a wall between them.

      In five months of living alone he’d finally gotten used to not having her around. But being so close to her again threw that all to the wind. He was right back to where he’d been last summer, wanting her so much he couldn’t think straight.

      Jake took a moment to calm his senses. He had to be rational today. Totally unlike the man who’d fallen for Taylor like a ton of bricks last summer. His future was on the line; he couldn’t let his past mess it up.

      “You need me to do what?” Taylor asked.

      “I need you to be my wife again.”

      She stared at him long and hard. “Forget it.” She started to slide out of the booth.

      “Taylor, sit down. It wouldn’t be real. I just need you to pretend to be my wife. For a week.”

      Taylor stayed in her seat. Jake suspected it was because the blond waitress showed up just then with a glass of milk and a plate of eggs and toast, rather than because he’d asked her to.

      She picked up her fork. “Let me know when you regain your sanity, okay?”

      Jake opened his mouth to explain his predicament, but Taylor held up her hand for silence. He kept his mouth shut while she ate. Jake took a bite of his pancakes. They were surprisingly good, so he ate while he waited for Taylor.

      Finally СКАЧАТЬ