Jared's Runaway Woman. Judith Stacy
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Название: Jared's Runaway Woman

Автор: Judith Stacy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ of life she’d wanted since she was a child.

      Her heart ached again, this time in an old, familiar way. Oh, to think that her dearest dream might one day come true…

      Kinsey pushed away the thought. She headed back to the boardinghouse.

      A night for celebration. No doubt about it.

      Jared reared back in his chair and picked up his beer—his third, so far—from the table in front of him. Around him, the dozen or so other patrons of the Wild Cat Saloon drank at the bar, told stories, or played cards. Everyone in a jovial mood.

      And none more so than Jared. He tipped up his beer, thoroughly pleased with himself. His gut glowed with the success he’d pulled off today.

      He’d gotten Clark’s boy back.

      Winning a large contract, edging out the competition for a big job, convincing a supplier to meet the terms Jared dictated, none of his many achievements in the business world even came close to the feeling of accomplishment he felt tonight.

      Jared couldn’t believe his good luck. After walking Clark’s son home from school, he’d gone into the boardinghouse intending to find Kinsey and talk to her. He’d found something much more important. The family Bible that had revealed the truth of her past.

      He’d been stunned. Damn Pinkerton detective had gotten a key element of his search wrong—dead wrong. No information on a stepsister, on a real Kinsey Templeton in his report. No mention of her in Clark’s letters to any of the family, either.

      But Jared had gotten his way, despite the mistake, and that’s all that mattered.

      He took another long sip from the foamy beer glass, and once again considered sending a telegram to his family back in New York with the good news that Clark’s son had been found. But Jared disregarded the idea. Better to keep the situation to himself, especially here in Crystal Springs. There was plenty of time for sharing the good news after he and the child were on the train home.

      And the two of them would be homeward bound tomorrow. Jared’s gut ached a little as he sipped his beer. Tomorrow, he’d begin to make up for what he’d done, in memory of Clark.

      Bright and early, he intended to pick up the boy and head east in a wagon he’d rent from the livery stable. From Cold Creek, he’d take the stage, then meet up with the train at the closest depot.

      He didn’t worry that Kinsey would run off with the boy again. Jared had her dead to rights. With no blood claim on the child, and lacking legal authority, there was no way she could justify keeping the boy any longer. Besides, the train and stagecoach were the only way out of Crystal Springs. He couldn’t imagine her running off on foot, dragging the boy and her belongings with her. Jared was reasonably sure she didn’t have the money to buy a horse and wagon either.

      So he was set. A little smile pulled at Jared’s lips. He’d be back in New York in plenty of time to get up to Maine, start the new job that awaited him. The project was a big one and Jared was anxious to get it started.

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